
Hongbo Li

Pubdate :2023-03-28 Visitor:

Hongbo Li, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

School of Environment

Nanjing University


Email: hongboli@hgbetting.com

ORCID: 0000-0003-1498-4285



Chinese Academy of Sciences

Institute of Urban Environment



Beijing Normal University

School of Environment


Professional Experience


Nanjing University

School of the Environment

Ph.D. supervisor


Nanjing University

School of the Environment

Associate Professor


Nanjing University

School of the Environment

Associate Researcher


Nanjing University

School of the Environment


Research Interests

Our goal is to understand the bioavailability of metal(loids) including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and nickel in soil, dust, and food to humans following ingestion. We examined factors driving the bioavailability of metal(loid)s and the mechanisms underlying the impact. One of our objectives is to develop human metal exposure and risk assessment systems based on bioavailability of metal(loid)s. The other is to develop effective strategies to reduce metal(loid) bioavailability to decrease human exposure to metal(loid)s.

Academic Service

Editorial board of Chemosphere

Guest Editor of a special issue of Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology


Basic Chemistry Experiment

Environmental Science Experiment

Selected Publications

Li MY, Chen XQ, Wang JY, Wang HT, Xue XM, Ding J, Juhasz AL, Zhu YG, Li HB*, Ma LQ*. Antibiotic exposure decreases soil arsenic oral bioavailability in mice by disrupting ileal microbiota and metabolic profile. Environment International, 2021, 151, 106444.

Hong-Bo Li*, Han Ning, Shi-Wei Li, Jie Li, Rong-Yue Xue, Meng-Ya Li, Meng-Yu Wang, Jia-Hui Liang, Albert L. Juhasz, and Lena Q. Ma*. An interlaboratory evaluation of the variability in arsenic and lead relative bioavailability when assessed using a mouse bioassay. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues. 2021, DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2021.1919947.

Li HB*, Wang JY, Chen XQ, Li YP, Fan J, Ren JH, Luo XS, Juhasz AL, Ma LQ. Geogenic nickel exposure from food consumption and soil ingestion: A bioavailability based assessment. Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114873.

Li HB*, Li MY, Zhao D, Li J, Li SW, Xiang P, Juhasz AL, Ma, LQ*. Arsenic, lead, and cadmium bioaccessibility in contaminated soils: Measurements and validations. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2020, 50, 13, 1303-1338.

Yangyang Wu, Jianing Lou, Xue Sun, Lena Q. Ma, Jueyang Wang, Mengya Li, Hong Sun, Hongbo Li*, Lei Huang*. Linking elevated blood lead level in urban school-aged children with bioaccessible lead in neighborhood soil. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 261, 114093.

Zhao D, Wang JY, Yin, DX, Li MY, Chen XQ, Juhasz AL, Luo J, Navas-Acien A, Li, HB*, Ma LQ. Arsanilic acid contributes more to total arsenic than roxarsone in chicken meat from Chinese markets. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 383, 121178.

Kaihong Yan, Zhaomin Dong, Ravi Naidu*, Yanju Liu, Yeling Li, Ayanka Wijayawardena, Peter Sanderson, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma. Comparison of in vitro models in a mice model and investigation of the changes in Pb speciation during Pb bioavailability assessments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 388, 121744.

Li HB*, Chen XQ, Wang JY, Li MY, Zhao D, Luo XS, Juhasz AL, Ma, LQ. Antagonistic interactions between arsenic, lead, and cadmium in the mouse gastrointestinal tract and their influences on metal relative bioavailability in contaminated soils. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 14264−14272.

Li HB*, Li MY, Zhao D, Li J, Li SW, Juhasz AL, Basta NT, Luo YM, Ma, LQ*. Oral bioavailability of As, Pb, and Cd in contaminated soils, dust, and foods based on animal bioassays: a review. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 10545−10559.

Zhu X, Li MY, Chen XQ, Wang JY, Li LZ, Tu C, Luo YM*, Li, H.B.*, Ma, L.Q. As, Cd, and Pb relative bioavailability in contaminated soils: coupling mouse bioassay with UBM assay. Environment International, 2019, 130, 104875.

Li MY, Wang P, Wang JY, Chen XQ, Zhao D, Yin DX, Luo J, Juhasz AL, Li, H.B.*, Ma, L.Q*. Arsenic concentrations, speciation, and localization in 141 cultivated market mushrooms: implications for arsenic exposure to humans. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 503−511.

Zhao, D., Wang, J. Y., Tang, N., Yin, D.X., Luo, J., Juhasz A.L., Xiang, P., Li, H.B.*, Ma, L.Q*. Coupling bioavailability and stable isotope ratio to discern dietary and non-dietary contribution of metal exposure to residents in mining-impacted areas. Environment International 2018, 120, 563–571.

Zhao, D., Juhasz, A. L., Luo, J., Li H. B.*, Ma, L. Q. Metals in paints on chopsticks: Solubilization in simulated saliva, gastric, and food solutions and implication for human health. Environmental Research 2018, 167, 299–306.

Li H. B., Li, M. Y., Zhao D, Zhu Y. G., Li, J., Juhasz, A. L., Cui, X. Y., Luo J., Ma L. Q*. Food influence on lead relative bioavailability in contaminated soils: mechanisms and health implications. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2018, 358, 427–433.

Wang, N, Yu, J. G*, Zhao, Y. H., Chang, Z. Z., Shi, X. X., Ma, L. Q., Li, H. B.*. Straw enhanced CO2 and CH4 but decreased N2O emissions from flooded paddy soils: Changes in microbial community compositions. Atmospheric Environment 2018, 174: 171–179.

Zhao, D., Juhasz, A. L., Luo, J., Huang, L., Luo, X.S., Li, H. B.*; Ma, L. Q.*, Mineral dietary supplement to decrease cadmium relative bioavailability in rice based on a mouse bioassay. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51, 12123−12130.

Sun, H. J.#, Li, S. W.#, Li, C., Wang, W. Q., Li, H. B.*, Ma, L. Q. Thyrotoxicity of arsenate and arsenite on juvenile mice at organism, subcellular, and gene levels under low exposure. Chemosphere 2017, 186, 580−587.

Li, S. W., Liu, X., Sun, H. J., Li, M. Y., Zhao, D., Luo, J. , Li, H. B.*, L. Q. Ma. Effect of phosphate amendment on relative bioavailability and bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic in contaminated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 339, 256–263.

Zhao, D., Liu, R. Y., Xiang, P., Juhasz, A. L., Huang, L., Luo, J., Li, H. B.*, Ma, L. Q. Applying cadmium relative bioavailability to assess dietary intake from rice to predict cadmium urinary excretion in nonsmokers. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51, 6756–6764.

Hongbo Li, X. Dong, E. B. da Silva, L. M. de Oliveira, Y. Chen*, and L. Q. Ma*. Mechanisms of metal sorption by biochars: Biochar characteristics and modifications. Chemosphere 2017, 178, 466–478.

Li H. B., Li, J., Zhao, D., Li, C., Wang, X. J., Sun, H. J., Juhasz, A. L., Ma, L. Q.*. Arsenic relative bioavailability in rice using a mouse arsenic urinary excretion bioassay and its application to assess human health risk. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 4689−4696.

Wang, N., Z. Z. Chang*, X. X. Xue, J. G. Yu, X. X., Shi, L. Q. Ma, and Hongbo Li*. Biochar decreases nitrogen oxide and enhances methane emissions via altering microbial community composition of anaerobic paddy soil. Sci Total Environ 2017, 581–582, 689–696.

Li, S. W., Sun, H. J., Wang, G., Cui, X. Y., Juhasz, A. L., Li, H. B.*, Ma, L. Q. *. Lead relative bioavailability in soils based on different endpoints of a mouse model. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 326, 94–100.

Wang, N., X. M. Xue, A. L. Juhasz, Z. Z. Chang*, and Hongbo Li*. Biochar increases arsenic release from an anaerobic paddy soil due to enhanced microbial reduction of iron and arsenic. Environ Pollut 2017, 220, 514–522.

Sun, H. J., P. Xiang, J. Luo, H. C. Hong, H. J. Lin, Hongbo Li*, and L. Q. Ma*. Mechanisms of arsenic disruption on gonadal, adrenal and thyroid endocrine systems in humans: A review. Environ Int 2016, 95, 61–68.

Li H. B., Zhao, D., Li, J., Li, S. W., Wang, N., Juhasz, A. L., Zhu, Y. G., Ma, L.Q.*. Using the SBRC assay to predict lead relative bioavailability in urban soils: contaminant source and correlation model. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 49894996.

Di, Zhao, Jie Li, Chao Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Kirk G. Scheckel, Jun Luo, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma*. Lead relative bioavailability in lip products and their potential health risk to women. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 6036–6043.

Li, J., Li, C., Sun. H. J., Juhasz, A. L., Luo J., Li, H. B.*, Ma, L.Q.*. Arsenic relative bioavailability in contaminated soils: Comparison of animal models, dosing schemes and biological endpoints. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 453–461.

Jun Ma#, Yi Liu#, Guangbin Yu#, Hongbo Li#, Shen Yu*, Yueping Jiang, Guilin Li, Jinchang Lin. Temporal dynamics of urbanization-driven environmental changes explored by metal contamination in surface sediments in a restoring urban wetland park, J Hazard Mater 2016, 309, 228-235.

Hongbo Li, Kai Chen, Albert L. Juhasz, Lei Huang*, Lena Q. Ma*.  Childhood lead exposure in an industrial town in China: coupling stable isotope ratios with bioaccessible lead. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49, 5080-5087.

Hongbo Li, Jie Li, Yaguang Zhu, Albert L. Juhasz, Lena Q. Ma*. Comparison of arsenic bioaccessibility in housedust and contaminated soils based on four in vitro assays. Sci Total Environ 2015, 532, 803-811.

Jie Li, Kan Li, Mark Cave, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma*. Lead bioaccessibility in 12 contaminated soils from China: Correlation to lead relative bioavailability and lead in different fractions. J Hazard Mater 2015, 295, 55–62.

Jie Li, Kan Li, Xinyi Cui, Nicholas T. Basta, Liping. Li, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma*. In vitro bioaccessibility and in vivo relative bioavailability in 12 contaminated soils: Method comparison and method development. Sci Total Environ 2015, 532, 812–820.

Hongbo Li, Jie Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Lena Q. Ma*. Correlation of in vivo relative bioavailability to in vitro bioaccessibility for arsenic in household dust from China and its implication for human exposure assessment. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 13652–13659.

Hongbo Li, Xinyi Cui, Kan Li, Jie Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Lena Q. Ma*. Assessment of in vitro lead bioaccessibility in house dust and its relationship to in vivo lead relative bioavailability. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 8548–8555.

Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*, Guilin Li, Hong Deng, Bo Xu, Jing Ding, Jingbo Gao, Youwei Hong, Minghung Wong. Spatial distribution and historical records of mercury sedimentation in urban lakes under urbanization impacts. Sci Total Environ 2013, 445–446, 117–125.

Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*, Guilin Li, Hong Deng. Lead contamination and source in Shanghai in the past century using dated sediment cores from urban park lakes. Chemosphere 2012, 88, 1161–1169.

Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*, Guilin Li, Yi Liu, Guangbin Yu, Hong Deng, Shengchun Wu, Minghung Wong. Urbanization increased metal levels in lake surface sediment and catchment topsoil of waterscape parks. Sci Total Environ 2012, 432, 202–209.

Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*, Guilin Li, Hong Deng, Xiaosan Luo. Contamination and source differentiation of Pb in park soils along an urbanization gradient in Shanghai. Environ Pollut 2011, 159, 3536–3544.




We look forward to collaboration on the topic of metal(loid) bioavailability and human health risk control.

Copyright © School of the Environment,Nanjing University