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2015.09-2018.06 南京大学, 环境工程, 博士

2012.09-2015.06 华南理工大学, 环境工程, 硕士

2008.09-2012.06 兰州交通大学, 给排水科学与工程, 学士


2022.04 - 现在     南京大学, 环境工程, 副教授

2021.07-2022.03  南京大学, 环境工程, 副研究员

2018.07-2021.06  南京大学, 环境工程, 助理研究员








iMeta (IF=23.7)、《工业水处理》期刊青年编委



本科生课程: 水污染控制工程、人工智能在健康水领域的应用、水与废水处理新技术(全校新生研讨课)

研究生课程: 工业废水治理技术进展


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52270041), 微生物群体感应对活性污泥回收污水碳源的增效机理及调控技术研究, 2023.01-2026.12, 主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51908275), 典型废水处理生物膜可逆粘附过程群感效应及其强化成膜研究, 2020.01-2022.12, 主持

3. 江苏省重点研发计划项目(BE2023687), 废水净化系统智慧化构建与调控关键技术研发与示范, 2023.1-2026.12, 技术负责人

4. 江苏省高价值专利培育计划新建项目(GJ20221030-16), 污水深度清洁新技术, 2022.6-2025.5, 技术负责人

5. 国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题(52192684), 溶解性毒害有机物微生物深度降解与转化机制, 2022.01-2026.12, 主持

6. 国家重点研发项目子课题(2022YFC2105204-03), 复合生物酶体系与入井液增效技术研究, 2023.05-2025.12, 主持

7. 国家重点研发项目子课题(2019YFC1805801), 石化污染场地强化多相抽提效与高效净化耦合技术, 2020.1-2023.12, 主持

8. 广东省重点领域研发计划项目课题(20200113), 基于5G网络的城市供水“端边网云用”一体化智慧水务的研发与应用, 2020.9-2021.12, 主持

9. 国家标准化管理委员会项目(20240988-T-333), 城镇污水处理设施物联网管理技术要求, 2024.05-2025.10, 技术负责人

10. 江苏省市场监督管理局项目, 水环境与水处理自动监测系统通信技术规范, 2024.08-2025.10, 技术负责人

11. 企业联合开发项目(KJQZ-2024-0004), 基于机器学习的石化废水典型毒害物质识别及降解菌群挖掘, 2024.1-2025.12, 主持

12. 企业联合开发项目(HZ-202421), 污水处理厂智慧化控制系统, 2024.11-2024.12, 主持

13. 企业联合开发项目(TJSH-202314), PO废水降解功能菌剂开发, 2023.12-2025.12, 主持

14. 国家基础科学中心项目(52388101), 水质风险控制工程学, 2024.1-2028.12, 主研

15. 国家重点研发计划课题(2023YFC3206903), 炼化废水微生物协同净化增效低碳技术研发, 2023.12-2027.11, 主研


1. Hu J., Yin R., Wang J.*, Ren H. Data driven multiple objective optimization of AAO process towards wastewater effluent biological toxicity reduction. npj Clean Water, 2024, 7:61.

2. Jin Y., Chen W., Hu J., Wang J.*, Ren H. Constructions of quorum sensing signaling network for activated sludge microbial community. ISME Communications, 2024, 4(1): ycae018.

3. Liu Q., Dong D., Jin Y., Wang Q., Zhao F., Wu L., Wang J.*, Ren H. Quorum sensing bacteria improve microbial networks stability and complexity in wastewater treatment plants. Environment International, 2024, 187(2):108659.

4. Wang J., Yang X., Chen W., Zhao Y., Gong S., Dong D., Wang J.*, Ren H. Prediction of activated sludge sedimentation performance using deep transfer learning. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2024, 4(19), 1367–1377.

5. Zhang S., He R., Wang Q., Qu Z., Wang J.*, Wang Y., Ren H. Machine-learning-based approach to assessing water quality in a specific basin: The case of Wujingang basin. ACS ES&T Water, 2024, 4, 3, 1014–1023.

6. Liu Q., Gong S., Zhang H., Su H., Wang J.*, Ren H. Microbial communities assembly in wastewater treatment plants in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 947(5):174751.

7. Zhang S., Jin Y., Chen W., Wang J.*, Wang Y., Ren H. Artificial intelligence in wastewater treatment: A data-driven analysis of status and trends. Chemosphere, 2023, 336:139163.

8. Shi Y., Mu H., You J., Han C., Cheng H., Wang J., Hu H.*, Ren H.* Confined water-encapsulated activated carbon for capturing short- chain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances from drinking water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2023, 120(27):e2219179120.

9. He R., Wu X., Mu H., Chen L., Hu H., Wang J., Ren H., Wu B.* Priority control sequence of 34 typical pollutants in effluents of Chinese wastewater treatment plants. Water Research, 2023, 243(1):120338.

10. Mu H., Wang J., Chen L., Hu H., Wang J., Gu C., Ren H., Wu B.* Identification and characterization of diverse isomers of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Chinese municipal wastewater. Water Research, 2023, 230(11):119580.

11. Liu C., Liao K., Wang J., Wu B., Hu H.*, Ren H. Microbial transformation of dissolved organic sulfur during the oxic pocess in 47 full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 5, 2118–2128

12. Lu X., Yan G., Fu L., Cui B., Wang J., Zhou D.* A review of filamentous sludge bulking controls from conventional methods to emerging quorum quenching strategies. Water Research, 2023, 236:119922.

13. Li J., Wang J., Mu H., Hu H., Wang J., Ren H., Wu B.* Prediction of adsorptive activities of MOFs for pollutants in aqueous phase based on machine learning. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023, 3(9), 1258-1266.

14. Zhao Z., Xue W., Wang J., Zhang C., Zhou D.* The role of trace p-hydroxybenzoic acid to Chlorella for advanced wastewater treatment: Mitigating bacterial contamination and boosting biomass recovery. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2023, 199:107229.

15. Zhu Y., Wang X., Zhao Y., Wang J., Ding L.*, Wang Y., Ren H. Biofilm reactor performance and shifts of microbial community during the start-up and operation phase of MBBRs at 8oC: Effect of exogenous quorum sensing bacteria. ACS ES&T Water, 2023, 3, 3, 804–816.

16. Yang X., Pan Y., Ding L., Wu B., Wang J., Ren H*. Polydopamine/graphite sheet electrode for highly efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen peroxide generation and bisphenol A removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454(12):140026.

17. Hu J., Wang J., Li J., Hu H., Wu B., Ren H., Wang J.*AHLS-pred: a novel sequence-based predictor of acyl-homoserine-lactone synthases using machine learning algorithms. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2022, 14(4), 616-631.

18. Zhu Y., Wang J.*, Liu Q., Jin Y., Ding L., Ren, H. Principles for quorum sensing-based exogeneous denitrifier enhancement of nitrogen removal in biofilm: a review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 53(14), 1404-1429.

19. Dong D., Liu Q., Wang X., Hu H., Wu B., Ren H., Wang J.* Regulation of exogenous acyl homoserine lactones on sludge settling performance: Monitoring via ultrasonic time-domain reflectometry. Chemosphere, 2022, 303:135019.

20. Mu H., Liu Q., Dong D., Hu H., Ding L., Wu B., Wang J.*, Ren H. The diversity of AHLs in WWTPs needs to be assessed more rigorously. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 2022, 12:100391.

21. Pan Y., Shan D., Ding L.L., Yang X.D., Wang J., Wu B., Ren, H.* Ultra-fast redox pulse for stable electrochemiluminescence on AuNP-based biosensors and mechanism investigation. Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 95(5), 2975-2982.

22. Liao K., Ma S., Liu C., Hu H.*, Wang J., Wu B., Ren H. High concentrations of dissolved organic nitrogen and N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors in effluent from biological nutrient removal process with low dissolved oxygen conditions. Water Research, 2022, 216:118336.

23. Liu Y., Chen L., Yu J., Ye L., Hu H., Wang J., Wu B.* Advances in single-cell toxicogenomics in environmental toxicology. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56(16), 11132-11145.

24. Mu H., Li J., Chen L., Hu H., Wang J., Gu C., Zhang X.X., Ren H.Wu B.* Distribution, source and ecological risk of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Chinese municipal wastewater treatment plants. Environment International, 2022, 167:107447.

25. Fu H., Wang J., Ren H., Ding L.*Acceleration of start-up of moving bed biofilm reactor at low temperature by adding specialized quorum sensing bacteria. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 358:127249.

26. Liao K., Hu H.*, Wang J., Wu B., Ren H. Novel insight into dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) transformation along wastewater treatment processes with special emphasis on endogenous-source DON. Environmental Research, 2022, 208:112713.

27. Chen L., Su B., Yu J., Wang J., Hu H., Ren H., Wu, B.*Combined effects of arsenic and 2,2-dichloroacetamide on different cell populations of zebrafish liver. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 821:152961.

28. Wang J., Liu Q., Dong D., Hu H., Wu B., Ren H.*AHLs-mediated quorum sensing threshold and its response towards initial adhesion of wastewater biofilms. Water Research, 2021, 194:116925.

29. Liu Q., Wang J. and Ren H.*Bacterial assembly and succession in the start-up phase of an IFAS metacommunity: The role of AHL-driven quorum sensing. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 777:145870.

30. Hu H., Liao K., Wang J., Wu B., Ren H.*Effect of influent carbon-to-nitrogen ratios on the production and bioavailability of microorganism-derived dissolved organic nitrogen (mDON) in activated sludge systems. ACS ES&T Water, 2021, 1(9), 2037-2045.

31. Wang J., Liu Q., He R., Hu H., Wu B., Ren H.*Bacterial assembly during the initial adhesion phase in wastewater treatment biofilms. Water Research, 2020, 184:116147.

32. Wang J., Liu Q., Dong D., Hu H., Wu B., Ren H.*In-situ monitoring of the unstable bacterial adhesion process during wastewater biofilm formation: A comprehensive study. Environment International, 2020, 140:105722.

33. Wang J., Liu Q., Wu B., Hu H., Dong D., Yin J., Ren H.*Effect of salinity on mature wastewater treatment biofilm microbial community assembly and metabolite characteristics. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 711:134437.

34. Chen K., Chen H., Zhou C., Huang Y., Qi X., Shen R., Liu F., Zuo M., Zou X., Wang J., Zhang Y., Chen D., Chen X.*, Deng Y.*, Ren H. Comparative analysis of surface water quality prediction performance and identification of key water parameters using different machine learning models based on big data. Water Research, 2022, 171:115454.

35. Hu H., Liao K., Xie W., Wang J., Wu B., Ren H.*Modeling the formation of microorganism-derived dissolved organic nitrogen (mDON) in the activated sludge system. Water Research, 2020, 174:115604.

36. Hu H., Xing X., Wang J., Ren H.*Characterization of dissolved organic matter in reclaimed wastewater supplying urban rivers with a special focus on dissolved organic nitrogen: A seasonal study. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 265:114959.

37. Wang J., Liu Q., Li X., Ma S., Hu H., Wu B., Zhang X., Ren H.* In-situ monitoring AHL-mediated quorum-sensing regulation of the initial phase of wastewater biofilm formation. Environment International, 2019, 135:

38. Wang J., Liu Q., Wu B., Zhao F., Ma S., Hu H., Zhang X., Ren H.* Quorum sensing signaling distribution during the development of full-scale municipal wastewater treatment biofilms. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 685, 28-36.

39. Wang J., Liu Q., Hu H., Wu B., Zhang X., Ren H.* Insight into mature biofilm quorum sensing in full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Chemosphere, 2019, 234, 310-317.

40. Wang J., Liu Q., Ma S., Hu H., Wu B., Zhang X., Ren H.*Distribution characteristics of N-acyl homoserine lactones during the moving bed biofilm reactor biofilm development process: Effect of carbon/nitrogen ratio and exogenous quorum sensing signals. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289:105326.

41. Ma S., Hu H., Wang J., Liao K., Ma H., Ren H.* The characterization of dissolved organic matter in alkaline fermentation of sewage sludge with different pH for volatile fatty acids production. Water Research, 2019, 164:114924.

42. Zhang L., Ding L., He X., Ma H., Fu H., Wang J., Ren H.* Effect of continuous and intermittent electric current on lignin wastewater treatment and microbial community structure in electro-microbial system. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9.

43. Ma H., Ma S., Luo W., Ding L., Wang J., Ren H.* Long-term exogenous addition of synthetic acyl homoserine lactone enhanced the anaerobic granulation process. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 696:133809.

44. Hu H., Liao K., Geng J., Xu K., Huang H., Wang J., Ren H.*Removal characteristics of dissolved organic nitrogen and its bioavailable portion in a postdenitrifying biofilter: Effect of the C/N ratio. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(2), 757-764.

45. Wang J., Ren H.*, Li X., Li J., Ding L., Geng J., Xu K., Huang H., Hu H. In situ monitoring of wastewater biofilm formation process via ultrasonic time domain reflectometry (UTDR). Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 334, 2134-2141.

46. Wang J., Ding L., Li K., Huang H., Hu H., Geng J., Xu K., Ren H.* Estimation of spatial distribution of quorum sensing signaling in sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) biofilms. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 612, 405-414.

47. Wang J., Ding L., Li K., Schmieder W., Geng J., Xu K., Zhang Y., Ren H.* Development of an extraction method and LC-MS analysis for N-acylated-l-homoserine lactones (AHLs) in wastewater treatment biofilms. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 2017, 1041-1042, 37-44.

48. Wang J., Li L., Niu X.*, Zou D. Phosphine-induced phosphorus mobilization in the rhizosphere of rice seedlings. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016, 16(6), 1735-1744.


1. Zhang S., Wang J.*, Ren H. Chapter 2: Artificial Intelligence in Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Processes. In: Manoj Chandra Garg, AI cleanse: transforming wastewater treatment through artificial intelligence, Springer Publishing, 2024, 29-53.

2. Wu g., Wang J., Geng J., Chapter 3: Chemical HRPs in wastewater. In: Hongqiang Ren and Xuxiang Zhang, High-Risk pollutants in wastewater, Elsevier Publishing, 2020, 5-39.


1.Wang J., Ren H. Method for modifying wastewater treatment device, US11299413B2.

2. Ren H., Wang J., Ding L., Fu H. Device and method for quickly matching wastewater and biofilms. US0712315B2

3. Wang J., Dong D., Hu H., Ren H. Method for predicting settleability of activated sludge based on deep learning. US 12111288B2

4. 王瑾丰,胡洁,任洪强. 一种基于机器学习的废水生物处理工艺的重构方法及系统. ZL202380010898.8

5. 王瑾丰,刘秋菊,吴兵,任洪强.一种快速抑制活性污泥非丝状菌膨胀的方法. ZL202010482120.5

6. 王瑾丰,董德园,吴兵,任洪强.一种削减生物法处理废水毒性的方法. ZL202010475500.6

7. 王瑾丰, 任洪强,吴兵.一种填料固定装置及其在污水厂提标改造中的应用. ZL201910941118.7

8. 任洪强,王瑾丰,丁丽丽,朱点钰.一种提高废水处理生物膜挂膜效率的装置及方法.ZL201611068535.8

9. 任洪强,王瑾丰,丁丽丽,李建新, 傅慧敏.一种快速匹配废水和填料挂膜的装置及方法.ZL201610984895.6

10. 任洪强,王瑾丰,丁丽丽,许柯,张宴,刘秋菊.一种系统判别污废水处理系统中生物膜活性的方法.ZL201811163094.9

11. 任洪强,王瑾丰,耿金菊,黄辉,胡海冬,刘秋菊.一种在线测定废水处理填料生物膜厚度的辅助装置及测定方法.ZL201811163090.0

12. 任洪强,王瑾丰,丁丽丽,黄辉,耿金菊,俞启升.一种填料老化生物膜的原位活化方法. ZL201510967416.5

13. 牛晓君,王瑾丰,魏爱书. 一种将土壤无效磷转化为有效磷的微生物菌剂及其制备方法和应用. ZL201310221708.5

14. 王瑾丰,任洪强. BWTP-DOS系统.登记号:2024SR1339114

15. 王瑾丰,任洪强.清洁水高价值专利培育系统.登记号:2023SR143470

16. 王瑾丰,任洪强.5G智慧水务一体化管理平台.登记号:2023SR0013953

17. 王瑾丰,任洪强.水质安全预警系统.登记号:2023SR0012843

18. 王瑾丰,任洪强.面向生态环境健康需求的污水处理仿真系统.登记号:2021SR0867331

19. 王瑾丰,任洪强.活性污泥性能诊析强化系统.登记号:2020SR1686067

20. 王瑾丰,任洪强.环境群感微生物检索系统.登记号:2020SR0805281


1. 国家卓越工程师团队(工业废水治理技术及装备团队)

2. 面向需求导向的污水生物处理工艺智慧化重构方法及系统.49届日内瓦国际发明展金奖, 2024, 排名1/5



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