
Lijuan Zhao

Pubdate :2023-04-04 Visitor:

Lijuan Zhao, Ph.D.


School of Environment

Nanjing University

Email: ljzhao@hgbetting.com



PhD. 2008- Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
MS. 2005- Northeast Agricultural University
BA. 2002- Northeast Agricultural University

Professional Experience

2015-2017 Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California at Santa Barbara, Associate Specialist
2010-2014 Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at El Paso, Research Scientist
2008-2009 National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan. Postdoc fellow

Research Interests

Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology

Application of Nanotechnology in Agriculture

Cyanobacterial Cell Factory

Dr. Zhao’s research focuses on studying the environmental implications of nanomaterials. She is particularly interested in seeking nanomaterials with unique properties to promote plant photosynthesis and enhance the tolerance to abiotic or biotic stresses. She also works with cyanobacteria-based cell factory for CO2 fixing and biochemicals/biodiesels production.  


<Pollution Ecology> <Reading and Writing in Science>

Selected Publications

1. Chen, S., Shi, N., Huang, M., Tan, X., Yan, X., Wang, A., Huang, Y., Ji, R., Zhou, D., Zhu, Y., Keller, A. A., Gardea-Torresdey, J. L., White, J. C., Zhao, L*. 2021. MoS2 Nanosheets–Cyanobacteria Interaction: Reprogrammed Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism. ACS Nano. 15(10), 16344-16356.

2. Huang, M., Keller, A. A., Wang, X., Tian, L., Wu, B., Ji, R., Zhao, L*. 2020. Low Concentrations of Silver Nanoparticles and Silver Ions Perturb Antioxidant Defense System and Nitrogen Metabolism in N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria. Environmental Science & Technology. 54, 15996-16005.
3. Tian, L., Shen, J., Sun, G., Wang, B., Ji, R*., Zhao, L*. 2020. Foliar Application of SiO2 Nanoparticles Alters Soil Metabolite Profiles and Microbial Community Composition in the Pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) Rhizosphere Grown in Contaminated Mine Soil. Environmental Science & Technology. 54, 13137-13146.
4. Lu. L., Huang, M., Huang, Y., Corvini, P. F., Ji, R., Zhao, L*. 2020. Mn3O4 Nanozymes Boost Endogenous Antioxidant Metabolites in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Plant and Enhance Resistance to Salinity Stress. Environmental Science: Nano. 7, 1692-1703.
5. Zhang, H., Huang, M., Zhang, W., Gardea-Torresdey, J. L., White, J. C., Ji, R., Zhao, L*. 2020. Silver Nanoparticles Alter Soil Microbial Community Compositions and Metabolite Profiles in Unplanted and Cucumber-Planted Soils. Environmental Science & Technology. 54, 3334-3342.
6. Wang, A., Jin, Q., Xu, X., Miao, A., White, J. C., Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey, J. L., Ji, R*., Zhao, L*. 2020. High-Throughput Screening for Engineered Nanoparticles That Enhance Photosynthesis Using Mesophyll Protoplasts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68, 3382-3389
7. Zhao, L*., Lu. L., Wang, A., Zhang, H., H., Huang., Wu, H*., Xing, B., Wang, Z., Rong Ji. 2020. Nano-Biotechnology in Agriculture: Use of Nanomaterials to Promote Plant Growth and Stress Tolerance. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68, 1935&minus;1947
8. Zhang, H., Lu. L., Zhao, X., Zhao S., Gu, X., Du, W., Wei, H., Ji, R*., Zhao, L*. 2019. Metabolomics Reveal the "Invisible" Responses of Spinach Plants Exposed to CeO2 Nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology. 10, 6007-6017
9. Zhao, L*., Zhang, H., White, J. C., Chen, X., Li, H., Qu, X., Ji, R*. 2019. Metabolomics Reveal that Engineered Nanomaterial Exposure in Soil Alters Both Soil Rhizosphere Metabolite Profiles and Maize Metabolic Pathways. Environmental Science: Nano. 6, 1716-1727
10. Zhao, L*., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Tian, L., Li, F., Liu, S., Peralta-Videa, J.R., Gardea-Torresdey, J.L., White, J.C., Huang, Y., Keller, A.A, Ji, R. 2019. C60 Fullerols Enhance Copper Toxicity and Alter the Leaf Metabolite and Protein Profile in Cucumber. Environmental Science & Technology. 53, 2171&minus;2180.
11. Zhang, H., Du, W., Peralta-Videa, J.Gardea-Torresdey, J., White, J. C., Keller, A., Guo, H., Ji, R*., Zhao, L*. 2018. Metabolomics Reveals How Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Reprograms Metabolites to Cope with Silver Ions and Silver Nanoparticle-Induced Oxidative Stress. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(14): 8016-8026.
12. Zhao, L., Huang, Y., Paglia, K., Vaniya, A., Wancewicz, B., Keller, A.A*. 2018. Metabolomics Reveals the Molecular Mechanisms of Copper Induced Cucumber Leaf (Cucumis sativus) Senescence. Environmental Science & Technology. 52, 7092-7100.
13. Zhao, L., Huang, Y., Adeleye, A. S., Keller, A.A.* 2017. Metabolomics Reveals Cu(OH)2 Nanopesticides Activated Antioxidative Pathways and Reduced Beneficial Antioxidants in Spinach Leaves. Environmental Science & Technology. 51, 10184-10194.
14. Zhao, L., Hu, Q., Huang, Y., Fulton, A. N., Hannah-Bick, C., Adeleye, A. S., Keller, A. A.* 2017. Activation of Antioxidant and Detoxification Gene Expression in Cucumber Plants exposed to a Cu(OH)2 Nanopesticide. Environmental Science: Nano. 4, 1750-1760.
15. Zhao, L., Huang, Y., Hu, J., Zhou, H., Adeleye, A. S., Keller, A. A.* 2016. 1H NMR and GC-MS based metabolomics reveal defense and detoxification mechanism of cucumber plant under nano-Cu stress. Environmental Science & Technology. 50, 2000-2010.
16. Zhao, L., Ortiz, C., Adeleye, A. S., Hu, Q., Zhou, H., Huang, Y., Keller, A. A.* 2016. Metabolomics to Detect Response of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) to Cu (OH)2 Nanopesticides: Oxidative Stress Response and Detoxification Mechanisms. Environmental Science & Technology. 50, 9697-9707.
17. Zhao, L., Sun, Y., Hernandez-Viezcas, J.A., Hong, J., Majumdar, S., Niu, G., Duarte-Gardea, M., Peralta-Videa, J.R., Gardea-Torresdey, J.L.* 2015. Monitoring the environmental effects of CeO2 and ZnO nanoparticles through the life cycle of corn (Zea mays) plants and in situ &micro;-XRF mapping of nutrients in kernels. Environmental Science and Technology. 49, 2921–2928.

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