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20038-20087 清华大学环境科学与工程系 硕士和博士

期间20049-20053 挪威奥斯陆大学 访问学生

19999-20037 清华大学环境科学与工程系 学士


20121月至今 皇冠体育投注-皇冠体育盘口  教授 (环境工程系)    

20089-201112  美国哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院 博士后

20066-20069 奥地利国际应用系统分析研究所 研究助理







Aerosol and Air Quality Research 编辑

Scientific Reports 编辑






1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,优秀青年科学基金项目,大气污染物来源的定量识别及校验,2020-012022-12,主持

2. 第四批国家高层次人才计划青年拔尖人才2019-032022-02,主持

3. 江苏省PM2.5与臭氧污染协同控制重大专项课题,PM2.5臭氧生成关键前体物高精度排放清单研究2019-072021-06,主持






1. Zhang Y, Zhao Y*, Gao M, Bo X, Nielsen C. Air quality and health benefits from ultra-low emission control policy indicated by continuous emission monitoring: A case study in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 6411-6430, 2021.

2. Yang J, Zhao Y*, Cao J, Nielsen C. Co-benefits of carbon and pollution control policies on air quality and health till 2030 in China, Environment International, 152, 106482, 2021.

3. Zhao Y*, Yuan M, Huang X, Chen F, Zhang J. Quantification and evaluation of atmospheric ammonia emissions with different methods: a case study for the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 4275–4294, 2020.

4. Yang Y, Zhao Y*, Quantification and evaluation of atmospheric pollutant emissions from open biomass burning with multiple methods: A case study for Yangtze River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19, 327-348, 2019.

5Zhao X, Zhao Y*, Chen D, Li C, Zhang J. Top-down estimate of black carbon emissions for city cluster using ground observations: A case study in southern Jiangsu, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19, 2095-2113, 2019.

6Zhou Y, Zhao Y*, Mao P, Zhang Q, Zhang J, Qiu L, Yang Y. Development of a high-resolution emission inventory and its evaluation and application through air quality modeling for Jiangsu Province, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 211-233, 2017.

7. Zhao Y*, Mao P, Zhou Y, Yang Y, Zhang J, Wang S, Dong Y, Xie F, Yu Y, Li W. Improved provincial emission inventory and speciation profiles of anthropogenic non-methane volatile organic compounds: a case study for Jiangsu, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 7733-7756, 2017.

8. Xia Y, Zhao Y*, Nielsen CP. Benefits of China’s efforts in gaseous pollutant control indicated by the bottom-up emissions and satellite observations 2000–2014. Atmospheric Environment, 136, 43-53, 2016.

9Zhao Y*, Qiu L, Xu R, Xie F, Zhang Q, Yu Y, Nielsen CP, Qin H, Wang H, Wu X, Li W, Zhang J. Advantages of city-scale emission inventory for urban air quality research and policy: the case of Nanjing, a typical industrial city in the Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 12623-12644, 2015.

10. Zhao Y*, Zhang J, Nielsen CP. The effects of recent control policies on trends in emissions of anthropogenic atmospheric pollutants and CO China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 487-508, 2013.

11. Zhao Y*, Nielsen CP, McElroy MB. China’s CO2 emissions estimated from the bottom up: Recent trends, spatial distributions, and quantification of uncertainties. Atmospheric Environment, 59, 214-223, 2012.

12. Zhao Y*, Nielsen CP, Lei Y., McElroy MB, Hao JM. Quantifying the uncertainties of a bottom-up emission inventory of anthropogenic atmospheric pollutants in China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 2295-2308, 2011.

13. Zhao Y*, Wang SX, Nielsen CP, Li XH, Hao JM. Establishment of a database of emission factors for atmospheric pollutants from Chinese coal-fired power plants. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 1515-1523, 2010.

14. Zhao Y, Duan L, Xing J, Larssen T, Nielsen CP, Hao JM. Soil acidification in China: Is controlling SO2 emissions enough. Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 8021-8026, 2009.

15. Zhao Y, Wang SX, Duan L, Lei Y, Cao PF, Hao JM. Primary air pollutant emissions of coal-fired power plants in China: Current status and future prediction. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 8442-8452, 2008.


1. Zhao Y and Xia Y, National Regulation of SO2 and NOx Emissions in China. In: Liu X and Du E (ed.) Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen in China, pp. 311-330, Springer, 2020.

2. Duan L, Zhao Y, Hao J. Critical Load Assessments for and Nitrogen for Soils and Surface Waters in . In: de Vries W and Hettelingh J-P (ed.) Critical Loads and Dynamic Risk Assessmentspp. 419-438, Springer, 2015.

3. Duan L, Xing J, Zhao Y, Hao JM. Empirical Critical Loads of Nitrogen in . In: Sutton MA, Mason KE, Sheppard LJ, Sverdrup H, Haeuber R, Hicks WK (ed.) Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity, Part III, Springer, 2014.

4. Zhao Y. Primary Air Pollutant Emissions of Coal-fired Power Plants in . In: Nielsen CP and Ho MS (ed.) Clearer Skies over , Part II, pp. 161-202, : the MIT Press, 2013.

5. Zhao Y, Wei W, and Lei Y. An Anthropogenic Emission Inventory of Primary Air Pollutants in for 2005 and 2010. In: Nielsen CP and Ho MS (ed.) Clearer Skies over , Part II, pp. 225-262, : the MIT Press, 2013.

6. Wang SX and Zhao Y. Air Pollution and Lung Cancer Risks. In: Nriagu JO (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, volume 1, pp. 26–38 : Elsevier, 2011.


2016 江苏省科学技术二等奖(城市尺度高分辨率大气污染物排放清单技术研发及应用,第一完成人)

2010 全国优秀博士学位论文



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