Rong Ji, Ph.D.
School of Environment
Nanjing University
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-1724-5253
B.Sc. (Chemistry), Ocean University of Qingdao, China, 1988
M.Sc. (Marine Chem.), Ocean University of Qingdao, China, 1991
Ph.D. (Microbial Ecology), University of Konstanz, Germany, 2000
Professional Experience
Since 1.2014 Associate director, National Engineering Research Center for Organic Pollution Control and Resource Reuse
Since 11.2005 Professor, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
12.2005-01.2006 Postdoc, Department of Biogeochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany
10.2000-11.2005 Postdoc, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
7.1991-9.1995 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Ocean Univ. of Qingdao, China.
Research Interests
1. Environmental fate and biological effect of pollutants
2. Transformation of natural organic matter and global environmental change
3. Remediation of contaminated environment
4. Synthesis and application of isotope-labeled organic compounds
Academic Service
Selected Publications
1. Wang, B; Tian, LY; Tian, LL; Wang, XS; He, YJ; Ji, R (2023) Insights into health risks of face paints application to opera performers: the release of heavy metals and the stage-light-induced production of reactive oxygen species. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57: 3703-3712.
2. Ma, PK; Qi, ZC; Ji, R; Chen, W (2023) Biochar nanoparticles-mediated transport of organic contaminants in porous media: dependency on contaminant properties and effects of biochar aging. Carbon Res. 2: 4.
3. Xu, ML; Xiang, Q; Xu, F; Guo, L; Carter, LJ; Du, WC; Zhu, CW; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Wang, XZ; Guo, HY (2023) Elevated CO2 alleviated the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in sulfadiazine-contaminated soil: A free-air CO2 enrichment study. J. Hazard. Mater. 450: 131079.
4. Liu, YY; Li, JM; Ji, R; Zhang, HG; Zhang, W; Miao, AJ (2023). Bioaccumulation determines the toxicity of carbon dots to two marine dinoflagellates. Chemosphere 321: 138155.
5. Jiang, BC; Tian, YC; Li, AM; Han, YZ; Wu, ZT; Lu, C; Song, HO; Ji, R; Li, WT; Korshin, GV (2023) Changes of dissolved organic matter fractions and formation of oxidation byproducts during electrochemical treatment of landfill leachates: Development of spectroscopic indicators for process optimization. Water Res. 232: 119702.
6. Xu, ML; Xu, Q; Wang, GB; Du, WC; Zhu, JG; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Wang, XZ; Guo, HY (2023) Elevated CO2 aggravated polystyrene microplastics effects on the rice-soil system under field conditions. Environ. Pollut. 316: 120603.
7. Zhao, YT; Wu, C; Yan, S; Wang, C; Huang, ZL; Tan, QG; Ji, R; Yang, LY; Sun, CH; Badun, GA; Chernysheva, MG; Wang, P; Miao, AJ (2023) Label-free imaging of humic substance bioaccumulation by pump-probe microscopy. Anal. Chem. 95, 1219-1227.
8. Xu, SS; Yan, YB; Shuang, CD; Zhou, Q; Ji, R; Li, AM (2023) Biological magnetic ion exchange resin on advanced treatment of synthetic wastewater. Bioresour. Technol. 372, 128613.
9. Tian, LL; Ma, LY; Chen, XL; Ge, J; Ma, YN; Ji, R; Yu, XY (2023) Insights into the accumulation, distribution and toxicity of pyrene associated with microplastics in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Chemosphere 311, 136988.
10. Zhang, MG; Tan, MM; Ji, R; Ma, RH; Li, CL (2022) Current situation and ecological effects of microplastic pollution in soil. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 260, 11.
11. Kong, XK; Lv, N; Liu, SM; Xu, H; Huang, JW; Xie, XT; Tao, Q; Wang, BZ; Ji, R; Zhang, Q; Jiang, JD (2022) Phytoremediation of isoproturon-contaminated sites by transgenic soybean. Plant Biotechnol. J. 21: 342-353.
12. Zhou, Y; Jiang, BQ; Wang, SF; Sun, FF; Ji, R (2022) Effect of Cu2+ on the laccase-induced formation of non-extractable residues of tetrabromobisphenol A in humic acids. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 109: 1162-1166.
13. Wu, MY; Ma, YN; Xie, HX; Ji, R (2022) Photodissolution of submillimeter-sized microplastics and its dependences on temperature and light composition. Sci. Total Environ. 848, 157714.
14. Jiang, XT; Ma, YN; Wang, L; Chen, QQ; Ji, R (2022) Effects of nano- and microplastics on the bioaccumulation and distribution of phenanthrene in the soil feeding earthworm Metaphire guillelmi. Sci. Total Environ. 834, 155125.
15. Zhou, Y; Sun, FF; Wu, X; Cao, SQ; Guo, XR; Wang, QL; Wang, YF; Ji, R (2022) Formation and nature of non-extractable residues of emerging organic contaminants in humic acids catalyzed by laccase. Sci. Total Environ. 829: 15430.
16. Wu, X; Yao, Y; Wang, LH; Zhou, DS; Sun, FF; Chen, JQ; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2022) Synthesis of typical sulfonamide antibiotics with [14C]- and [13C]-labelling on phenyl ring for environmental studies. Environ. Sci. Eur. 34: 23.
17. Zhao, LJ; Chen, S; Tan, XJ; Yan, X; Zhang, WH; Huang, YX; Ji, R; White, JC (2022) Environmental implications of MoS2 nanosheets on rice and associated soil microbial communities. Chemosphere 291: 133004.
18. Su, Y; Hu, X; Tang, HJ; Lu, K; Li, HM; Liu, SJ; Xing, BS; Ji, R (2022) Steam disinfection releases micro(nano)plastics from silicone-rubber baby teats as examined by optical photothermal infrared microspectroscopy. Nature Nanotechnol. 17: 76-85.
19. Tian, LL; Cheng, JJ; Ji, R; Ma, YN; Yu, XY (2022) Microplastics in agricultural soils: sources, effects, and their fate. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sci. Health 25: 100311.
20. Liu, ZD; Williams, PN; Fang, W; Ji, R; Han, C; Ren, JH; Li, HB; Yin, DX; Fan, J; Xu, HT; Luo, J (2022) Enhanced mobilization of Cd from commercial pigments in the rhizosphere of flooded lowland rice. Sci. Total Environ. 807: 151032.
21. Xu, S; Wu, C; Guo, WB; Yang, LY; Ji, R; Pan, K; Miao, AJ (2021) Polystyrene nanoplastics inhibit the transformation of tetrabromobisphenol A by the bacterium Rhodococcus jostii. ACS Nano 16: 405-414.
22. Chen, S; Shi, NB; Huang, M; Tan, XJ; Yan, X; Wang, AD; Huang, YX; Ji, R; Zhou, DM; Zhu, YG; Keller, AA; Gardea-Torresdey, JL; White, JC; Zhao, LJ (2021) MoS2 nanosheets-cyanobacteria interaction: Reprogrammed carbon and nitrogen metabolism. ACS Nano 15: 16344-16356.
23. Wang, YF; Tiang, LL; Wang, LH; Yan, XY; Shan, J; Ji, R (2021) Degradation, transformation, and non-extractable residue formation of nitrated nonylphenol isomers in an oxic soil. Environ. Pollut. 289: 117880.
24. Liu, YH; Li, JR; Guo, RX; Ji, R; Chen, JQ (2021) Influence of Tubificidae limnodrilus and electron acceptors on the environmental fate of BDE-47 in sediments by 14C-labelling. Environ. Pollut. 288: 117737.
25. Zhu, CY; Zhu, BY; Gu, XY; Li, M; Ji, R; Zhou, Q (2021) Technology and concept of wastewater treatment: offerences between the Rhine Basin and the Yangtze Basin. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 106: 1059-1064.
26. Shi, WJY; Wu, YY; Sun, X; Gu, XY; Ji, R; Li, M (2021) Environmental governance of western europe and its enlightenment to China: In context to Rhine basin and the Yangtze River basin. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 106: 819-824.
27. Wu, MJ; Jiang, YL; Kwong, RWM; Brar, SK; Zhong, H; Ji, R (2021) How do humans recognize and face challenges of microplastic pollution in marine environments? A bibliometric analysis. Environ. Pollut. 280: 116959.
28. Xu, ML; Du, WC; Ai, FX; Xu, F; Zhu, JG; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Guo, HY (2021) Polystyrene microplastics alleviate the effects of sulfamethazine on soil microbial communities at different CO2 concentrations. J. Hazard. Mater. 413: 125286
29. Li, X; Xu, YC; Li, M; Ji, R; Dolf, R; Gu, XY (2021) Water Quality Analysis of the Yangtze and the Rhine River: A Comparative Study Based on Monitoring Datafrom 2007 to 2018. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 106: 825-831.
30. Lu, FX; Su, Y; Ji, YT; Ji, R (2021) Release of zinc and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from tire crumb rubber and toxicity of leachate to Daphnia magna: Effects of tire source and photoaging. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 107: 651-656.
31. Wang, SF; Wu, X; Guo, R; Wang, QL; Guo, HY; Corvini, PFX; Sun, FF; Ji, R (2021) Long-term field study on fate, transformation, and vertical transport of tetrabromobisphenol A in soil-plant systems. Environ. Sci. Technol. 55: 4607-4615.
32. Wang, GB; Zhang, QQ; Du, WC; Lin, RZ; Li, JH; Ai, FX; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Wang, XR; Guo, HY (2021) In-situ immobilization of cadmium-polluted upland soil: A ten-year field study. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 207: 111275.
33. Wang, GB; Zhang, QQ; Du, WC; Ai, FX; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Guo, HY (2021) Microbial communities in the rhizosphere of different willow genotypes affect phytoremediation potential in Cd contaminated soil. Sci. Total Environ. 769: 145224.
34. Tian, LL; Ma, YN; Ji, R (2021) Quantification of polystyrene plastics degradation using 14C isotope tracer technique. Meth. Enzymol. 648: 121-136.
35. Liu, YY; Yu, NY; Fang, WD; Tan, QG; Ji, R; Yang, LY; Wei, S; Zhang, XW; Miao, AJ (2021) Photodegradation of carbon dots cause cytotoxicity. Nature Commun. 12: 812.
36. Qiu, LL; Wu, JJ; Du, WC; Nafees, M; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Banwart, SA; Guo, HY (2021) Response of soil bacterial communities to sulfadiazine present in manure: Protection and adaptation mechanisms of extracellular polymeric substances. J. Hazard. Mater. 408: 124887.
37. He, YJ; Zhang, L; Jiang LX; Wagner, T; Sutton, NB; Ji, R; Langenhoff, AAM (2021) Improving removal of antibiotics in constructed wetland treatment systems based on key design and operational parameters: A review. J. Hazard. Mater. 407: 124386.
38. Xu, F; Du, WC; Carter, LJ; Xu, ML; Wang, GB; Qiu, LL; Zhu, JG; Zhu, CW; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Banwart, SA; Guo, HY (2021) Elevated CO2 concentration modify the effects of organic fertilizer substitution on rice yield and soil ARGs. Sci. Total Environ. 754: 141898.
39. Zhang, HL; Chen, S; Jia, XR; Huang, YX; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2021) Comparation of the phytotoxicity between chemically and green synthesized silver nanoparticles. Sci. Total Environ. 752: 142264.
40. Wang, T; Ma, YN; Ji, R (2021) Aging processes of polyethylene mulch films and preparation of microplastics with environmental characteristics. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 107, 736-740.
41. Liu, XL; Ma, J; Ji, R; Wang, SF; Zhang, QR; Zhang, CD; Liu, SJ; Chen, W (2020) Biochar fine particles enhance uptake of benzo(a)pyrene to macrophages and epithelial cells via different mechanisms. Environ. Sci. Technol. Letters. 8: 218-223.
42. Huang, M; Keller, AA; Wang, X; Tian, LY; Wu, B; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2020) Low concentrations of silver nanoparticles and silver ions perturb antioxidant defense system and nitrogen metabolism in N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 15996-16005.
43. Tian, LY; Shen, JP; Sun, GX; Wang, B; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2020) Foliar application of SiO2 nanoparticles alters soil metabolite profiles and microbial community composition in the pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) rhizosphere grown in contaminated mine soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 13137-13146.
44. Liu, XL; Gharasoo, M; Shi, Y; Sigmund, G; Huffer, T; Duan, L; Wang, YF; Ji, R; Hofmann, T; Chen, W (2020) Key physicochemical properties dictating gastrointestinal bioaccessibility of microplastics-associated organic xenobiotics: insights from a deep learning approach. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 12051-12062.
45. Wang, T; Wang, L; Chen, QQ; Kalogerakis, N; Ji, R; Ma, YN (2020) Interactions between microplastics and organic pollutants: Effects on toxicity, bioaccumulation, degradation, and transport. Sci. Total Environ. 748: 142427.
46. Zhang, WH; Jia, XR; Chen, S; Wang, J; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2020) Response of soil microbial communities to engineered nanomaterials in presence of maize (Zea mays L.) plants. Environ. Pollut. 267: 115608.
47. Lyu, XY; Liu, X; Sun, YY; Gao, B; Ji, R; Wu, JC; Xue, YQ (2020) Importance of surface roughness on perfuorooctanoic acid (PFOA) transport in unsaturated porous media. Environ. Pollut. 266: 115343.
48. Cao, SQ; Wang, SF; Zhao, YY; Wang, LH; Ma, YN; Schaffer, A; Ji, R (2020) Fate of bisphenol S (BPS) and characterization of non-extractable residues in soil: insights into persistence of BPS. Environ. Int. 143: 105908.
49. Liu, HT; Liu, K; Fu, HY; Ji, R; Qu, XL (2020) Sunlight mediated cadmium release from colored microplastics containing cadmium pigment in aqueous phase. Environ. Pollut. 263: 114484.
50. Li, PY; Wang, AD; Du, WC; Mao, L; Wei, ZB; Wang, SF; Yuan, HY; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2020) Insight into the interaction between Fe-based nanomaterials and maize (Zea mays) plants at metabolic level. Sci. Total Environ. 738: 139795.
51. Lu, L; Huang, M; Huang, YX; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2020) Mn3O4 nanoenzyme boost endogenous antioxidant metabolites in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) plant and enhance resistance to salinity stress. Environ. Sci. Nano 7: 1692-1703.
52. Du, WC; Liu, X; Zhao, LJ; Xu, YW; Yin, Y; Wu, JC; Ji, R; Sun, YY; Guo, HY (2020) Response of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) to perfluorooctanoic acid in photosynthesis and metabolomics. Sci. Total Environ. 724: 138257.
53. Wang, B; Su, Y; Tian, LY; Peng, SH; Ji, R (2020) Heavy metals in face paints: Assessment of the health risks to Chinese opera actors. Sci. Total Environ. 724: 138163.
54. Yao, Y; Zhou, Y; Wang, WJ; Zhou, DS; Wang, LH; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2020) Fate of lower-brominated diphenyl ethers (LBDEs) in a red soil - application of 14C-labelling. Sci. Total Environ. 721: 137735.
55. Wang, YF; Shan, J; Zhao, YY; Li, FJ; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2020) Degradation and transformation of nitrated nonylphenol isomers in activated sludge under nitrifying and heterotrophic conditions. J. Hazard. Mater. 393: 122438.
56. Jia, X; Wang, WJ; Yao, Y; He, YJ; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2020) Fate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol in soil under different redox conditions. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 104: 707-713.
57. Jia, X; He, YJ; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2020) Transformation of catechol coupled to redox alteration of humic acids and the effects of Cu and Fe cations. Sci. Total Environ. 725: 138245.
58. Zhang, HL; Huang, M; Zhang, WH; Gardea-Torresdey, JL; White, JC; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2020) Silver nanoparticles alter soil microbial community compositions and metabolite profiles in unplanted and cucumber-planted soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 3334-3342.
59. Yao, Y; Wang, L; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2020) Accumulation and transformation of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE47) by the earthworm Metaphire vulgaris in soil. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 104: 701-706.
60. Yan, L; Li, PY; Zhao, XP; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2020) Physiological and metabolic responses of maize (Zea mays) plants to Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Sci. Total Environ. 718: 137400.
61. Wang, AD; Jin, QJ; Xu, X; Miao, AJ; White, JC; Gardea-Torresdey, JL; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2020) High-throughput screening for engineered nanoparticles that enhance photosynthesis using mesophyll protoplasts. J. Agric. Food Chem. 68: 3382-3389.
62. Yao, Y; Wang, B; He, YJ; Wang, LH; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2020) Fate of 4-bromodiphenyl ether (BDE3) in soil and the effects of co-existed copper. Environ. Pollut. 261: 114214.
63. Zhao, LJ; Lu, L; Wang, AD; Zhang, HL; Huang, M; Wu, HH; Xing, BS; Wang, ZY; Ji, R (2020) Nanobiotechnology in agriculture: use of nanomaterials to promote plant growth and stress tolerance. J. Agric. Food Chem. 68: 1935-1947.
64. Chen, X; Ma, X; Pan, YN; Ji, R; Gu, XY; Luo, SP; Bao, LJ; Gu, XN (2020) Dissipation, transformation and accumulation of triclosan in soil-earthworm system and effects of biosolids application. Sci. Total Environ. 712: 136563.
65. Gu, JQ; Chen, X; Wang, YF; Wang, LH; Szlavecz, K; Ma, YN; Ji, R (2020) Bioaccumulation, physiological distribution, and biotransformation of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi - hint for detoxification strategy. J. Hazard. Mater. 388: 122027.
66. Tian, LY; Zhang, HL; Zhao, XP; Gu, XY; White, JC; Zhao, LJ; Ji, R (2020) CdS nanoparticles in soil induce metabolic reprogramming in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) roots and leaves. Environ. Sci. Nano 7: 93-104.
67. Xu, S; Ma, J; Ji, R; Pan, K; Miao, AJ (2020) Microplastics in aquatic environments: occurrence, accumulation, and biological effects, Sci. Total Environ. 703: 134699.
68. Liu, LF; Liu, YL; Gao, B; Ji, R; Li, CL; Wang, SS (2020) Removal of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) from water by carbonaceous nanomaterials: A review. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 2379-2414.
69. Liu, YH; Feng, YM; Li, JR; Zhou, DS; Guo, RX; Ji, R; Chen, JQ (2020) The bioaccumulation, elimination, and trophic transfer of BDE-47 in the aquatic food chain of Chlorella pyrenoidosa-Daphnia magna. Environ. Pollut. 258: 113720.
70. Song, C; Ye, F; Zhang, HL; Hong, J; Hua, CY; Wang, B; Chen, YS; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ. (2019) Metal(loid) oxides and metal sulfides nanomaterials reduced heavy metals uptake in soil cultivated cucumber plants. Environ. Pollut. 255, 113354.
71. Li, QL; Wu, JT; Zhao, XP; Gu, XY; Ji, R (2019) Separation and identification of microplastics from soil and sewage sludge. Environ. Pollut. 254: 113076.
72. Shan, J; Corvini, PFX; Schaffer, A; Chee-Sanford, JC; Yan, XY; Ji, R (2019) Influence of the geophagous earthworm Aporrectodea sp. on fate of bisphenol A and a branched 4-nonylphenol isomer in soil. Sci. Total Environ. 693: 133574.
73. Wang, SF; Ling, XH; Wu, X; Wang, LH; Li, GY; Corvini, PFX; Sun, FF; Ji, R (2019) Release of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA)-derived non-extractable residues in oxic soil and the effects of the TBBPA-degrading bacterium Ochrobactrum sp. strain T. J. Hazard. Mater. 378: 120666.
74. Xu, ML; Zhu, YG; Gu, KH; Zhu, JG; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Du, WC; Guo, HY (2019) Transcriptome reveals the rice response to elevated free air CO2 concentration and TiO2 nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53: 11714-11724.
75. Wang, XW; Chen, JQ; Ji, R; Liu, YH; Su, Y; Guo, RX (2019) Degradation of bisphenol S by a bacterial consortium enriched from river sediments. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 103: 630-635.
76. Tian, LL; Chen, QQ; Jiang, W; Wang, LH; Xie, HX; Kalogerakis, N; Ma, YN; Ji, R (2019) A carbon-14 radiotracer-based study on the photo-transformation of polystyrene nanoplastics in water versus in air. Environ. Sci. Nano 6: 2907-2917.
77. Song, C; Ye, F; Liu, SJ; Li, FF; Huang, YX; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2019) Thorough utilization of rice husk: metabolite extracts for silver nanocomposite biosynthesis and residues for silica nanomaterials fabrication. New J. Chem. 43: 9201-9209.
78. He, YJ; Wang, T; Sun, FF; Wang, LH; Ji, R (2019) Effects of veterinary antibiotics on the fate and persistence of 17b-estradiol in swine manure. J. Hazard. Mater. 375: 198-205.
79. Zhang, HL; Lu, L; Zhao, XP; Zhao, S; Gu, XY; Du, WC; Wei, H; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2019) Metabolomics reveal the "invisible" responses of spinach plants exposed to CeO2 nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53: 6007-6017.
80. Zhao, LJ; Zhang, HL; White, JC; Chen, XQ; Li, HB; Qu, XL; Ji, R (2019) Metabolomics reveal that engineered nanomaterial exposure in soil alters both soil rhizosphere metabolite profiles and maize metabolic pathways. Environ. Sci. Nano 6: 1716-1727.
81. Liu, J; Zhang, T; Tian, LL; Liu, XL; Qi, ZC; Ma, YN; Ji, R; Chen, W (2019) Aging significantly affects mobility and contaminant-mobilizing ability of nanoplastics in saturated loamy sand. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53: 5805-5815.
82. Lan, XJ; Wang, T; Ewald, F; Chen, ZX; Cui, K; Schaffer, A; Wang, LH; Ji, R (2019) 14C-Labelling of the natural steroid estrogens 17a-estradiol, 17b-estradiol, and estrone. J. Hazard. Mater. 375: 26-32.
83. Lyu, XY; Liu, X; Sun, YY; Ji, R; Gao, B; Wu, JC (2019) Transport and retention of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in natural soils: Importance of soil organic matter and mineral contents, and solution ionic strength. J. Contam. Hydrol. 225, 103477.
84. Chen, X; Gu, XY; Zhao, XP; Wang, YF; Pan, YN; Ma, X; Wang, XR; Ji, R (2019) Species-dependent effects of earthworms on the fates and bioavailability of tetrabromobisphenol A and cadmium coexisted in soils. Sci. Total Environ. 658: 1416-1422.
85. Liu, XL; Ji, R; Shi, Y; Wang, F; Chen, W (2019) Release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from biochar fine particles in simulated lung fluids: Implications for bioavailability and risks of airborne aromatics. Sci. Total Environ. 655: 1159-1168.
86. Zhang, HL; Huang, YX; Gu, JQ; Keller, A; Qin, YW; Bian, Y; Tang, K; Qu, XL; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2019) Single particle ICP-MS and GC-MS provide new insight into the forming mechanisms for AgNPs green synthesis. New J. Chem. 43: 3946-3955.
87. Zhao, LJ; Zhang, HL; Wang, JJ; Tian, LY; Li, FF; Liu, SJ; Peralta-Videa, J; Gardea-Torresdey, J; White, J; Huang, YX; Keller, A; Ji, R (2019) C60 fullerols enhance copper toxicity and alter the leaf metabolite and protein profile in cucumber. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 2171-2180.
88. Guo, XR; Liu, YH; Sun, FF; Zhou, DS; Guo, RX; Dong, TL; Chen, YF; Ji, R; Chen, JQ (2019) Fate of 14C-bisphenol F isomers in an oxic soil and the effects of earthworm. Sci. Total Environ. 657: 254-261.
89. Jiang, XT; Tian, LL; Ma, YN; Ji, R (2019) Quantifying the bioaccumulation of nanoplastics and PAHs in the clamworm Perinereis aibuhitensis. Sci. Total Environ. 655: 591-597.
90. Du, WC; Xu, YW; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Guo, HY (2018) Risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles and other contaminants in terrestrial plants. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sci. Health 2018, 6: 21-28.
91. Chen, X; Gu, XY; Zhao, XP; Ma, X; Pan, YN; Wang, XR; Ji, R (2018) Species-dependent toxicity, accumulation, and subcellular partitioning of cadmium in combination with tetrabromobisphenol A in earthworms. Chemosphere 210: 1042-1050.
92. Zhang, HL; Du, WC; Peralta-Videa, J; Gardea-Torresdey, J; White, J; Keller, A; Guo, H; Ji, R; Zhao, LJ (2018) Metabolomics reveals how cucumber (Cucumis sativus) reprograms metabolites to cope with silver ions and silver nanoparticle-induced oxidative stress. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52: 8016-8026.
93. Lv, XY; Sun, YY; Ji, R; Gao, B; Wu, JC; Lu, QS; Jiang, H (2018) Physicochemical factors controlling the retention and transport of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in saturated sand and limestone porous media. Water Res. 141: 251-258.
94. Ai, FX; Eisenhauer, N; Xie, YW; Zhu, JG; Jousset, A; Du, WC; Yin, Y; Zhang, XW; Ji, R; Guo, HY (2018) Elevated CO2 accelerates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation in a paddy soil grown with rice. PloS One 13: e0196439.
95. Ai, FX; Eisenhauer, N; Jousset, A; Butenschoen, O; Ji, R; Guo, HY (2018) Elevated tropospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations impair organic pollutant removal from grassland soil. Sci. Rep. 8: 5519.
96. Liu, LF; Liu, YL; Li, CL; Ji, R; Tian, XF (2018) Improved sorption of perfluorooctanoic acid on carbon nanotubes hydridized by metal oxide nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 25: 15507-15517.
97. Liu, J; Ma, YN; Zhu, DQ; Xia, TJ; Qi, Y; Yao, Y; Guo, XR; Ji, R; Chen, W (2018) Polystyrene nanoplastics-enhanced contaminant transport: role of irreversible adsorption in glassy polymeric domain. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52: 2677-2685.
98. Liu, LF; Li, DY; Li, CL; Ji, R; Tian, XF (2018) Metal nanoparticles by doping carbon nanotubes improved the sorption of perfluorooctanoic acid. J. Hazard. Mater. 351: 206-214.
99. Huang, B; Yan, S; Xiao, L; Ji, R; Yang, LY; Miao, AJ; Wang, P (2018) Label-free imaging of nanoparticle uptake competition in single cells by hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering. Small 14: 1703246. doi:10.1002/smll.201703246.
100. Zeng, J; Zhu, QH; Wu, YC; Shan, J; Ji, R; Lin, XG (2018) Oxidation of benzo[a]pyrene by laccase in soil enhances bound residue formation and reduces disturbance to soil bacterial community composition. Environ. Pollut. 2018, 242: 462-469.
101. Xu, S; Wang, YF; Yang, LY; Ji, R; Miao, AJ (2018) Transformation of tetrabromobisphenol A by Rhodococcus jostii RHA1: Effects of heavy metals. Chemosphere 196: 206-213.
102. Du, WC; Tan, WJ; Yin, Y; Ji, R; Peralta-Videa, JR; Guo, HY; Gardea-Torresdey, JL (2018) Differential effects of copper nanoparticles/microparticles in agronomic and physiological parameters of oregano (Origanum vulgare). Sci. Total Environ. 618: 306-312.
103. Wu, YC; Ding, QM; Zhu, QH; Zeng, J; Ji, R; Dumont, MG; Lin, XG (2018) Contributions of ryegrass, lignin and rhamnolipid to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon dissipation in an arable soil. Soil Biol. Biochem. 118: 27-34.
104. Hu, SQ; Zhang, HC; Shen, GX; Yuan, ZJ; Xu, T; Ji, R (2017) Effects of 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol on the embryonic development of the clearhead icefish (Protosalanx hyalocranius). Chemosphere 176: 18-24.
105. Ma, YN; Zhao, YY; Wang, YF; Li, XZ; Sun, FF; Corvini, PF-X; Ji, R (2017) Effects of Cu2+ and humic acids on degradation and fate of TBBPA in pure culture of Pseudomonas sp. strain CDT. J. Environ. Sci. - China 62: 60-67.
106. Guo, RX; Du, YX; Zheng, FZ; Wang, J; Wang, ZL; Ji, R; Chen, JQ (2017) Bioaccumulation and elimination of bisphenol a (BPA) in the alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa and the potential for trophic transfer to the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. Environ. Pollut. 227: 460-467.
107. Wang, SF; Sun, FF; Wang, YF; Wang, LH; Ma, YN; Kolvenbach, BA; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2017) Formation, characterization, and mineralization of bound residues of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in silty clay soil under oxic conditions. Sci. Total Environ. 599-600: 332-339.
108. Chen, X; Gu, JQ; Wang, YF; Gu, XY; Zhao, XP; Wang, XR; Ji, R (2017) Fate and O-methylating detoxification of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in two earthworms (Metaphire guillelmi and Eisenia fetida). Environ. Pollut. 227: 526-533.
109. Gu, JQ; Jing, YY; Ma, YN; Sun, FF; Wang, LH; Chen, JQ; Guo, HY; Ji, R (2017) Effects of the earthworm Metaphire guillelmi on the mineralization, metabolism, and bound-residue formation of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in soil. Sci. Total Environ. 595, 528-536.
110. Wang, YF; Xu, J; Shan, J; Ma, YN, Ji, R (2017) Fate of phenanthrene and mineralization of its non-extractable residues in an oxic soil. Environ. Pollut. 224: 377-383.
111. Tian, LL; Kolvenbach, B; Corvini, N; Wang, SF; Tavanaie, N; Wang, LH; Ma, YN; Scheu, S; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2017) Mineralization of 14C-labelled polystyrene plastics by Penicillium variabile after ozonation pre-treatment. New Biotechnol. 38: 101-105.
112. Chen, X; Wang, XR; Gu, XY; Jiang, Y; Ji, R (2017) Oxidative stress responses and insights into the sensitivity of the earthworms Metaphire guillelmi and Eisenia fetida to soil cadmium. Sci. Total Environ. 2017, 574: 300-306.
113. Du, WC; Gardea-Torresdey, JL; Xie, YW; Yin, Y; Zhu, JG; Zhang, XW; Ji, R; Gu, KH; Peralta-Videa, J; Guo, HY (2017) Elevated CO2 levels modify TiO2 nanoparticle effects on rice and soil microbial communities. Sci. Total Environ. 578, 408-416.
114. Du, WC; Tan, WJ; Peralta-Videa, JR; Gardea-Torresdey, JL; Ji, R; Yin, Y; Guo, HY (2017) Interaction of metal oxide nanoparticles with higher terrestrial plants: Physiological and biochemical aspects. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 110: 210-225.
115. Yin, Y; Hu, ZX; Du, WC; Ai, FX; Ji, R; Gardea-Torresdey, JL, Guo, HY (2017) Elevated CO2 levels increase the toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles to goldfish (Carassius auratus) in a water-sediment ecosystem. J. Hazard. Mater. 327, 64-70.
116. Ma, YN; Huang, AN; Cao, SQ; Sun, FF; Wang, LH; Guo, HY; Ji, R (2016). Effects of nanoplastics and microplastics on toxicity, bioaccumulation, and environmental fate of phenanthrene in fresh water. Environ. Pollut. 219: 166-173.
117. Tong, F; Gu, XY; Gu, C; Xie, JY; Xie, XC; Jiang, BQ; Wang, YF; Ertunc, T, Schaeffer, A; Ji, R (2016) Stimulation of tetrabromobisphenol A binding to soil humic substances by birnessite and the chemical structure of the bound residues. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 6257-6266
118. Hu, SQ; Gu, HR; Cui, CY; Ji, R (2016) Toxicity of combined chromium(VI) and phenanthrene pollution on the seed germination, stem lengths, and fresh weights of higher plants. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 23: 15227-15235.
119. Xu, S; Wei, ZB, Wang, LH; Ji, R; Yang, LY; Miao AJ (2016). Cadmium accumulation kinetics in Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 and potential effects of brominated flame retardants. Wat. Air Soil Pollut. 227: 147.
120. Huang, B; Xiao, L; Yang, LY; Ji, R, Miao AJ (2016) Facile synthesis of 55Fe-labeled well-dispersible hematite nanoparticles for bioaccumulation studies in nanotoxicology. Environ. Pollut. 213: 801-808.
121. Wang, SF; Cao, SQ; Wang, YF; Jiang, BQ; Wang, LH; Sun, FF; Ji, R (2016) Fate and metabolism of the brominated flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in rice cell suspension culture. Environ. Pollut. 214: 299-306.
122. Hu, SQ; Zhang, W; Li, J; Lin, KF; Ji, R (2016) Antioxidant and gene expression responses of Eisenia fetida following repeated exposure to BDE209 and Pb in a soil-earthworm system. Sci. Total Environ. 556: 163-168.
123. Gu, JQ; Zhou, WQ; Jiang, BQ; Wang, LH; Ma, YN; Guo, HY; Schulin, R; Ji, R; Evangelou, MWH (2016) Effects of biochar on the transformation and earthworm bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in soil. Chemosphere 145:431-437.
124. Sun, YY; Xu, HX; Li, JH; Shi, XQ; Wu, JC; Ji, R; Guo, HY (2016) Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with phenanthrene and cadmium by growing willow (Salix x aureo-pendula CL 'J1011'). Int. J. Phytorem. 18: 150-156.
125. Mu, YS; Wu, FC; Zhao, Q; Ji, R; Qie, Y; Zhou, Y; Hu, Y; Pang, CF; Hristozov, D; Giesy, JP; Xing, BS (2016) Predicting toxic potencies of metal oxide nanoparticles by means of nano-QSARs. Nanotoxicology 10: 1207-1204.
126. Bian, XS; Ji, R (2016) Photocatalytic degradation of methyl blue by tourmaline-coated TiO2 nanoparticles. Desalination and Water Treatment 57: 19292-19300.
127. Shan, J; Ji, R; Yu, YJ; Xie, ZB; Yan, XY (2015) Biochar, activated carbon, and carbon nanotubes have different effects on fate of 14C-catechol and microbial community in soil. Sci. Rep. 5: 16000. DOI:10.1038/srep16000.
128. Du, WC; Gardea-Torresdey, JL; Ji, R; Yin, Y; Zhu, JG; Peralta-Videa, JR; Guo, HY (2015) Physiological and biochemical changes imposed by CeO2 nanoparticles on wheat: A life cycle field study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49: 11884-11893.
129. Li, FJ; Wang, JJ; Jiang, BQ; Yang, X; Nastold, P; Kolvenbach, B; Wang, LH; Ma, YN; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2015) Fate of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and formation of ester- and ether-linked bound residues in an oxic sandy soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49: 12758-12765.
130. Thakur, MP; Milcu, A; Manning, P; Niklaus, PA; Roscher, C; Power, S; Reich, PB; Scheu, S; Tilman, D; Ai, F; Guo, H; Ji, R; Pierce, S; Ramirez, NG; Richter, AN; Steinauer, K; Strecker, T; Vogel, A; Eisenhauer, N (2015) Plant diversity drives soil microbial biomass carbon in grasslands irrespective of global environmental change factors. Global Change Biol. 21: 4076-4085.
131. Tong, F; Gu, XY; Gu, C; Ji, R; Tan, YY; Xie, JY (2015) Insights into tetrabromobisphenol A adsorption onto soils: effects of soil components and environmental factors. Sci. Total Environ. 536, 582-588.
132. Shan, J; Ji, R; Yan, XY (2015) Soil-specific effects of urea addition on mineralization of aromatic and proteinaceous components of humic-like substances in three agricultural soils. Biol. Fertil. Soils 51: 615-623.
133. Li, FJ; Jiang, BQ; Nastold, P; Kolvenbach, BA; Chen, JQ; Wang, LH; Guo, HY; Corvini, PFX; Ji, R (2015) Enhanced transformation of tetrabromobisphenol A by nitrifiers in nitrifying activated sludge. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49: 4283-4292.
134. Sun, FF; Kolvenbach, B; Nastold, P; Jiang, BQ; Ji, R; Corvini, PFX (2014) Degradation and metabolism of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in submerged soil and soil–plant systems. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 14291-14299.
135. Wang, NX; Huang, B; Xu, S; Wei, ZB; Miao, AJ; Ji, R; Yang, LY (2014) Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on arsenite accumulation, oxidation, and toxicity in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Aquat. Toxicol. 157: 167-174.
136. Qi, ZC; Hou, L; Zhu, DQ; Ji, R; Chen, W (2014) Enhanced transport of phenanthrene and 1-naphthol by colloidal graphene oxide nanoparticles in saturated soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 10136-10144.
137. Li, FJ; Wang, JJ; Nastold, P; Jiang, BQ; Sun, FF; Zenker, A; Kolvenbach, BA; Ji, R; Corvini, PF-X (2014) Fate and metabolism of tetrabromobisphenol A in soil slurries without and with the amendment with the alkylphenol degrading bacterium Sphingomonas sp. strain TTNP3. Environ. Pollut. 193: 181-188.
138. Wang, JJ; Wang, YF; Wang, T; Cui, K; Wang, LH; Ji, R (2014) Synthesis and characterization of 14C-labelled sulfate conjugates of steroid oestrogens. J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 57: 470-476.
139. Shan, J; Wang, YF; Gu, JQ; Zhou, WQ; Ji, R; Yan, XY (2014) Effects of biochar and the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi on fate of 14C-catechol in an agricultural soil. Chemosphere 107: 109-114.
140. Shan, J; Wang, YF; Wang, LH; Yan, XY; Ji, R (2014) Effects of the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi on sorption, mineralization, and bound-residue formation of 4-nonylphenol in an agricultural soil. Environ. Pollut. 189: 202-207.
141. Wang, F; Ji, R; Jiang, ZW; Chen, W (2014) Species-dependent effects of biochar amendment on bioaccumulation of atrazine in earthworms. Environ. Pollut. 186: 241-247.
142. Liu, J; Shan, J; Jiang, BQ; Yu, B; Wang, LH; Chen, JQ; Guo, HY; Ji, R (2014) Degradation and bound-residue formation of nonylphenol in red soil and the effects of ammonium. Environ. Pollut. 186: 83-89.
143. Bian, XS; Chen, JQ; Ji, R (2013) Degradation of methyl blue using Fe-tourmaline as a novel photocatalyst. Molecules 18: 1457-1463.
144. Bian, XS; Chen, JQ; Ji, R (2013) Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) by novel photocatalytic material of tourmaline-coated TiO2 nanoparticles: kinetic study and model. Materials 6: 1530-1542.
145. Du, W; Ji, R; Sun, Y; Zhu, J; Wu, J; Guo, H (2013) Fate and ecological effects of decabromodiphenyl ether in a field lysimeter. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47: 9167-9174.
146. Liu, J; Wang, YF; Jiang, BQ; Wang, LH; Chen, JQ; Guo, HY; Ji, R (2013) Degradation, metabolism, and bound-residue formation and release of tetrabromobisphenol A in soil during sequential anoxic-oxic incubation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47: 8348-8354.
147. Shan, J; Li, J; Wang, YF; Yan, XY; Guo, HY; Li, XZ; Ji, R (2013) Digestion and residue stabilization of bacterial and fungal cells, protein, peptidoglycan, and chitin by the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi. Soil Biol. Biochem. 64: 9-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.03.009
148. Wang, NX; Li, Y; Deng, XH; Miao, AJ; Ji, R; Yang, LY (2013) Toxicity and bioaccumulation kinetics of arsenate in two freshwater green algae under different phosphate regimes. Water Res. 47: 2497-2506.
149. Chen, JQ; Hu, ZJ; Wang, NX; Ji, R (2013) Interactions between m-phenylenediamine and bovine serum albumin measured by spectroscopy. Luminescence 28: 226-231.
150. Zhou, WQ; Shan, J; Jiang, BQ; Wang, LH; Feng, JF; Guo, HY; Ji, R (2013) Inhibitory effects of carbon nanotubes on the degradation of 14C-2,4-dichlorophenol in soil. Chemosphere 90: 527-534.
151. Sun, YY; Ren, LJ; Li, JH; Yin, Y; Wu, JC; Ji, R; Shi, XQ; Guo, HY (2013) The co-application of willow and earthworms / horseradish for removal of pentachlorophenol from contaminated soils. Soil and Sediment Contamination 22: 498-509.
152. Floehr, T; Xiao, HX; Scholz-Starke, B; Wu, LL; Hou, JL; Yin, DQ; Zhang, XW; Ji, R; Yuan, XZ; Ottermanns, R; Ross-Nickoll, M; Schaffer, A; Hollert, H (2013) Solution by dilution? A review on the pollution status of the Yangtze River. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 20: 6934-6971.
153. Li, CL; Schaeffer, A; Vereecken, H; Ji, R; Klumpp, E (2013) Influences of perfluorooctanoic acid on the aggregation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes. J. Environ. Sci.-China 25: 466-472.
154. Chai, XL; Hao, YX; Zhao, X; Liu, GX; Zhu, Y; Ji, R; Wu, J; Tong, HH; Zhao, YC (2012) Abiotic association of phthalic acid esters with humic acid of a sludge landfill. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 6:778-783.
155. Li, CL; Zhang, B; Ertunc, T; Schaeffer, A; Ji, R (2012) Birnessite-induced binding of phenolic monomers to soil humic substances and nature of the bound residues. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46: 8843-8850.
156. Chen, JQ; Hu, ZJ; Ji, R (2012) Removal of carbofuran from aqueous solution by orange peel. Desalination and Water Treatment 49: 106-114.
157. Li, CL, Ji, R; Schaeffer, A; Sequaris, JM; Amelung, W; Vereecken, H; Klumpp, E (2012) Sorption of a branched nonylphenol and perfluorooctanoic acid on Yangtze River sediments and their model components. J. Environ. Monit. 14: 2653-2658.
158. Ying, F; Ding, C; Ge, R; Wang, XT; Li, FJ; Zhang, YH; Zeng, QQ; Yu, B; Ji, R; Han, XD (2012) Comparative evaluation of nonylphenol isomers on steroidogenesis of rat Leydig Cells. Toxicol. in Vitro 26: 1114-1121.
159. Li, CL; Schaffer, A; Sequaris, JM; Laszlo, K; Toth, A; Tombacz, E; Vereecken, H; Ji, R; Klumpp, E (2012) Surface-associated metal catalyst enhances the sorption of perfluorooctanoic acid to multi-walled carbon nanotubes. J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 377: 342-346.
160. Wang, NX; Zhang, XY; Wu, J; Xiao, L; Yin, Y; Miao, AJ; Ji, R; Yang, LY (2012) Effects of microcystin-LR on the metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Water Res. 46: 369-377.
161. Shan J, Jiang BQ, Yu B, Li CL, Sun YY, Guo HY, Wu JC, Klumpp E, Schäffer A, Ji R (2011) Isomer-specific degradation of branched and linear 4-nonylphenol isomers in an oxic soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45: 8283-8289.
162. Guo HY, Zhu JG, Zhou H, Sun YY, Yin Y, Pei DP, Ji R, Wu JC, Wang XR (2011) Elevated CO2 levels affects the concentrations of copper and cadmium in crops grown in soil contaminated with heavy metals under fully open-air field conditions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45: 6997-7003.
163. Li CL, Berns AE, Schäffer A, Séquaris J-M, Vereecken H, Ji R, Klumpp E (2011) Effect of structural composition of humic acids on the sorption of a branched nonylphenol isomer. Chemosphere 84: 409-414.
164. Du WC, Sun YY, Ji R, Zhu JG, Wu JC, Guo HY (2011) TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles negatively affect wheat growth and soil enzyme activities in agricultural soil. J. Environ. Monit. 13: 822-828.
165. Chai XL, Liu GX, Wu J, Tong HH, Ji R, Zhao YC (2011) Effects of fulvic substances on the distribution and migration of Hg in landfill leachate. J. Environ. Monit. 13: 1464-1469.
166. Du WC, Sun YY, Cao L, Huang J, Ji R, Wang XR, Wu JC, Zhu JG, Guo HY (2011) Environmental fate of phenanthrene in lysimeter planted with wheat and rice in rotation. J. Hazard. Mater. 188: 408-413.
167. Ngugi DK, Ji R, Brune A (2011) Nitrogen mineralization, denitrification, and nitrate ammonification by soil-feeding termites: a 15N-based approach. Biogeochemistry 103: 355-369.
168. Shan J, Xu J, Zhou WQ, Ji LL, Cui YB, Guo HY, Ji R (2011) Enhancement of chlorophenol sorption on soil by geophagous earthworms (Metaphire guillelmi). Chemosphere 82: 156-162.
169. Li JH, Sun YY, Yin Y, Ji R, Wu JC, Wang XR, Guo HY (2010) Ethyl lactate-EDTA composite system enhances the remediation of the cadmium-contaminated soil by autochthonous willow (Salix ´ aureo-pendula CL 'J1011') in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. J. Hazard. Mater. 181: 673-678.
170. Jiang MX, Wang LH, Ji R (2010) Biotic and abiotic degradation of four cephalosporin antibiotics in a lake surface water and sediment. Chemosphere 80: 1399-1405.
171. Chen JQ, Hu ZJ, Wang D, Gao CJ, Ji R (2010) Photocatalytic mineralization of dimethoate in aqueous solutions using TiO2: Parameters and by-products analysis. Desalination 258: 28-33.
172. Shan J, Brune A, Ji R (2010) Selective digestion of the proteinaceous component of humic substances by the geophagous earthworms Metaphire guillelmi and Amynthas corrugatus. Soil Biol. Biochem. 42: 1455-1462.
173. Shan J, Wang T, Li CL, Klumpp E, Ji R (2010) Bioaccumulation and bound-residue formation of a branched 4-nonylphenol isomer in the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi in a rice paddy soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44: 4558-4563.
174. Butenschoen O, Ji R, Schaffer A, Scheu S (2009) The fate of catechol in soil as affected by earthworms and clay. Soil Biol. Biochem. 41: 330-339.
175. Liu Q, Ji R, Hommes G, Schaffer A, Corvini PFX (2008) Fate of a branched nonylphenol isomer in submerged paddy soils amended with nitrate. Water Res. 42: 4202-4808.
176. Marschner B, Brodowski S, Dreves A, Gleixner G, Gude A, Grootes PM, Hamer U, Heim A, Jandl G, Ji R, Kaiser K, Kalbitz K, Kramer C, Leinweber P, Rethemeyer J, Schäffer A, Schmidt MWI, Schwark L, Wiesenberg GLB (2008) How relevant is recalcitrance for the stabilization of organic matter in soils. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 171: 91-110.
177. Schmidt B, Ebert J, Lamshöft M, Thiede B, Schumacher-Buffel R, Ji R, Corvini PFX, Schäffer A (2008) Fate in soil of 14C-sulfadiazine residues contained in manure of young pigs which were treated with the veterinary antibiotic. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B 43: 8-20.
178. Li CL, Ji R, Vinken R, Hommes G, Bertmer M, Schäffer A, Corvini PFX (2007) Role of humic acids in the biodegradation of nonylphenol by Sphingomonas sp. strain TTNP3 – increased bioavailability and formation of bound residues. Chemosphere 68: 2172-2180.
179. Boga HI, Ji R, Ludwig W, Brune A (2007) Sporotalea propionica gen. nov. sp. nov., a hydrogen-oxidizing, oxygen-reducing, propionigenic firmicute from the intestinal tract of a soil-feeding termite. Arch. Microbiol. 187: 15-27.
180. Li XZ, Ji R, Schäffer A, Brune A (2006) Mobilization of soil phosphorus during passage through the gut of larvae of Pachnoda ephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Plant Soil 288: 263-270.
181. Ji R, Brune A (2006) Nitrogen mineralization, ammonia accumulation, and emission of gaseous NH3 by soil-feeding termites. Biogeochem. 78: 267-283.
182. Corvini PFX, Hollender J, Ji R, Schumacher S, Prell J, Hommes G, Priefer U, Vinken R, Schäffer A (2006) The degradation of α-quaternary nonylphenol isomers by Sphingomonas sp. strain TTNP3 involves a type II ipso-substitution mechanism. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 70: 114-122.
183. Ji R, Brune A (2005) Digestion of peptidic residues in humic substances by an alkali-stable and humic-acid-tolerant proteolytic activity in the gut of soil-feeding termites. Soil Biol. Biochem. 37: 1648-1655.
184. Vinken R, Schäffer A, Ji R (2005) Abiotic association of soil-borne monomeric phenols with humic acids. Org. Geochem. 36: 583-593.
185. Ji R, Chen ZX, Corvini PFX, Kappler A, Brune A, Haider A, Schäffer A. (2005) Synthesis of [13C]- and [14C]-labeled phenolic humus and lignin monomers. Chemosphere 60: 1169-1181.
186. Corvini PFX, Elend M, Hollender J, Ji R, Preiss A, Vinken R, Schäffer A (2005) Metabolism of the single nonylphenol isomer 4(2´,6´-dimethyl-2´-heptyl)-phenol by Sphingomonas sp. Strain TTNP3: formation of an alkyl shifted hydroquinone and of a further metabolite. Environ. Chem. Lett. 2: 185-189.
187. Ji R, Schäffer, A (2004) Synthesis of [uniformly ring-14C]-labelled 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillin, and protocatechualdehyde. J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 47: 209-216.
188. Ji R, Schäffer A (2002) Synthesis of 13C- and 14C-labelled catechol. J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 45: 581-588.
189. Ji R, Brune A (2001) Transformation and mineralization of 14C-labeled cellulose, peptidoglycan, and protein by the soil-feeding termite Cubitermes orthognathus. Biol. Fertil. Soils 33: 166-174.
190. Kappler A, Ji R, Schink B, Brune A (2001) Dynamics in composition and size-class distribution of humic substances in profundal sediments of Lake Constance. Org. Geochem. 32: 3-10.
191. Ji R, Kappler A, Brune A (2000) Transformation and mineralization of synthetic 14C-labeled humic model compounds by the soil-feeding termites. Soil Biol. Biochem. 32: 1281-1291.
192. Kappler A, Ji R, Brune A (2000) Synthesis and characterization of specifically 14C-labeled humic model compounds for feeding trials with soil-feeding termites. Soil Biol. Biochem. 32: 1271-1280.
Postdocs with strong background in chemistry, biology, geoscience, or environmental science are welcome!