2023年第三季度(7-9月)皇冠体育投注 发表高质量论文取得新佳绩,共发表NI刊物论文21篇(其中2篇PNAS,2篇Nature子刊),NI指数地球与环境学排名(高校)持续全球第一。
任洪强教授、胡海冬副教授课题组在短链全氟化合物高效处理新方法方面取得进展。该项工作摒弃了官能团嫁接、材料复合等传统吸附强化思路,提出用受限水包封活性炭疏水性纳米孔道改善短链全氟化合物传质能态,为吸附剂的绿色强化以及现有吸附设备的原位升级提供了新思路。研究成果以"Confined water-encapsulated activated carbon for capturing short-chain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances from drinking water"为题,发表于知名学术期刊Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America上。
单超副教授、潘丙才教授课题组在臭氧催化氧化水处理调控新策略方面取得进展。该项工作突破了外源添加有机配体这一传统调控策略在高级氧化体系中配体易降解失效、有机负荷明显增加的挑战,为探索面向真实应用场景的水处理催化活性调控提供了范例。研究成果以"In situ ligand-modulated activation of inert Ce(III/IV) into ozonation catalyst for efficient water treatment"为题,发表于知名学术期刊Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America上。
张炜铭教授、潘丙才教授联合昆士兰大学张西旺教授研究所展示的仿生MLM-EDTA提供了一种有吸引力的策略来制造高性能离子分离膜,即通过仿生生物离子通道,合理设计亲和基团和局部电荷密度,以实现在资源回收、清洁水生产和渗透发电等场景中的应用。该研究以" Two-dimensional MXene membranes with biomimetic sub-nanochannels for enhanced cation sieving"为题,发表于知名学术期刊Nature Communications上。
赵瑜教授课题组在近地面臭氧污染防治成效方面取得新进展。该项工作结合机器学习与数值模拟手段,发现了我国过去十年两阶段大气污染防治努力对臭氧浓度的影响产生明显转变,揭示了人为减排对臭氧生成机制改变的作用,为臭氧精确溯源与防治策略制定提供了依据。研究成果以"Sustained emission reductions have restrained the ozone pollution over China"为题,发表于知名学术期刊Nature Geoscience上。
此外,根据Web of Science数据检索,截止至10月8日,皇冠体育投注 2023年度共发表SCI论文237篇,其中学科卓越59篇(含Nature子刊3篇、PNAS 3篇、ES&T 26篇和Water Research 19篇)。
2023年第三季度皇冠体育投注 发表NI期刊论文目录
论文题目 | 期刊名称 | 通讯作者 | 第一作者 | 发表时间 |
Confined water-encapsulated activated carbon for capturing short- chain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances from drinking water | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | 任洪强 | 胡海冬 | 2023-07 |
In situ ligand-modulated activation of inert Ce(III/IV) into ozonation catalyst for efficient water treatment | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | 单超、潘丙才 | 张 静 | 2023-08 |
Two-dimensional MXene membranes with biomimetic sub-nanochannels for enhanced cation sieving | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 张炜铭 潘丙才 张西旺 | 许荣明 | 2023-08 |
Sustained emission reductions have restrained the ozone pollution over China | NATURE GEOSCIENCE | 赵瑜 | 王俞彤 | 2023-09 |
Adaptive Evolution Laws of Biofilm under Emerging Pollutant-Induced Stress: Community Assembly-Driven Structure Response | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 黄辉 | Kong, Boning | 2023-07 |
Amine-Functionalized A-Center Sphalerite for Selective and Efficient Destruction of Perfluorooctanoic Acid | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 谷成 | 陈张浩 | 2023-07 |
Using Data-Driven Methods and Aging Information to Quantitatively Identify Microplastic Environmental Sources and Establish a Comprehensive Discrimination Index | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 张宴 | Zhang, Zhan-Ao | 2023-07 |
Economic Growth Facilitates Household Fuel Use Transition to Reduce PM2.5-Related Deaths in China | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 马宗伟 | Shao, Yanchuan | 2023-08 |
Effect of Microplastic Types on the In Vivo Bioavailability of Polychlorinated Biphenyls | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 崔昕毅 | Li, Xinyu | 2023-08 |
Mechanistic Insights into the Biodegradation of Carbon Dots by Fungal Laccase | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 毛亮 | Feng, Yiping | 2023-08 |
Surface Lattice-Embedded Pt Single-Atom Catalyst on Ceria-Zirconia with Superior Catalytic Performance for Propane Oxidation | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 高飞 | 谭伟 | 2023-08 |
Degradation of natural organic matter and disinfection byproducts formation by solar photolysis of free available chlorine | WATER RESEARCH | 鲜啟鸣 | Chen, Chuze | 2023-07 |
Large-scale comparative analysis reveals different bacterial community structures in full- and lab-scale wastewater treatment bioreactors | WATER RESEARCH | 叶林 | Ma, Yanyan | 2023-08 |
Dry-to-wet fluctuation of moisture contents enhanced the mineralization of chloramphenicol antibiotic | WATER RESEARCH | 金鑫、谷成 | Huang, Shuhan | 2023-07 |
Occurrences and fates of per- and polyfluoralkyl substances in textile dyeing wastewater along full-scale treatment processes | WATER RESEARCH | 潘丙才 | Jia, Yuqian | 2023-08 |
Priority control sequence of 34 typical pollutants in effluents of Chinese wastewater treatment plants | WATER RESEARCH | 吴兵 | He, Ruonan | 2023-09 |
Deep mining of reported emerging contaminants in China's surface water in the past decade: Exposure, ecological effects and risk assessment | WATER RESEARCH | 史薇 | 郭婧 | 2023-09 |
Heterogeneous Fe-Co dual-atom catalyst outdistances the homogeneous counterpart for peroxymonosulfate-assisted water decontamination: New surface collision oxidation path and diatomic synergy | WATER RESEARCH | 刘福强 | 朱长青 | 2023-08 |
Evolutions of dissolved organic matter and disinfection by-products formation in source water during UV-LED (275 nm)/chlorine process | WATER RESEARCH | 鲜啟鸣 | Zhao, Xiating | 2023-09 |
Comparative cytotoxicity analyses of disinfection byproducts in drinking water using dimensionless parameter scaling method: Effect of halogen substitution type and number | WATER RESEARCH | 周庆、潘旸 | Jiang, Lu | 2023-07 |
SWATH-F: A Novel Nontarget Strategy Based on the SWATH-MS Deconvolution Method Assisting in Annotating PFAS Homologues in Multisample Studies | ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY | 韦斯 | Laihui Li | 2023-09 |