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2002.03-2005.01:皇冠体育投注-皇冠体育盘口 环境科学系,理学博士
2005.03-2005.07:耶鲁大学林业与皇冠体育投注 ,博士后
2006.12-2011.12:皇冠体育投注-皇冠体育盘口 ,副教授,硕士生导师
2011.12- 皇冠体育投注-皇冠体育盘口 ,教授
2018.02- 南京大学(溧水)生态环境研究院,院长
Board Member, International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), 2019-
Watershed & River Basin Management committee, International Water Association (IWA), 2018-
International Board, International Symposium of Environmental Geochemistry, 2016-
Executive Editor-in-Chief, Resources, Environment and Sustainability(2020-)
Editorial board, Watershed Ecology and the Environment(2019-)
Editorial board, Circular Economy and Sustainability(2020-)
Songyan Jiang, Ling Zhang, Hui Hua, Xuewei Liu, Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*. Assessment of end-of-life electric vehicle batteries in China: Future scenarios and economic benefits. Waste Management, 2021, accepted
Yumei Wang, Ya Tang, Mengyao Li, Zengwei Yuan*. Aeration rate improves the compost quality of food waste and promotes the decomposition of toxic materials in leachate by changing the bacterial community. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 340, 1-10. //doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2021.125716
Kai Yan#, Jianchu Xu#, Wei Gao, Mingjiu Li, Zengwei Yuan*, Fusuo Zhang, James Elser. Human perturbation on phosphorus cycles in one of China’s most eutrophicated. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 2021, 4(100026). //doi.org/10.1016/j.resenv.2021.100026
Yumei Wang, Zengwei Yuan*. Enhancing food security and environmental sustainability: A critical review of food loss and waste management. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 2021, 4, //doi.org/10.1016/j.resenv.2021.100023
Xin Liu, Zican Cai, Zengwei Yuan*. Environmental burdens of small-scale intensive pig production in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 770: 144720. //doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144720
Xin Liu, Foyou Yan, Hui Hua, Zengwei Yuan*. Identifying hotspots based on high-resolution emission inventory of volatile organic compounds: A case study in China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 288, 112419. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112419
Ling Zhang, Wenchun Ran, Songyan Jiang, Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*. Understanding consumers’ behavior intention of recycling mobile phone through formal channels in China: The effect of privacy concern. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 2021, 5, 100027. //doi.org/10.1016/j.resenv.2021.100027
盛虎, 刘欣, 芦昕雨, 廖宇星, 袁增伟*. 复杂磷循环过程模拟方法与平台实现——以畜禽养殖系统循环为例. 资源科学, 2021, 43(3): 465-476.
张玲, 冉文春, 袁增伟*. 人类圈铜循环格局演变及趋势. 资源科学, 2021, 43(3): 513-523.
袁增伟*, 程明今. 物质循环科学的研究对象、理论与方法. 资源科学, 2021, 43(3): 435-445.
Yinglin Wu*, Ling Xie, Zengwei Yuan*, Songyan Jiang, Wenhua Liu, Hu Sheng. Investigating public biodiversity conservation awareness based on the propagation of wildlife-related incidents on the Sina Weibo social media platform. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15(9): 094082. //iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab9ed1 .
Tianming Chen, Shiwen Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*. Adoption of solid organic waste composting products: A critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 272, 122712. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122712
Xuewei Liu, Zengwei Yuan*, Xin Liu, You Zhang, Hui Hua, Songyan Jiang. Closing phosphorus cycles in China: Perspectives of waste recycling potential, 1900-2015. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 5131-5139, //dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b05120
Kai Yan#, Zengwei Yuan#, Stefanie Goldberg, Wei Gao, Anne Ostermann, Jianchu Xu*, Fusuo Zhang, James Elser. Phosphorous mitigation remains critical in water protection: A review and meta-analysis from one of China’s most eutrophicated lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 689: 1336-1347.
Hui Hua, Songyan Jiang, Hu Sheng, You Zhang, Xuewei Liu, Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Tianming Chen. A high spatial-temporal resolution emission inventory of multi-type air pollutants for Wuxi city. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 229:278-288.
Zengwei Yuan*, Jiaying Ji, Hu Sheng, Songyan Jiang, Tianming Chen, Xuewei Liu, Xin Liu, Yujie Zhuang, Ling Zhang. Animal based diets and environment: Perspective from phosphorus flow quantifications of livestock and poultry raising in China. Journal of Environmental Management 2019, 244: 199-207.
Zengwei Yuan*, Tao Luo, Xuewei Liu, Hui Hua, Yujie Zhuang, Xuehua Zhang, Ling Zhang, You Zhang, Weiwei Xu, Jinghua Ren. Tracing anthropogenic Cadmium emissions: From sources to pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 676: 87-96.
Ling Zhang, Jiaming Qu, Hu Sheng, Jiameng Yang, Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*. Urban mining potentials of university: In-use and hibernating stocks of Personal electronics and students’ disposal behaviors. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2019, 143: 210-217
You Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Manuele Margni, Cécile Bulle, Hui Hua, Songyan Jiang, Xuewei Liu. Intensive carbon dioxide emissions of coal chemical industry in China. Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 540-550.
Songyan Jiang, Hui Hua, Hu Sheng, Helen P. Jarvie, Xin Liu, You Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Ling Zhang, Xuewei Liu. Phosphorus footprint in China over the 1961-2050 period: Historical perspective and future prospect. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650: 687-695.
Huijun Wu, Shun Wang, Liangmin Gao, Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Tingyu Fan, Kaiping Wei, Li Huang. Nutrient-derived environmental impacts in Chinese agriculture during 1978-2015. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 217: 762-774.
Zengwei Yuan*, Xiao Pan, Tianming Chen, Xuewei Liu, You Zhang, Songyan Jiang, Hu Sheng, Ling Zhang. Evaluating environmental impacts of pig slurry treatment technologies with a life-cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 188: 840-850.
Songyan Jiang, Hui Hua, Helen P. Jarvie, Xuewei Liu, You Zhang, Hu Sheng, Xin Liu, Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*. Enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus flows in a mixed land use basin: Drivers and consequences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 181: 416-425.
Zengwei Yuan*, Songyan Jiang, Hu Sheng, Xin Liu, Hui Hua, Xuewei Liu, You Zhang. Human perturbation of the global phosphorus cycle: Changes and consequences. Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, 52(5): 2438-2450.
Aiping Pang, Songyan Jiang, Zengwei Yuan*. An approach to identify the spatiotemporal patterns of nitrogen flows in food production and consumption system within watersheds. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 624: 1004-1012.
Xuewei Liu, Zengwei Yuan*, Yuan Xu, Songyan Jiang. Greening cement in China: A cost-effective roadmap. Applied Energy, 2017, 189: 233-244.
Ling Zhang, Tianming Chen, Jiameng Yang, Zhijian Cai, Hu Sheng, Zengwei Yuan*, Huijun Wu. Characterizing copper flows in international trade of China, 1975-2015. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 601-602: 1238-1246.
Huijun Wu, Liangmin Gao, Zengwei Yuan*, Shun Wang. Life cycle assessment of phosphorus use efficient in crop production system of three crops in Chaohu watershed, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 139: 1298-1307.
Rufeng Xiao, You Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*. Environmental impacts of reclamation and recycling processes of refrigerators using life cycle assessment (LCA) methods. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 131: 52-59.
Xin Liu, Hu Sheng, Songyan Jiang, Zengwei Yuan*, Chaosheng Zhang, James J Elser. Intensification of phosphorus cycling in China since the 1600s. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the United States, 2016, 113(10): 2609-2614.
Huijun Wu, Yongliang Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Liangmin Gao. A review of phosphorus management through the food system: Identifying the roadmap to ecological agriculture. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 114: 45-54.
Zengwei Yuan*, You Zhang, Xin Liu. Life cycle assessment of horizontal-axis washing machines in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2016, 21(1): 15-28.
Huijun Wu, Yongliang Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Liangmin Gao. Phosphorus flow management of cropping system in Huainan, China, 1990-2012. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112(part 1): 39-48.
Xin Liu, Zengwei Yuan*. Life cycle environmental performance of by-product coke production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112(part 2): 1292-1301.
Jinglei Gao, Zengwei Yuan*, Xuewei Liu, Xiaoming Xia, Xianjin Huang, Zhanfeng Dong*. Improving air pollution control policy in China - A perspective based on cost–benefit analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 543: 307-314.
Songyan Jiang, Zengwei Yuan*. Phosphorus flow patterns in the Chaohu watershed from 1978-2012. Environmental Science and Technology. 2015, 49(24): 13973-13982.
Ling Zhang, Jiameng Yang, Zhijian Cai, Zengwei Yuan*. Understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of copper in-use stocks in China. Environmental Science and Technology. 2015, 49(11): 6430-6437.
Ling Zhang, Zhijian Cai, Jiameng Yang, Zengwei Yuan*, Yan Chen. The future of copper in China-A perspective based on analysis of copper flows and stocks. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 536: 142-149.
You Zhang, Xin Liu, Rufeng Xiao, Zengwei Yuan*. Life cycle assessment of cotton T-shirts in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2015, 20(7): 994-1004.
Rufeng Xiao, You Zhang, Xin Liu, Zengwei Yuan*. A life cycle assessment of household refrigerators in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 95: 301-310.
Yinyin Fu, Xin Liu, Zengwei Yuan*. Life cycle assessment of multi–crystalline photovoltaic (PV) systems in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 86: 180-190.
Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*, Liangmin Gao, Ling Zhang, Yongliang Zhang. Life-cycle phosphorus management of the crop production-consumption system in China, 1980-2012. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 502, 706-721.
袁增伟,张诗文,覃祖茂.一种蝇蛆智能分离干化系统及其使用方法,授权号:ZL 201911127903.5
袁增伟,张诗文,周新荣,陈天鸣,王婷,覃祖茂. 一种餐厨垃圾渗滤液处理装置及其使用方法,授权号:ZL 202010018952.1
袁增伟,张诗文,覃祖茂.一种蝇蛆智能分离干化装置,授权号:ZL 201911127114.1
袁增伟,张诗文. 一种家用厨余垃圾智能收集器及其控制方法,授权号:ZL 201811446831.6
袁增伟,张诗文. 一种基于物联网的分散式厨余垃圾回收处理系统,授权号:ZL 201811525984.X
袁增伟,张诗文. 一种基于光谱技术的厨余垃圾快速鉴定方法,专利号:ZL 201811184875.6
袁增伟, 王蕾, 谈建康, 潘笑. 一种高效规模化家蝇成蝇养殖器, 授权号:ZL 201610515250.8
袁增伟、季佳莹、张玲、盛虎、刘欣. 一种基于遥感解译和降雨实验的雨水径流污染负荷测算方法,专利号:ZL 201910574359.2
教育部新世纪优秀人才计划, 2011