
Xuxiang Zhang

Pubdate :2023-04-04 Visitor:

Xuxiang Zhang, Ph.D.


School of Environment

Nanjing University


Email: [email protected]



Sept. 2001 - June 2006: School of Environment, Nanjing University (China), PhD

Sept. 1997 - Jul. 2001: Department of Biology,    (), BSc

Professional Experience

Jul. 2020 – present: Full Professor, Vice Dean, School of Environment, Nanjing University; Associate Director, State Key Lab of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse Research, China

Jan. 2013 – present: Professor, School of Environment, Nanjing University

Dec. 2009 – Dec. 2012: Associate Professor, School of Environment, Nanjing    University

May 2010 – Aug. 2011: Postdoc Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

Jul. 2006 – Dec. 2009: Assistant Professor, School of Environment, Nanjing    University

Research Interests

Environmental microbiology

Wastewater biological treatment technologies

Environmental health risk assessment and control


Environmental Biotechnology (for undergraduate students)

Experimental Manipulation for Environmental Biotechnology (for undergraduate students)

Environmental Bio-omics (for doctoral students)

Selected Publications

He X., Qi Z., Gao J., Huang K., Li M., Springael D., Zhang X.X.* (2020) Nonylphenol ethoxylates biodegradation increases estrogenicity of textile wastewater in biological treatment systems. Water Research 184: 116137.

Wang D., Zheng Q., Huang K., Springael D., Zhang X.X.* (2020) Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic insights into the complex nitrogen metabolic pathways in a single-stage bioreactor coupling partial denitrification with anammox. Chemical Engineering Journal 398: 125653.

Ye L.*, Mei R., Liu W.T., Ren H., Zhang X.X.* (2020) Machine learning-aided analyses of thousands of draft genomes reveal specific features of activated sludge processes. Microbiome, 8:16.

He X., Qi Z., Hou H., Gao J., Zhang X.X.* (2020) Effects of chronic cadmium exposure at food limitation-relevant levels on energy metabolism in mice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 388:121791.

He X., Qi Z., Hou H., Qian L., Gao J., Zhang X.X.* (2020) Structural and functional alterations of gut microbiome in mice induced by chronic cadmium exposure. Chemosphere, 246 (2020) 125747.

He X., Gao J., Hou H., Qi Z., Chen H., Zhang X.X.* (2019) Inhibition of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation contributes to development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced by environmental cadmium exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 13992-14000.

Jia S., Wu J., Ye L., Zhao F., Li T., Zhang X.X.* (2019) Metagenomic assembly provides a deep insight into the antibiotic resistome alteration induced by drinking water chlorination and its correlations with bacterial host changes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 379:120841.

Wang D., Li T., Huang K., He X., Zhang X.X.* (2019) Roles and correlations of functional bacteria and genes in the start-up of simultaneous anammox and denitrification system for enhanced nitrogen removal. Science of the Total Environment, 655: 1355-1363.

Wang D., He Y., Zhang X.X.* (2019) A comprehensive insight into the functional bacteria and genes and their roles in simultaneous denitrification and anammox system at varying substrate loadings. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103:1523-1533.

Zhao F., Ju F., Huang K., Mao Y., Zhang X.X.*, Ren H., Zhang T.* (2019) Comprehensive insights into the key components of bacterial assemblages in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment 651: 2148-2157.

Selected Awards

Dec. 2016, 1st Winner, Natural Science Award (II) of China.

Dec. 2015, 1st Winner, Natural Science Award (I) of Ministry of Education, P. R. China.

Copyright © School of the Environment,Nanjing University