Xueyuan Gu, Ph.D.
School of Environment
Nanjing University
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-8521-3667
2003-2007,University of Guelph, Canada, Ph. D in Geochemistry
1998-2001,Nanjing University,M.S. in Environmental Science
1993-1997,South-West Normal University, B.S. in Environmental Science
Professional Experience
2007-today, Nanjing University, School of the Environment, Faculty
Research Interests
1)Speciation modeling of trace elements in soil: Development and application of speciation and geochemical models for inorganic contaminants in soil and sediment environment
2)Soil/solution interface complexation model: Development of surface complexation model of inorganic and ionic organic contaminants in nature solid components.
3)Mixture contamination:The interaction and toxicity between metal cations and ionic organic contaminants
4)Remediation of soil contamination:Soil metal remediation techniques based on speciation regulation
Undergraduate student course: "Environmental Chemistry" "Environmental Chemistry Lab"
Graduate student course: "Scientific paper reading and writing"
Selected Publications
Qu X, Xu W, Ren J, Zhao X, Li Y, Gu X. A field study to predict Cd bioaccumulation in a soil-wheat system: Application of a geochemical model. J Hazard Mater 2020; 400: 123135.
Wu J, Zhao X, Li Z, Gu X. Thermodynamic and kinetic coupling model of Cd(II) and Pb(II) adsorption and desorption on goethite. Sci Total Environ 2020; 727: 138730.
Zhu B, Liao Q, Zhao X, Gu X, Gu C. A multi-surface model to predict Cd phytoavailability to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Sci Total Environ 2018; 630: 1374-1380.
Zhao X, Jiang Y, Gu X, Gu C, Taylor JA, Evans LJ. Multi-surface modeling of Ni bioavailability to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in various soils. Environ Pollut 2018; 238: 590-598.
Jiang Y, Zhao X, Gu X, Gu C, Wang X. Terrestrial toxicity model for nickel: Comparison of culture method and modeling approaches. Environ Toxicol Chem 2018; 37: 1349-1358.
Gu X, Xie J, Wang X, Evans LJ. A simple model to predict chromate partitioning in selected soils from China. J Hazard Mater 2017; 322: 421-429.
Tong, F., Gu, X., Gu, C., Xie, J., Xie, X., Jiang, B., Wang, Y., Ertunc, T., Schaffer, A. and Ji, R. Stimulation of Tetrabromobisphenol A Binding to Soil Humic Substances by Birnessite and the Chemical Structure of the Bound Residues. Environ Sci Technol, 2016, 50, 6257-6266.
Gu,X..; Tan, Y.; Tong, F.; Gu, C., Surface complexation modeling of coadsorption of antibiotic ciprofloxacin and Cu(II) and onto goethite surfaces. Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 269, 113-120.
Gu,X..; Evans, L. J.; Barabash, S. J., Modeling the adsorption of Cd (II), Cu (II), Ni (II), Pb (II) and Zn (II) onto montmorillonite. Geochimica Cosmochimca Acta 2010, 74, (20), 5718-5728.
赵晓鹏, 顾雪元. 地球化学模型在土壤重金属形态研究中的应用进展. 环境化学 2019; 38: 59-70.
Doctor students in Environmental Science
Master Students in Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering