Xiezhi YU, Ph.D.
School of Environment
Nanjing University
Email: [email protected]
◢ Education
Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, China, 2008
M.Sc. in Environmental Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, China, 2003
B.Sc. in Environmental Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, China, 2000
◢ Professional Experience
2008.7-Current:Lecturer, School of the Environment, Nanjing University
2018.9-2020.8:Deputy Director, Yangming Sub-district Administration, Liangxi District, Wuxi City (holding temporary post for two years)
2014.9-2015.8:Visiting Scholar, University of Victoria, Canada
2009.8-9, 2010.7-9:Visiting Scholar, University of Göttingen, Germany
2007.10-2008.2:Research Assistant, Hong Kong Baptist University
◢ Research Interests
1. Environmental fate of pollutants in soil-plant system
2. Bioremediation technology of soil/water contamination
◢ Academic Service
1. Managing Editor of "Eco-Environment & Health"
2. Asian Office Director of "Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology"
◢ Teaching
1. Environmental Biomonitoring and Bioremediation
2. Soil Biology
3. Production Practice
◢ Selected Publications
1. Feng Y., Liu F., Li M. *, Cui Y.B., Jiang X.F., Yu X.Z.* 2021. Risk assessment and ecotoxicological effects of leachates extracted from industrial district soils of Nanjing, China. Ecotoxicology, 30, 1343–1353.
2. Zhang T., Liu F., Yu X.Z., Jiang X.F., Cui Y.B., Li M. 2021. Risk assessment and ecotoxicological diagnosis of soil from a chemical industry park in Nanjing, China. Ecotoxicology, 30, 1303–1314.
3. Song L., Pan Z.Z., Dai Y., Chen L., Zhang L., Liao Q.L.., Yu X.Z., Guo H.Y., Zhou G.S. 2021. High-throughput sequencing clarifies the spatial structures of microbial communities in cadmium-polluted rice soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 47086-47098.
4. Song L., Pan Z.Z., Dai Y., Chen L., Zhang L., Liao Q.L.., Yu X.Z., Guo H.Y., Zhou G.S. 2020. Characterization and comparison of the bacterial communities of rhizosphere and bulk soils from cadmium-polluted wheat fields. PeerJ, 8, e10302.
5. Wu F.Y.1, Yu X.Z.1, Wu S.C., Wong M.H. 2014. Effects of inoculation of PAH-degrading bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on responses of ryegrass to phenanthrene and pyrene. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 16, 109-122.
6. Yu X.Z., Wu S.C., Wu F.Y., Wong M.H. 2011. Enhanced dissipation of PAHs from soil using mycorrhizal ryegrass and PAH-degrading bacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186, 1206-1217.
7. Wu F.Y.1, Yu X.Z.1, Wu S.C., Lin X.G., Wong M.H. 2011. Phenanthrene and pyrene uptake by arbuscular mycorrhizal maize and their dissipation in soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187, 341-347.
8. Zhang R., Wang W., Shi X., Yu X.Z., Li M., Xiao, L., Cui Y.B. 2011. Health risk of semi-volatile organic pollutants in wujin river inflow into taihu lake. Ecotoxicology, 20, 1083-1089.
9. Gao Y., Wu S.C., Yu X.Z., Wong M.H. 2010. Dissipation gradients of phenanthrene and pyrene in the Rice rhizosphere. Environmental Pollution, 158, 2596-2603.
10. Zhang W., Wang H., Zhang R., Yu X.Z., Qian P.Y., Wong M.H. 2010. Bacterial communities in PAH contaminated soils at an electronic-waste processing center in China. Ecotoxicology, 19, 96-104.
11. Zennegg, M., Yu X.Z., Wong M.H., Weber R. 2009. Fingerprints of chlorinated,brominated and mixed halogenaed dioxins at two e-waste recycling sites in Guiyu/China. Organohalogen Compounds. 71, 2263-2267.
12. Yu X.Z., Zennegg M., Engwall M., Rotander A., Larsson M., Wong M.H., Weber R. 2008. E-waste recycling heavily contaminates a Chinese city with chlorinated, brominated and mixed halogenated Dioxins. Organohalogen Compounds. 70, 813-816.
13. Wong M.H., Wu S.C., Deng W.J., Yu X.Z., Luo Q., Leung A.O.W., Wong C.S.C., Luksemburg W.J., Wong A.S. 2007. Export of toxic chemicals - A review of the case of uncontrolled electronic-waste recycling. Environmental Pollution. 149, 131-140.
14. Yu X.Z., Gao Y., Wu S.C., Zhang H.B., Cheung K.C., Wong M.H. 2006. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils at Guiyu area of China, affected by recycling of electronic waste using primitive technology. Chemosphere. 65, 1500-1509.
15. Yu X.Z., Cheng J.M., Wong M.H. 2005. Earthworm–mycorrhiza interaction on Cd uptake and growth of ryegrass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 37, 195-201.
16. Gao Y., Yu X.Z., Wu S.C., Cheung K.C., Tam N.F.Y., Qian P.Y., Wong M.H. 2006. Interactions of rice (Oryra Sativa L.) and PAH-degrading bacteria (Acinetobacteria sp.) on enhanced dissipation of spiked phenanthrene and pyrene in waterlogged soil. Science of the Total Environment. 372, 1-11.
17. Yu X.Z., Cheng J.M. 2003. Effects of earthworm on bio-availability of Cu and Cd in soils. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 23(5), 922-928. (in Chinese)
18. Cheng J.M., Yu X.Z., Wong M.H. 2007. Effect of earthworm-mycorrhiza interaction on transformation of Cd from soil to plant,Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 27(2), 228-234. (in Chinese)
19. Cheng J.M., Yu X.Z. 2006,Role of earthworm in phytoremediation of Copper and Cadmium contaminated soil. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 12(3), 352-355. (in Chinese)
20. Cheng J.M., Yu X.Z., Wong M.H. 2006,Effect of earthworm-mycorrhiza interaction on available nutrients and ryegrass growth in Cd contaminated soil. Journal of Agro-environment Science. 25(3), 685-689. (in Chinese)
21. Cheng J.M., Yu X.Z., Wong M.H. 2005. Roles of earthworm-mycorrhiza interactions on phytoremediation of Cd contaminated soil. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 25(6), 1256-1263. (in Chinese)