
Xiaolei Qu

Pubdate :2023-04-04 Visitor:

Xiaolei (Sean) Qu, Ph.D.


School of Environment

Nanjing University


Email: xiaoleiqu@hgbetting.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-9157-4274


Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX, 2013

Dissertation title: "Impact of Sunlight and Natural Organic Matter on the Fate, Transport, and Toxicity of Carbon Based Nanomaterials."

Advisor: Professor Qilin Li; Co-advisor: Professor Pedro J.J. Alvarez

M.S. in Environmental Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 2009

Thesis title: "Sorption Mechanisms of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds on Natural Occurring Materials."

Advisor: Professor Dongqiang Zhu

B.S. in Environmental Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 2006

Professional Experience

2019 – present, Professor, Nanjing University

2014 – 2019, Associate Professor, Nanjing University

2013 – 2014, Post-doctoral Research Associate, Rice University

Research Interests

Colloidal and interfacial phenomena; fate processes of environmental pollutants; environmental nanotechnology

Academic Service

Member of the Environmental Chemistry Branch of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences


《Soil and Water Interface Chemistry》

《Advances in Environmental Organic Chemistry》

Selected Publications

Liu, K., Kong, L.R., Wang, J.X., Cui, H., Fu, H.Y., and Qu, X.L.* Two-Phase System Model to Assess Hydrophobic Organic Compound Sorption to Dissolved Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology. 54(19), 12173-12180. 2020.

Liu, K., Fu, H.Y., Zhu, D.Q., and Qu, X.L.* Prediction of Apolar Compound Sorption to Aquatic Natural Organic Matter Accounting for Natural Organic Matter Hydrophobicity Using Aqueous Two-Phase Systems. Environmental Science & Technology. 53(14), 8127-8135. 2019.

Gao,H., Wei, P.Y., Liu, H.T., Long, M.C., Fu, H.Y., and Qu, X.L.* Sunlight-Mediated Lead and Chromium Release from Commercial Lead Chromate Pigments in Aqueous Phase. Environmental Science & Technology. 53(9), 4931-4939. 2019.

Fu, H.Y., Zhou, Z.C., Zheng, S.R., Xu, Z.Y., Alvarez, J.J.P., Yin, D.Q., Qu, X.L.* and Zhu, D.Q. Dissolved Mineral Ash Generated by Vegetation Fire Is Photoactive under the Solar Spectrum. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(18), 10453-10461. 2018.

Liu, H.T., Gu, X.Y., Wei, C.H., Fu, H.Y., Alvarez, J.J.P., Li, Q.L., Zheng, S.R., Qu, X.L.* and Zhu, D.Q. Threshold Concentrations of Silver Ions Exist for the Sunlight-Induced Formation of Silver Nanoparticles in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(7), 4040-4050. 2018.

Xu, F.C., Wei, C.H., Zeng, Q.Q., Li, X.N., Alvarez, J.J.P., Li, Q.L., Qu, X.L.* and Zhu, D.Q. Aggregation Behavior of Dissolved Black Carbon: Implications for Vertical Mass Flux and Fractionation in Aquatic Systems. Environmental Science & Technology. 51(23), 13723-13732. 2017.

Liu, H.T., Gao, H., Long, M.C., Fu, H.Y., Alvarez, J.J.P., Li, Q.L., Zheng, S.R., Qu, X.L.* and Zhu, D.Q. Sunlight Promotes Fast Release of Hazardous Cadmium from Widely-used Commercial Cadmium Pigment. Environmental Science & Technology. 51(12), 6877-6886. 2017.

Fu, H.Y., Liu, H.T., Mao, J.D., Chu, W.Y., Li, Q.L., Alvarez, J.J.P., Qu, X.L.* and Zhu, D.Q. Photochemistry of Dissolved Black Carbon Released from Biochar: Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Phototransformation. Environmental Science & Technology. 50(3), 1218-1226. 2016.

Qu, X.L., Alvarez, P.J.J. and Li, Q.L.* Applications of Nanotechnology in Water and Wastewater Treatment. Water Research. 47(12), 3931-3946. 2013.

Qu, X.L., Brame, J., Li, Q.L.* and Alvarez, J.J.P.* Nanotechnology for a Safe and Sustainable Water Supply: Enabling Integrated Water Treatment and Reuse. Accounts of Chemical Research. 46(3), 834-843. 2012.

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