历红波 教授
地址:皇冠体育投注-皇冠体育盘口 B519室
Email: hongboli@hgbetting.com
2007.09-2013.01 中国科学院城市环境研究所 环境科学,理学博士
2003.09-2007.06 北京师范大学 皇冠体育投注 环境工程,工学学士
2024.11-至今 南京大学,皇冠体育投注 ,教授
2020.06-至今 南京大学,皇冠体育投注 ,博士生导师
2016.11-2024.11 南京大学,皇冠体育投注 ,副教授
2015.01-2016.10 南京大学,皇冠体育投注 ,副研究员
2013.01-2014.12 南京大学,皇冠体育投注 ,博士后
《Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology》期刊副主编
《Frontiers in Chemistry》期刊副主编
《Frontiers in Microbiology》专刊编辑
《Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology》专刊编辑
1.国家重点研发计划 (科技部) 项目“污染场地土壤功能重构与持续利用新技术”的课题“污染场地土壤功能重构与持续利用的监测监管技术与应用示范”(2023YFC3708105),2023-12至2027-11,410万元,在研,主持
5.国家自然科学基金面上项目,41877356,稻米中镉的人体生物有效性及调控机制研究,2019-01至2022-12, 62万,结题, 主持
6.国家重点研发计划 (科技部) 项目,2018YFC1801004,项目 场地土壤污染物形态原位表征和生物有效性的标准化测试方法研究 课题 场地土壤典型污染物人体生物有效性标准测试方法的建立 子课题"场地土壤典型重金属人体生物有效性测试方法开发", 2018-12至2022-11, 76 万,结题, 主持
8.国家重点研发计划(科技部)项目,2016YFD0800807,设施农业镉砷污染土壤的植物高效萃取修复技术体系研究与示范子课题"土壤砷中轻度污染植物萃取修复技术与集成",2016-01至2020-12, 50万元, 结题, 主持
9.国家自然科学基金青年项目,21507057,典型污染区室内灰尘中铅砷人体生物有效性预测模型的构建与应用, 2016-01至2018-12, 24万元, 结题,主持
10.江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,BK20150573,基于人体胃肠模拟液体外法的典型污染区室内灰尘中铅砷的生物有效性及人体健康风险研究, 2015-07至2018-06,20万元,结题,主持
1. Xin-Ying Lin1, Tian-Wen Ye1, Xu Duan, Bo-Xuan Wang, Dongmei Zhou, Hong-Bo Li*. Cadmium in market pork kidneys: A study on cadmium bioavailability and the health effects based on mouse models. Environmental Science & Technology 2024, 58, 14651−1466.
2. Ying-Xin Xue, Li-Jie Huang, Hong-Yu Wang, Jing-Jing Peng, Ming-Kang Jin, Shi-Lin Hu, Hong-Bo Li*, Xi-Mei Xue*, Yong-Guan Zhu. Interaction of tetracycline and copper co-intake in inducing antibiotic resistance genes and potential pathogens in mouse gut. Environment International 2024, 186, 108594.
3. Zhang Yao-Sheng, Albert L. Juhasz, Xi Jin-Feng, Lena Q. Ma, Dongmei Zhou, and Hong-Bo Li*. Dietary galactooligosaccharides supplementation as a gut microbiota-regulating way to lower early-life arsenic exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 19463−19472.
4. Lei Zhou, Xin-Ying Lin, Rong-Yue Xue, Jin-Lei Yang, Yao-Sheng Zhang, Dongmei Zhou, and Hong-Bo Li*. Mechanistic insights into effects of different dietary polyphenol supplements on arsenic bioavailability, biotransformation, and toxicity based on a mouse model. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 15422−15431.
5. Jin-Lei Yang, Albert L. Juhasz, Meng-Ya Li, Jing Ding, Xi-Mei Xue, Dongmei Zhou, Lena Q. Ma, Hong-Bo Li*. Chronic exposure to drinking water As, Pb, and Cd at provisional guideline values reduces weight gain in male mice via gut microflora alterations and intestinal inflammation. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57, 12981−12990.
6. Xi-Mei Xue#, Hong-Yu Wang#, Xin-Wei Yu*, Shi-Lin Hu, Li-Jie Huang, Hui-Cheng Yang, Li-Ke Gong, Kai Yang, Hong-Bo Li*, Yong-Guan Zhu. Gut microbiota involve in the bioavailability and metabolism of organoarsenicals contained in orally ingested seaweeds in mice. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57, 8588−8597.
7. Hong-Yu Wang, Shan Chen, Rong-Yue Xue, Xin-Ying Lin, Jin-Lei Yang, Yao-Sheng Zhang, Shi-Wei Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Dongmei Zhou, Lena Q. Ma, Hong-Bo Li*. Arsenic ingested early in life is more readily absorbed: Mechanistic insights from gut microbiota, gut metabolites, intestinal morphology and functions. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57, 1017-1027.
8. Hong-Bo Li*, Rong-Yue Xue, Xiao-Qiang Chen, Xin-Ying Lin, Xiao-Xia Shi, Hai-Yan Du, Nai-Yi Yin, Yan-Shan Cui, Li-Na Li, Kirk G. Scheckel, Albert L. Juhasz, Xi-Mei Xue, Yong-Guan Zhu*, Lena Q. Ma*. Ca minerals and oral bioavailability of Pb, Cd, and As from indoor dust in mice: Mechanisms and health implications. Environmental Health Perspectives 2022, 130(12), 127004.
9. Xin-Ying Lin, Rong-Yue Xue, Hong-Yu Wang, Lei Zhou, Shan Chen, Shuo Zhang, Shi-Wei Li, Lena Q. Ma, Dong-Mei Zhou, and Hong-Bo Li*. Effects of various Fe compounds on the bioavailability of Pb contained in orally ingested soils in mice: Mechanistic insights and health implications. Environment International 2022, 170, 107664.
10. Li MY, Chen XQ, Wang JY, Wang HT, Xue XM, Ding J, Juhasz AL, Zhu YG, Li HB*, Ma LQ*. Antibiotic exposure decreases soil arsenic oral bioavailability in mice by disrupting ileal microbiota and metabolic profile. Environment International 2021, 151, 106444.
11. Li HB*, Chen XQ, Wang JY, Li MY, Zhao D, Luo XS, Juhasz AL, Ma, LQ. Antagonistic interactions between arsenic, lead, and cadmium in the mouse gastrointestinal tract and their influences on metal relative bioavailability in contaminated soils. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, 14264−14272.
12. Li HB*, Li MY, Zhao D, Li J, Li SW, Juhasz AL, Basta NT, Luo YM, Ma, LQ*. Oral bioavailability of As, Pb, and Cd in contaminated soils, dust, and foods based on animal bioassays: a review. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, 10545−10559.
13. Zhu X, Li MY, Chen XQ, Wang JY, Li LZ, Tu C, Luo YM*, Li, H.B.*, Ma, L.Q. As, Cd, and Pb relative bioavailability in contaminated soils: coupling mouse bioassay with UBM assay. Environment International 2019, 130, 104875.
14. Li MY, Wang P, Wang JY, Chen XQ, Zhao D, Yin DX, Luo J, Juhasz AL, Li, H.B.*, Ma, L.Q*. Arsenic concentrations, speciation, and localization in 141 cultivated market mushrooms: implications for arsenic exposure to humans. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, 503−511.
15. Zhao, D., Wang, J. Y., Tang, N., Yin, D.X., Luo, J., Juhasz A.L., Xiang, P., Li, H.B.*, Ma, L.Q*. Coupling bioavailability and stable isotope ratio to discern dietary and non-dietary contribution of metal exposure to residents in mining-impacted areas. Environment International 2018, 120, 563–571.
16. Zhao, D., Juhasz, A. L., Luo, J., Huang, L., Luo, X.S., Li, H. B.*; Ma, L. Q.*, Mineral dietary supplement to decrease cadmium relative bioavailability in rice based on a mouse bioassay. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51, 12123−12130.
17. Zhao, D., Liu, R. Y., Xiang, P., Juhasz, A. L., Huang, L., Luo, J., Li, H. B.*, Ma, L. Q. Applying cadmium relative bioavailability to assess dietary intake from rice to predict cadmium urinary excretion in nonsmokers. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51, 6756–6764.
18. Li H. B., Li, J., Zhao, D., Li, C., Wang, X. J., Sun, H. J., Juhasz, A. L., Ma, L. Q.*. Arsenic relative bioavailability in rice using a mouse arsenic urinary excretion bioassay and its application to assess human health risk. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51, 4689−4696.
19. Sun, H. J., P. Xiang, J. Luo, H. C. Hong, H. J. Lin, Hongbo Li*, and L. Q. Ma*. Mechanisms of arsenic disruption on gonadal, adrenal and thyroid endocrine systems in humans: A review. Environment International 2016, 95, 61–68.
20. Li H. B., Zhao, D., Li, J., Li, S. W., Wang, N., Juhasz, A. L., Zhu, Y. G., Ma, L.Q.*. Using the SBRC assay to predict lead relative bioavailability in urban soils: contaminant source and correlation model. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 4989–4996.
21. Di, Zhao, Jie Li, Chao Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Kirk G. Scheckel, Jun Luo, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma*. Lead relative bioavailability in lip products and their potential health risk to women. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 6036–6043.
22. Li, J., Li, C., Sun. H. J., Juhasz, A. L., Luo J., Li, H. B.*, Ma, L.Q.*. Arsenic relative bioavailability in contaminated soils: Comparison of animal models, dosing schemes and biological endpoints. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 453–461.
23. Hongbo Li, Kai Chen, Albert L. Juhasz, Lei Huang*, Lena Q. Ma*. Childhood lead exposure in an industrial town in China: coupling stable isotope ratios with bioaccessible lead. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49, 5080-5087.
24. Hongbo Li, Jie Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Lena Q. Ma*. Correlation of in vivo relative bioavailability to in vitro bioaccessibility for arsenic in household dust from China and its implication for human exposure assessment. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 13652–13659.
25. Hongbo Li, Xinyi Cui, Kan Li, Jie Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Lena Q. Ma*. Assessment of in vitro lead bioaccessibility in house dust and its relationship to in vivo lead relative bioavailability. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 8548–8555.
1.王珏旸, 历红波. 一种测定土壤和食品中镍的小鼠生物有效性的方法. 专利号: ZL 2019 1 1245086.3. 申请日: 2019年12月6日. 授权公告日: 2020年12月15日.
2.历红波, 王宁, 任静华, 王梦雨. 一种降低蔬菜镉人体生物有效性的钙生物强化措施. 申请号: CN202110236143.2. 申请日: 2021.03.03. 已授权. 2022.10.26
1.团体标准 建设用地土壤污染物铅人体生物有效性的测定 模拟唾液和胃液提取法. T/JSSES 36—2023. 发布日: 2023年11月17日. 江苏省环境科学学会发布.
2.团体标准 建设用地土壤污染物镉人体生物有效性的测定 模拟胃液提取法. T/JSSES 37—2023. 发布日: 2023年11月17日. 江苏省环境科学学会发布.
参译《生物地球化学—全球变化分析》(Biogeochemistry-an Analysis of Global Change)、参与《环境化学实验》(第二版)编写、参编英文论著《Twenty Years of Research and Development on Soil Pollution and Remediation in China》