Liuyan Yang, Ph.D.
School of the Environment
Nanjing University
Jan, 2000 - Dec, 2002 Ph. D of Environmental Science in Nanjing University
Sep, 1987 - Jun, 1990 B. Sci. of Freshwater Ecology in Nanjing Normal University
Sep, 1983 - Jun, 1987 B. D. of Environmental Science in Nanjing University
Professional Experience
May, 1993 – present Nanjing University
Dec, 1990 – Apr, 1993 Nanjing Combined Environmental Protection Company
Research Interests
Mechanism and control of lake eutrophication
Environmental Microbiology
Water ecological environment treatment and remediation
Environmental Health and ecological security assessment
Academic Service
Member of the Expert Committee for environmental damage identification and assessment of The Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Member of Jiangsu Governance Expert Committee of Lake Taihu
Vice chairman of Committee of Environmental Standards and Benchmarks, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences
Vice chairman of the Professional Committee of Environmental and Ecotoxicology of the Chinese Society of Toxicology
Administrative Trustee of specialty Society of Aqueous Environment of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences
Trustee of the Chinese Society of Oceanology and Limnology and Executive Director of Jiangsu Marine Limnology Society
Member of Lake Branch of Chinese Geographical Society
Member of Chinese Society of Microbiology and member of Environmental Microbiology Professional Committee
Member of Chinese Society of Microbiology and Commissioner of specialty Society of Environmental Microbiology
Member of Jiangsu Environmental Science Society
Vice president of Nanjing Society of Environmental Sciences
Director of Centre of Limnology in Nanjing University
Editorial board member of Microbiology Bulletin
Editorial board member of Journal of Biotechnology
Editorial board member of Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
Editorial board member of Ocean Bulletin
Editorial board member of Water Resources Protection
Editorial board member of Lake Science
Editorial board member of Environmental Monitoring and Early Warning.
Environmental Microbiology
Selected Publications
Zhang W; Shen J; Zhang H; Zheng C; Wei R; Gao Y; Yang L*. Efficient nitrate removal by Pseudomonas mendocina GL6 immobilized on biochar. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 320 (Pt A):124324.
Wang, M., Zhang, H., Du, C., Zhang, W., Shen, J., Yang, S., Yang, L*. Spatiotemporal differences in phosphorus release potential of bloom-forming cyanobacteria in Lake Taihu. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 271, 116294. //
Mengmeng Wang, Huifen Zhang, Menggaoshan Chen, Liuyan Yang*, Yichen Yang. Dark accelerates dissolved inorganic phosphorus release of high-density cyanobacteria. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(12): e0243582.
Wen Jia, Xu Sun, Yan Gao, Yicheng Yang, Liuyan Yang*. Fe-modified biochar enhances microbial nitrogen removal capability of constructed wetland. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 740, 139534
Ruping Wei, Xin Wang, Wen Zhang, Jianing Shen, Huifen Zhang, Yan Gao, Liuyan Yang*. The improved phosphorus utilization and reduced phosphorus consumption of ppk-expressing transgenic rice. Field Crops Research, 248 (2020), 107715
Ruping Wei, Xin Wang, Wenli Tang, Yicheng Yang, Yan Gao, Huan Zhong, Liuyan Yang*. Bioaccumulations and potential human health risks assessment of heavy metals in ppk-expressing transgenic rice. Science of the Total Environment, 710 (2020), 136496
L Gan, W Zhang, F Fang, L Yang*. Evidence of a trade-off between root aeration and architecture in Vallisneria natans in the presence of Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Aquatic Botany, 2020, 162, 103189.
Wen Zhang, Cheng Yan, Jianing Shen, Ruping Wei, Yan Gao, Aijun Miao, Lin Xiao and Liuyan Yang*. Characterization of aerobic denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas mendocina Strain GL6 and its potential application in wastewater treatment plant effluent. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16: 364.
Tao Liu, Shourong Zheng, Liuyan Yang*. Magnetic zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks for selective phosphate adsorption from water. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 552:134-141.
Yan Gao, Cheng Yan, Ruping Wei, Wen Zhang, Jianing Shen, Mingxuan Wang, Bin Gao, Yicheng Yang, Liuyan Yang*. Photovoltaic electrolysis improves nitrogen and phosphorus removals of biochar-amended constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 2019, 138:71-78.
Wang, X.; Wang, X.; Hui, K.; Wei, W.; Zhang, W.; Miao, A.J.; Xiao, L.; Yang, L*. Highly Effective Polyphosphate Synthesis, Phosphate Removal and Concentration Using Engineered Environmental Bacteria Based on a Simple Solo Medium-copy Plasmid Strategy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52(1): 214-222.
Yan Gao, Wen Zhang, Bin Gao, Wen Jia, Aijun Miao, Lin Xiao, Liuyan Yang*. Highly efficient removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in an electrolysis integrated horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetland amended with biochar. Water Research, 2018, 139: 301-310.
Fei Fang, Yan Gao, Lin Gan, Xiaoyun He, Liuyan Yang*. Effects of different initial pH and irradiance levels on cyanobacterial colonies from Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2018, 30(3): 1777-1793.
Lin Gan, Hui Zhao, Aili Wang, Sanshan Li, Jia Liu and Liuyan Yang*. Pseudomonas putida inoculation promotes submerged plant Vallisneria natans growth by carbon conversion in a plant–microbe interaction. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2018, 69(5), 851-858.
Tao Liu, Xu Chen, Xin Wang, Shourong Zheng, Liuyan Yang*. Highly effective wastewater phosphorus removal by phosphorus accumulating organism combined with magnetic sorbent MFC@La(OH)3. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 335, 443-449.
Tao Liu, Jiankang Feng, Yuqiu Wan, Shourong Zheng, Liuyan Yang*. ZrO2 nanoparticles confined in metal organic frameworks for highly effective adsorption of phosphate. Chemosphere, 2018, 210, 907-916.
Gao, Y., Xie, Y. W., Zhang, Q., Wang, A. L., Yu, Y. X., & Yang, L. Y. *. Intensified nitrate and phosphorus removal in an electrolysis-integrated horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetland. Water Research, 2017, 108: 39-45.
Gang Wang, Yu Gong, Yi-Xin Zhu, Ai-Jun Miao, Liu-Yan Yang,* and Huan Zhong*. Assessing the Risk of Hg Exposure Associated with Rice Consumption in a Typical City (Suzhou) in Eastern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14(5), 525.
Gang Wang, Hou-Qi Liu, Yu Gong, Yang Wei, Ai-Jun Miao, Liu-Yan Yang,* and Huan Zhong*. Risk Assessment of Metals in Urban Soils from a Typical Industrial City, Suzhou, Eastern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14(9): 1025
Hu, Z., Sun, X., Cai, Y., Guo, L., Chen, Q., Liu, T. & Yang, L*. The habitat type and trophic state determine benthic macroinvertebrate communities in lowland shallow lakes of China. Journal of Limnology. 2016, 75(2): 330-339
Zhang, Z., Zhang, X. X., Wu, B., Yin, J., Yu, Y., & Yang, L*. Comprehensive insights into microcystin-LR effects on hepatic lipid metabolism using cross-omics technologies. Journal of hazardous materials, 2016, 315, 126-134.
Gao, Y., Xie, Y. W., Zhang, Q., Yu, Y. X., & Yang, L. Y*. High performance of nitrogen and phosphorus removal in an electrolysis-integrated biofilter. Water Science and Technology, 2016, 74(3):714-721.
Xu, H., Pan, J., Zhang, H., & Yang, L*. Interactions of metal oxide nanoparticles with extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of algal aggregates in an eutrophic ecosystem. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 94, 464-470.
Xu SUN, Zhixin HU, Wen JIA, Cuilan DUAN, Liuyan YANG*. Decaying cyanobacteria decrease N2O emissions related to diversity of intestinal denitrifiers of Chironomus plumosus. Journal of Limnology. 2015; 74(2): 261-271
Qin, Wendi; Zhang, Xuxiang; Yang, Liuyan*. Microcystin-LR altered mRNA and protein expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling molecules related to hepatic lipid metabolism abnormalities in mice. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2015: 40(1): 114-121
Wu, Dan; Yang, Liuyan*; Gan, Lin. Potential of novel wastewater treatment system featuring microbial fuel cell to generate electricity and remove pollutants. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 84: 624-631
Guo, Liyun; Hu, Zhixin; Fang, Fei, Tao Liu, Xiaoming Chuai, Liuyan Yang*. Trophic status determines the nirS-denitrifier community in shallow freshwater lakes. 2014, Annals of Microbiology, 64(3): 999-1006
Fang, Fei; Yang, Liuyang*; Gan, Lin. DO, pH, and Eh microprofiles in cyanobacterial granules from Lake Taihu under different environmental conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2014, 26(4): 1689-1699.
Xu Sun, Aili Wang, Liuyan Yang*, Liyun Guo, Qiankun CHEN, Zhixin HU, Lijuan JIANG, Lin XIAO. Spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria across eight freshwater lakes in sediments from Jiangsu of China. Journal of Limnology. 2014, 73(2): 312-324
Sun Yining, Gao Bin, Yao Ying, Fang June, Zhang Ming, Zhou Yanmei, Chen Hao, Yang Liuyan*. Effects of feedstock type, production method, and pyrolysis temperature on biochar and hydrochar properties. Chemical Engineering Journal. 240 (2014) 574–578
Zhixin Hu, Liyun Guo, Tao Liu, Xiaoming Chuai, Qiankun Chen, Fei Shi, Lijuan Jiang, Liuyan Yang*.Uniformisation of Phytoplankton Chlorophylla and Macrophyte Biomass to Characterise the Potential Trophic State of Shallow Lakes. Ecological Indicatiors. 2014, 37:1-9.
Yiying Jiao, Qiankun Chen, Xu Chen, Xin Wang, Xuewei Liao, Lijuan Jiang, Jun Wu, Liuyan Yang*. Occurrence and transfer of a cyanobacterial neurotoxin β-methylamino-l-alanine within the aquatic food webs of Gonghu Bay (Lake Taihu, China) to evaluate the potential human health risk . Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 468–469: 457-463.
Yu, Sheng; Zou, Peng; Zhu, Wei; Xiao, Lin; Miao, Aijun; Jiang, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaolin; Wu, Jun; Yang, Liuyan*. Effects of humic acid and Tween-80 on behavior of decabromodiphenyl ether in soil columns Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 69(5), 1523-1528.
Xiaoming Chuai, Haixia Zhou, Xiaofeng Chen, Liuyan Yang*, Jin Zeng Effects of Different Primary Producers (Cyanobacteria and Macrophyte) on the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Phosphorus Forms and Concentrations in a Lake Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2013, 22 (6), 1649-1659
Xiaoming Chuai, Xiaofeng Chen, Liuan Yang* and Haixia Zhou Study on species and sources of particulate organic phosphorus in three large eutrophic lakes of China using P-NMR and 3D-EEMs. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22(5): 1422-1431
Xu S, Huang B, Wei Z-B, Luo J, Miao A-J*, Yang L-Y*. 2013. Seasonal variation of phytoplankton nutrient limitation in Lake Taihu, China: A monthly study from Year 2011 to 2012. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 94: 190-6.
Wang Y, Miao A-J*, Luo J, Wei Z-B, Zhu J-J, Yang L-Y. 2013. Bioaccumulation of CdTe quantum dots in a freshwater alga Ochromonas danica: a kinetics study. Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (18): 10601–10610.
Wang N-X, Li Y, Deng X-H, Miao A-J*, Ji R*, Yang L-Y. 2013. Toxicity and bioaccumulation kinetics of arsenate in two freshwater green algae under different phosphate regimes. Water Research, 47: 2497-2506.
Yiying Jiao, Xu Chen, Xin Wang, Xuewei Liao, Lin Xiao, Aijun Miao, Jun Wu, Liuyan Yang*. Identification and Characterization of a Cold-Active Phthalate Esters Hydrolase by Screening a Metagenomic Library Derived from Biofilms of a Wastewater Treatment Plant. Plos One. 2013, 8
Liyun Guo, Qiankun Chen, Fei Fang, Zhixin Hu, Jun Wu, Aijun Miao, Lin Xiao, Xiaofeng Chen, Liuyan Yang*. Application potential of a newly isolated indigenous aerobic denitrifier for nitrate and ammonium removal of eutrophic lake water. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 142:45-51.
Huacheng Xu , Guanghui Yu , Liuyan Yang , Helong Jiang *. Combination of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis to characterize the binding of heavy metals with DOM in lake sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2013, 263: 412-421.
Huacheng Xu, Zaisheng Yan, Haiyuan Cai, Guanghui Yu, Liuyan Yang, Helong Jiang*. Heterogeneity in metal binding by individual fluorescent components in a eutrophic algae-rich lake . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2013, 98:266-272.
Ying Yao, Bin Gao*, Jianjun Chen, Ming Zhang, Mandu Inyang, Yuncong Li, Ashok Alva, Liuyan Yang. Engineered carbon (biochar) prepared by direct pyrolysis of Mg-accumulated tomato tissues: Characterization and phosphate removal potential . Bioresource Technology. 2013, 138:8-13.
Yao Ying, Gao Bin, Chen Jianjun, Yang Liuyan. Engineered biochar reclaiming phosphate from aqueous solutions: mechanisms and potential application as a slow-release fertilizer [J]. Environmental science & technology, 2013, 47(15): 8700-8708.
Liuyan Yang, Qiankun Chen, Yiying Jiao, Quan Zhang, LiLi, Xu Chen. Application of fermentation broth of potamogeton crispus in the removal of nitrogen in constructen wetlands. USA. US 9994468B2
Yang Liuyan, Wang Xin, Chen Xu, Zhang Wen, Li Li, Wang Aili, Wu Dan. A quantitative detection method of microbial intracellular polyphosphate, patent No. ZL201510069608.4
Yang Liuyan, Li Li, Guo Liyun, Wang Xin. A method for removing nitrate nitrogen from water, patent No. ZL201410835649.5
Yang Liuyan, Chen Qiankun, Jiao Yiying, Zhang Quan, Li Li, Chen Xu. Application of Potamogeton crispus fermentation broth in nitrogen removal in constructed wetland, patent No. ZL201410384106.6
Yang Liuyan, Yu Yixiao, Chen Qiankun, Wang Xin, Guo Qiong, Song Xiaojun. A carbon supplement device for improving the effect of biological phosphorus removal from sewage. Practical patent No. ZL201520769048
Yang Liuyan, Chen Qiankun, Jiao Yiying, Zhang Quan, Li Li, Chen Xu. Application of Potamogeton crispus fermentation broth in improving denitrification nitrogen removal capacity of sewage treatment, patent No. ZL201410385214.5
Yang Liuyan, Li Li, Jia Wen, Gao Bin, Wang Xin. A method for coupling modified biochar and constructed wetland to treat phosphorus containing wastewater, patent No. ZL201410836337.6
Yang Liuyan, Wang Xin, Chen Xu, Zhang Wen, Li Li, Wang Aili, Wu Dan. A strain of Citrobacter freundii with phosphorus accumulating gene and its construction method and application, patent No. ZL201510008195.9
Yang Liuyan, Chen Qiankun, Jiao Yiying, Zhang Quan, Li Li, Chen Xu. A method for producing organic acid by anaerobic fermentation of aquatic plants, patent No.: ZL201410385178.2
Yang Liuyan, Chen Qiankun, sun Yining, Li Li et al. A comprehensive process for ecological restoration of low pollution river water body, patent No. ZL201310323511.2
Yang Liuyan, Guo Liyun, Hu Zhixin, Fang Fei, Chen Qiankun, Shi Fei. An aerobic denitrifying bacteria and its application, patent No. ZL201310091477.0
Yang Liuyan, Du Hongwei, Wu Jun, Liu Lu, Xiao Lin, LV Zhigang, Xu Chao, Zhang Quanxing. A method for inducing callus and differentiating into seedlings from the root tip of Typha latifolia. patent No. ZL 2012 1 0033642.2
Yang Liuyan, Du Hongwei, Wu Jun, Xiao Lin, etc., a method for culturing callus of Acorus tatarinowii, patent No. ZL 201010162983.0
Yang Liuyan, Zhang Yi, Gu Yufei, Xiao Lin, Jiang Lijuan. Method for producing protein material by microbial solid fermentation of aquatic plants, patent No. ZL 200510038613.5
Zhao Xingqing, Xiao Lin, Yu Zhenyang, Jiang Lijuan, Yin Daqiang, Yang Liuyan, Zhan Zhong, Xiao Yuangeng. Extraction of microbial total DNA and identification of biomass in lake sediments, patent No. ZL 200610085355.0
Yang Liuyan, Ren Qian, Zhang Tongqing, pan Jianlin, Jiang Lijuan, Wu Guanghong, Song Wei, Xiao Lin, Lin Hai, Zhou Gang. Pantoea sp. M3 and its method for degrading malachite green. patent No. ZL 200710021045.7
Yang Liuyan, Zhao Xingqing, Xiao Lin, Jiang Lijuan, Yin Daqiang, Yu Zhenyang, Zhu Haowei, fan Qihui, Zhan Zhong, Xiao Yuangeng. Joint determination and analysis method of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in sediments, patent No. ZL 200610085999. X
Yang Liuyan, Wang Qin, Zhao Qingshun, Xiao Lin, Jiang Lijuan, Yin Daqiang, Ren Jing. Construction method of E. coli transformed with polyphosphate kinase gene. patent No. ZL 200610038917.6
Song Wei, Duan Jingjing, Xiao Lin, Yang Liuyan. Method for detecting microbial population in sediment by fluorescence in situ hybridization. patent No. ZL 200810155327.0
Second prize of environmental science and technology of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment for nitrogen and phosphorus biological reduction and ecological purification, 2020
The second prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award for Disaster process and damage mechanism of cyanobacterial bloom in eutrophic lakes, 2015
Research and demonstration promotion of fish drug residues and microbial efficient degradation technology in fishery waters. Three grade award of science and technology of Nanjing Goverment, 2011
Research on the impact and prediction of Caofeidian Industrial Zone Construction on coastal marine ecological system won the science and technology achievement award of Hebei Province in 2009
First prize of Jiangsu marine and fishery science and Technology Innovation Award "Demonstration and promotion of fishery drug residues and microbial efficient degradation technology in fishery waters", 2010
Xiao Lin, Yang Liuyan, Zhang Yi, Gu Yufei, Jiang Lijuan, Qin Boqiang. <solid state induction of aquatic macrophytes for crystal protein extraction > won the first prize of the 9th Nanjing Natural Science excellent academic paper award in 2011
The 8th excellent academic paper award of Natural Science of Nanjing. <the status and role of microorganisms in lake ecosystem>, 2009
Chemical and biological regeneration of HDTMA modified montmorillonite after sorption with pH (Environmental Science and technology, 2003, 37, 5057-5061) won the second prize of Natural Science Award of Nanjing Municipal People's Government in 2005
Environmental Biology Series Curriculum Reform and textbook construction. the first prize of Jiangsu Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award in 2001
The course of "Environmental Microbiology" was awarded as the excellent course of Jiangsu Province in 2008
Recruit master's and doctoral students