
Xinyi Cui

Pubdate :2023-03-28 Visitor:

Xinyi (Lizzy) Cui, Ph.D.


School of Environment

Nanjing University

Email: lizzycui@hgbetting.com

ORCID: 0000-0003-1411-9558


1999 2004 Dalian University of Technology, Chemical engineering, Bachelor

2004 2010 Zhejiang University-UC, Riverside, Environmental science Ph.D

Professional Experience

2015.08-Associate Professor, School of the Environment, Nanjing University

2012.08–2015.08 Associate Researcher School of the Environment, Nanjing University

2010.08-2012.07 Post-doctoral Researcher, UC-Riverside

Research Interests

Environmental analysis and monitoring;

Bioavailability of organic contaminants and human health

Soil remediation and risk assessment

Academic Service

1. Editorial board member of "Science of the Total Environment", guest editor of "Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology", and Convener for "national geoscience Youth Forum".

2. Reviewer for "Environmental Science & Technology", "Environment International "……


"Introduction to geoscience, resources and environment", "Chemistry of environmental materials", "exposure assessment and health risks", and "environmental applications, behaviors and effects of nanomaterials"

Selected Publications

1.Chen, Y.; Juhasz, A.; Li, H. B.; Li, C.; Ma, L. Q.; Cui, X. Y., The influence of food on the in vivo bioavailability of DDT and its metabolites in soil. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, (8), 5003-5010.

2.  Li, K.; Sun, J.; Yang, J. P.; Roberts, S. M.; Zhang, X. X.; Cui, X. Y.; Wei, S.; Ma, L. Q., Molecular mechanisms of perfluorooctanoate-induced hepatocyte apoptosis in mice using proteomic techniques. Environmental Science & Technology 51(19): 11380-11389 (2017).

3.  Li, C.; Sun, H. J.; Juhasz, A. L.; Cui, X. Y.; Ma, L. Q., Predicting the relative bioavailability of DDT and its Metabolites in historically contaminated soils using a Tenax-improved physiologically based extraction test (TI-PBET). Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, (3), 1118-1125.

4.   Li, K.; Li, C.; Yu, N. Y.; Juhasz, A. L.; Cui, X. Y.; Ma, L. N. Q., In vivo bioavailability and in vitro bioaccessibility of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in food matrices: Correlation analysis and method development. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49, (1), 150-158.

5.  Cui, X. Y.; Bao, L. J.; Gan, J., Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) with stable isotope calibration for measuring bioavailability of hydrophobic organic contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, (17), 9833-9840.

6.   Li, K.; Gao, P.; Xiang, P.; Zhang, X. X.; Cui, X. Y.; Ma, L. N. Q., Molecular mechanisms of PFOA-induced toxicity in animals and humans: Implications for health risks. Environment International 2017, 99, 43-54.

7.   Li, S. W.; Li, H. B.; Luo, J.; Li, H. M.; Qian, X.; Liu, M. M.; Bi, J.; Cui, X. Y.; Ma, L. Q., Influence of pollution control on lead inhalation bioaccessibility in PM2.5: A case study of 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. Environment International 2016, 94, 69-75.

8.   Zhang, R. R.; Zhang, Q.; Ma, L. Q.; Cui, X. Y., Effects of Food Constituents on Absorption and Bioaccessibility of Dietary Synthetic Phenolic Antioxidant by Caco-2 Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68, (16), 4670-4677. (cover)

9.  Liu, R. Y.; He, R. W.; Cui, X. Y.; Ma, L. N. Q., Impact of particle size on distribution, bioaccessibility, and cytotoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in indoor dust. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2018, 357, 341-347.

10.  Fan, Y. Y.; Zheng, J. L.; Ren, J. H.; Luo, J.; Cui, X. Y.; Ma, L. N. Q., Effects of storage temperature and duration on release of antimony and bisphenol A from polyethylene terephthalate drinking water bottles of China. Environmental Pollution 2014, 192, 113-120. (Top 25 article)


Permanent openings for Post-doctoral Researcher, Ph.D candidates. Please contact me via: [email protected]

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