
Hongyan Guo

Pubdate :2023-03-28 Visitor:

Hongyan Guo, Ph.D.


School of Environment

Nanjing University

Email: hyguo@hgbetting.com

ORCID: 0000-0001-9434-7766


2000.03 - 2002.12: Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Nanjing University, China.

1991.09 -1998.06: B.S. and M.S. in Chemistry, South-Central University for Nationalities, China.

Professional Experience

2003.01 -present: School of Environment, Nanjing University, China.

2018.03 - 2019.03: visiting scholar, University of Leeds, UK.

2013.05 - 2014.05: visiting scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

2011.06 - 2011.08: visiting scholar, University of Waterloo, Canada.

2006.05 - 2011.05: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Science, China.

1998.07 - 2000.02: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Liaocheng Universit, China.

Research Interests

Pollutant Environmental Processes and Global Change

Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater

Assessment and Control on Non-point Source Pollution

Function and Service of Earth Critical Zone


Soil Environmental Chemistry, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Course.

Global Environmental Change and Regional Response, Postgraduate Course.

Scienfitic Research Project

2022.01 - 2025.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 42177003. Effects of climate change on mercury transfer and transformation in soil-rice system.

2021.07 – 2024.06, Provincial Key Research and Development Program (Social Development), BE2021706. Risk management, key technologies of remediation and application demonstration of contaminated sites in the Yangtze River Basin.

2020.01 – 2021.12, 2019 Provincial Scientific Research Project of Taihu Lake Management, JSZC-G2019-484. Integrated research and development and engineering demonstration of utilization technology of dispersed non-point source sewage in the upper reaches of Taihu Lake.

2019.12 – 2021.12, Water Conservancy Science and Technology Project from Jiangsu Province, 2019064. Research and demonstration on comprehensive management of non-point source pollution and improvement of ecological service function in small watershed.

2019-07 – 2022.06, Provincial Key Research and Development Program (Social Development), BE2019624. Integrated science and technology demonstration of risk prevention and control and key technologies for green remediation of soil-groundwater integration.

2019.01 – 2022.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 2187060378. Effects and mechanism of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on environmental effects of antibiotics in soil.

2018.07 – 2020.12, National Key Research and Development Program, 2018YFD0800201. Diagnosis, monitoring and risk assessment of heavy metals and non-point source pollution in Yangtze River Delta.

2017.01 – 2020.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 21661132004. Study on the fate of sulfa antibiotics in soil and its correlation with the coexistence characteristics of sulfa degradation genes and resistance genes.

2016.01 – 2019.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 41571130061. Mechanism and fate of material transport in suburban soil-water system based on critical zone science.

2013.01 – 2015.12, New Century Excellent Researcher Program from Ministry of Education, NECT-12-0266. Environmental Processes and Global Change of Pollutant.

2013.01 – 2017.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 21237001. Environmental process, biological effect and mechanism of brominated flame retardants and heavy metals combined pollution in soil.

2012.01 – 1015.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 21177058. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2/O3 concentration on environmental fate of PAHs in soil.

2012.01 – 2015.12, Water Special Project of Huaihe River Project, 2012 zx07204003. Study and demonstration of key technologies for supplementary emission, prevention and control of nitrogen source from surface and groundwater in Huaihe River Basin.

2010.07 – 2012.12, Natural Science Foundation Committee of Jiangsu Province, BK2010055. Study on application of key technologies for simultaneous remediation of soil and groundwater in organic-contaminated sites.

2008.01 – 2010.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 20777034. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on environmental behavior of heavy metals in soil-plant systems.

2007.12 – 2010.12, Special topic of National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program), 2007AA06Z307. Earthworm enhancement technique for in-situ remediation of organic contaminated soil.

2007.06-2009.12, Innovative Talents (Academic) Project of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, BK2007523. Study on ecological chemical remediation of soil with combined pollution of organic pollutants and heavy metals.

2007.01 – 2010.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 20637030. Migration and transformation rule of persistent organic toxic pollutants in soil and their effects on groundwater.

2005.01 – 2007.12, National Natural Science Foundation, 20407012. Study on simultaneous remediation of organic-inorganic combined pollution in soil.

Selected Publications

Wang GB, Zhang QQ, Du WC, Lin RZ, Li JH, Ai FX, Yin Y, Ji R, Wang XR, Guo HY*. In-situ immobilization of cadmium-polluted upland soil: A ten-year field study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021,207,111275.

Xu F, Du WC, Carter LJ, Xu ML, Wang GB, Qiu LL, Zhu JG, Zhu CW, Yin Y, Ji R, Banwart SA, Guo HY*. Elevated CO2 concentration modifies the effects of organic fertilizer substitution on rice yield and soil ARGs. Science of The Total Environment. 2021,754,141898.

Li YP, Xie TC, Zha YD, Du WC, Yin Y*, Guo HY. Urea-enhanced phytoremediation of cadmium with willow in pyrene and cadmium contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021,405,124257.

Wu D, Wang T, Wang J, Jiang LJ, Yin Y*, Guo HY. Size-dependent toxic effects of polystyrene microplastic exposure on Microcystis aeruginosa growth and microcystin production. Science of The Total Environment. 2020,761,143265.

Wang GB, Zhang QQ, Du WC, Ai FX, Yin Y, Ji r, Guo HY*. Microbial communities in the rhizosphere of different willow genotypes affect phytoremediation potential in Cd contaminated soil. Science of The Total Environment. 2021,769,145224.

Wang GB, Du WC, Xu ML, Ai FX, Yin Y, Guo HY*. Integrated Assessment of Cd-contaminated Paddy Soil with Application of Combined Ameliorants: A Three-Year Field Study. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2021.

Zong XY, Zhang JJ, Zhu JW, Zhang LY, Jiang LJ, Yin Y*, Guo HY. Effects of polystyrene microplastic on uptake and toxicity of copper and cadmium in hydroponic wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021,217,112217.

Xu ML, Du WC*, Ai FX, Xu F, Zhu JG, Yin Y, Ji r, Guo HY*. Polystyrene Microplastics Alleviate the Effects of Sulfamethazine on Soil Microbial Communities at Different CO2 Concentrations. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021,413,125286.

Xu F, Liu YL, Du WC, Li CL, Xu ML, Xie TC, Yin Y, Guo HY*. Response of soil bacterial communities, antibiotic residuals, and crop yields to organic fertilizer substitution in North China under wheat–maize rotation. Science of The Total Environment. 2021,785,147248.

Qiu LL, Wu JJ, Qian Y, Nafees M, Zhang JX, Du WC, Yin Y, Guo HY*. Impact of biochar-induced vertical mobilization of dissolved organic matter, sulfamethazine and antibiotic genes variation in a soil-plant system. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021,417,126022.

Qiu LL, Wu JJ, Du WC, Nafees M, Yin Y, Ji R, Banwart SA, Guo HY*. Response of Soil Bacterial Communities to Sulfadiazine Present in Manure: Protection and Adaptation Mechanisms of Extracellular Polymeric Substances. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020,408,124887.

Zhao GQ, Wu D, Cao SL, Du WC, Yin Y*, Guo HY. Effects of CeO2 Nanoparticles on Microcystis aeruginosa Growth and Microcystin Production. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2020,104,6,834-839.

Du, WC, Liu XZ, Zhao LJ, Xu YW, Yin Y, Wu JC, Ji R, Sun YY*, Guo HY. Response of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) to perfluorooctanoic acid in photosynthesis and metabolomics. Science of The Total Environment. 2020,724,138257.

Mao L, Wang YB, Zhu CW, Yin Y, Guo HY*. Effects of Decabromodiphenyl Ether and Elevated Carbon Dioxide on Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2020,105,2,237-243.

Zhang JX, Jiang LJ, Wu D, Yin Y*, Guo HY. Effects of environmental factors on the growth and microcystin production of Microcystis aeruginosa under TiO2 nanoparticles stress. Science of The Total Environment. 2020,734,139443.

Xu ML, Zhu YG, Gu KH, Zhu JG, Yin Y, Ji R, Du WC*, Guo HY*. Transcriptome reveals the rice response to elevated free air CO2 concentration and TiO2 nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019,53,20,11714-11724.

Liu, C., Chen, X., Mack, E.E., Wang, S., Du, W., Yin, Y., Banwart, S.A., Guo, HY*. Evaluating a novel permeable reactive bio-barrier to remediate PAH contaminated groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019, 368, 444-451.

Zhang YD, Virjamo V, Sobuj N, Du WC, Ying Y, Nybakken L, Guo HY*, Julkunen-Tiitto R. Sex-related responses of European aspen (Populus tremula, L.) to combined stress: TiO2 nanoparticles, elevated temperature and CO2 concentration. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018, 352, 130-138.

Zhang YD, Virjamo V, Sobuj N, Du WC, Ying Y, Nybakken L, Guo HY*, Julkunen-Tiitto R. Elevated temperature and CO2, affect responses of European aspen (Populus tremula) to soil pyrene contamination. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 634, 150-157.

Zhang YD, Virjamo V, Du WC, Ying Y, Nissinen K, Nybakken L, Guo HY*, Julkunen-Tiitto R. Effects of soil pyrene contamination on growth and phenolics in Norway spruce (Picea abies) are modified by elevated temperature and CO2. Environmental Science & Pollution Research International. 2018, 1-12.

Ai FX, Eisenhauer N, Xie YW, Zhu JG, Jousset A, Du WC, Yin Y, Zhang XW, Ji R, Guo HY*. Elevated CO2 accelerates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation in a paddy soil grown with rice. Plos One. 2018, 13(4), e0196439.

Ai, FX; Eisenhauer, N; Jousset, A; Butenschoen, O; Ji, R; Guo, HY*. Elevated tropospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations impair organic pollutant removal from grassland soil. Scientific Report, 2018, 8: 5519.

Du WC, Xu YW, Yin, Y, Ji R, Guo HY*. Risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles and other contaminants in terrestrial plants. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 2018, 6, 21-28.

Yin Y, Hu ZX, Du WC*, Ai FX, Ji R, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Guo HY*. Elevated CO2 levels increase the toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles to goldfish (Carassius auratus) in a water-sediment ecosystem. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017, 327, 64-70.

Du WC, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Xie YW, Yin Y, Zhu JG, Zhang XW, Ji R, Gu KH, Peralta-Videa JR, Guo HY*. Elevated CO2 levels modify TiO2 nanoparticle effects on rice and soil microbial communities. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 578, 408-416.

Du WC, Tan WJ, Peralta-Videa JR, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Ji R, Yin Y, Guo HY*. Interaction of metal oxide nanoparticles with higher terrestrial plants: Physiological and biochemical aspects. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2017, 110, 210-225.

Du WC.; Gardea-Torresdey JL.; Ji R, Yin Y, Zhu JG, Peralta-Videa JR., Guo HY*. (2015), Physiological and biochemical changes imposed by CeO2 nanoparticles on wheat: a life cycle field study. Environmental Science & Technology. 49(19): 11884-11893.

Guo HY*; Tian R; Zhu JG; Zhou H; Pei DP; Wang XR,Combined cadmium and elevated ozone affect concentrations of cadmium and antioxidant systems in wheat under fully open-air conditions, J. Hazard. Mater., 2012, 209: 27-33.

Guo HY*; Zhu JG; Zhou H; Sun YY; Yin Y; Pei DP; Ji R; Wu JC; Wang XR, Elevated CO2 Levels Affects the Concentrations of Copper and Cadmium in Crops Grown in Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metals under Fully Open-Air Field Conditions, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 45(16): 6997-7003.

Du WC; Sun YY; Cao L; Huang J; Ji R; Wang XR; Wu JC; Zhu JG; Guo HY* Environmental fate of phenanthrene in lysimeter planted with wheat and rice in rotationJ. Hazard. Mater., 2011, 188(1-3): 408-413.

Du WC; Sun YY; Ji R; Zhu JG; Wu JC; Guo HY*TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles negatively affect wheat growth and soil enzyme activities in agricultural soilJ. Environ. Monit.,2011, 13(4): 822-828.


Guo Hongyan, Wang Wei, Wang Xiaorong, Sun Yuanyuan, Yin Ying, Pei Daping. Method for leaching soil with heavy metal and organic combined pollution. ZL200810123622.8. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 04/20/2011.

Guo Hongyan, Xue Lamei, Sun Yuanyuan, Yin Ying, Liu Zhichao, Ji Rong, Wang Xiaorong. A microwave assisted chemical leaching method for remediation of heavy metal contaminated site soil. ZL201310049354.0. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 03/18/2015.

Guo Hongyan, Li Jiahua, Sun Yuanyuan, Wang Xiaorong, Ji Rong, Yin Ying. Phytoremediation of phenanthrene, pyrene and pentachlorophenol contaminated soils. ZL200910184200.6. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 07/20/2011.

Ji Rong, Guo Hongyan, Li Jiahua, Sun Yuanyuan, Wang Xiaorong, Yin Ying. Earthworm enhanced remediation of phenanthrene, pyrene and pentachlorophenol contaminated soil. ZL200910184601.1. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 10/05/2011.

Guo Hongyan, Sun Yuanyuan, Li Aimin, Ai Fuxun. Method for removing organic pollutants from groundwater by using resin-based PRB. ZL201010141022.1. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 03/27/2013.

Guo Hongyan, Sun Shuguang, Liu Lin, Yin Ying, Ruan Xiaohong, Wang Xiaorong. Method for determining the risk of toxic pollutants in river water with high sand content. ZL201210550468.9. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 04/08/2015.

Guo Hongyan, Zhang Huiling, Ruan Xiaohong, Ji Rong, Yin Ying, Ai Fuxun, Jia Jun, Bai Ying. Composite functional material used for biochemical joint remediation of contaminated groundwater and its preparation method. ZL201410041339.6. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 05/13/2015.

Guo Hongyan, Zhang Qingquan, Liu Zhichao, Ai Fuxun, Wu Haisuo, Ji Rong, Yin Ying, Wang Shui. A microwave assisted chemical leaching equipment for remediation of heavy metal contaminated site soil. ZL201520805852.8. Chinese Utility Patent. Issued date: 03/20/2016.

Wang Xiaorong, Lin Renzhang, Guo Hongyan, Lv Xiaoying, Zhou Hui, Zhou Xumei. A regulate agent for controlling heavy metal contaminated soil and its preparation and application method. ZL200710019264.1. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 03/04/2009.

Ji Rong, Guo Hongyan, Li Jiahua, Sun Yuanyuan, Wang Xiaorong, Yin Ying. Earthworm enhanced remediation of phenanthrene, pyrene and pentachlorophenol contaminated soil. ZL200910184601.1. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 10/05/2011.

Guo Hongyan, Zhang Qingquan, Liu Fuqiang, Jiang Bicun, Ai Fuxun, Yin Ying. Method for ultrasonic assisted zero-valent iron and hydrogen peroxide degradating cyanide in mud. ZL201510713882.0. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 10/20/2017.

Guo Hongyan, Zhang Qingquan, Liu Zhichao, Ai Fu Xun, Wu Haisuo, Ji Rong, Yin Ying, Wang Shui. Equipment and method for microwave assisted chemical leaching remediation of heavy metal contaminated site soil. ZL201510674627.X. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 06/22/2018.

Guo Hongyan, Zhang Qingquan, Wang Guobing, Yin Ying, Ji Rong, Liu Cuicui, Du Wenchao. Cadmium passivating agent for alkaline soil and its application. ZL201510949606.4. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 01/18/2019.

Guo Hongyan, Zhang Qingquan, Ji Rong, Yin Ying, Du Wenchao, Wang Guobing, Zhang Yaodan, Wang Xiaorong. Passivating agent for weakly acidic cadmium contaminated soil and its application. ZL20151094602.6. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 02/22/2019.

Guo Hongyan, Liu Cuicui, Zhang Qingquan, Ji Rong, Du Wenchao, Yin Ying, Pei Daping. A composite material in permeable reaction barrier for remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminated groundwater and its preparation and application method. ZL201510892239.9. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 12/29/2017.

Guo Hongyan, Liu Cuicui, Yin Ying, Du Wenchao, Wang Shui, Qu Changsheng, Zhang Mancheng, Ding Liang. A composite material in permeable reaction barrier for remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminated groundwater and its preparation. ZL20171.0660660.6. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 01/07/2020.

Guo Hongyan, Liu Cuicui, Yin Ying, Du Wenchao. A composite material in permeable reaction barrier for remediation of chlorine-containing nitroaromatic hydrocarbons contaminated groundwater and its preparation. ZL20171.0660660.3. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 11/22/2019.

Guo Hongyan, Wang Guobing, Zhang Qingquan, Wang Baosong, Ai Fuxun, Du Wenchao, He Xudong, Yin Ying. Application of koelreuteria paniculata and phnom penh boxwood configuration in fixation of heavy metals in soil. ZL201710328899.3. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 06/19/2020.

Guo Hongyan, Wang Guobing, Ai Fuxun, Zhang Qingquan, Du Wenchao, Wang Baosong, He Xudong, Yin Ying. Method for joint remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil. ZL201710328784.4. Chinese Invention Patent. Issued date: 07/21/2020.


2018, First Prize in Science and Technology Progress from Ministry of Education (ranked 2nd), Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation Technology Research of Typical Pollutants in Unsaturated Zone.

2012, selected into the New Century Excellent Researcher Award Program from Ministry of Education.

2012, selected into the Peak Plan of Six Talent of Jiangsu Province.

2010, First prize of Natural Science Award from Ministry of Education (ranked 8th), Study on Effect Mechanism and Early Warning Method of Biotoxicity of Typical Pollutants.

2008, First prize of Natural Science Award from Ministry of Education (ranked 7th), Environmental Chemical Behavior and Aquatic Ecotoxicological Effects of Rare Earth Elements.


Excellent students with background in environment, chemistry and biology are welcomed to pursue further study.

Copyright © School of the Environment,Nanjing University