Heyun Fu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Environment
Nanjing University
Email: heyunfu@hgbetting.com
ORCID: //orcid.org/0000-0002-0014-1829
◇ 2009/09-2014/06, Nanjing University, School of Environment, Ph.D.
◇ 2005/09-2009/06, Hohai University, College of Environment, B.S.
Professional Experience
◇ 2016/11-present, Nanjing University, School of Environment, Associate Professor
◇ 2014/09-2016/10, Nanjing University, School of Environment, Research Associate
Research Interests
◇ Environmental Interfacial Processes and Mechanisms
◇ Environmental Function Materials
◇ Pollutant Analysis and Treatment
Academic Service
◇ University Chemistry Lab
◇ Environmental Chemistry Lab
◇ Aquatic Chemistry Lab
Selected Publications
Yuhan Sun, Minghui Li, Xiaolei Qu, Shourong Zheng, Pedro J. J. Alvarez, Heyun Fu*. 2021. Efficient reduction of selenite to elemental selenium by liquid-phase catalytic hydrogenation using a highly stable multiwalled carbon nanotube-supported Pt catalyst coated by N-doped carbon. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13: 29541–29550.
Beining Chen, Tingting Jiang, Heyun Fu*, Xiaolei Qu, Zhaoyi Xu, Shourong Zheng. 2021. Ultrasensitive, rapid and selective sensing of hazardous fluoride ion in aqueous solution using a zirconium porphyrinic luminescent metal-organic framework. Analytica Chimica Acta 1145:95–102.
Xin Ning, Dongzhi Deng, Heyun Fu*, Xiaolei Qu, Zhaoyi Xu, Shourong Zheng. 2020. Ni-PC@SBA-15 derived from nano-sized Ni-MOF-74 confined in SBA-15 as a highly active catalyst for gas phase catalytic hydrodechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane. Chemical Communications 56:6985–6988.
Xin Ning, Yuhan Sun, Heyun Fu*, Xiaolei Qu, Zhaoyi Xu, Shourong Zheng. 2020. N-doped porous carbon supported Ni catalysts derived from modified Ni-MOF-74 for highly effective and selective catalytic hydrodechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane to ethylene. Chemosphere 241:124978.
Fangxue Wei, Yuhao He, Xiaolei Qu, Zhaoyi Xu, Shourong Zheng, Dongqiang Zhu, Heyun Fu*. 2019. In situ fabricated porous carbon coating derived from metal-organic frameworks for highly selective solid-phase microextraction. Analytica Chimica Acta 1078:70–77.
Heyun Fu, Kun Liu, Pedro J. J. Alvarez, Daqiang Yin, Xiaolei Qu*, Dongqiang Zhu. 2019. Quantifying hydrophobicity of natural organic matter using partition coefficients in aqueous two-phase systems. Chemosphere 218:922–929.
Minghui Li, Jiao He, Yuqiong Tang, Jingya Sun, Heyun Fu*, Yuqiu Wan, Xiaolei Qu, Zhaoyi Xu, Shourong Zheng*. 2019. Liquid phase catalytic hydrogenation reduction of Cr(VI) using highly stable and active Pd/CNT catalysts coated by N-doped carbon. Chemosphere 217:742–753.
Heyun Fu, Zhicheng Zhou, Shourong Zheng, Zhaoyi Xu, Pedro J. J. Alvarez, Daqiang Yin, Xiaolei Qu*, Dongqiang Zhu. 2018. Dissolved mineral ash generated by vegetation fire is photoactive under the solar spectrum. Environmental Science & Technology 52:10453–10461.
Zhicheng Zhou, Beining Chen, Xiaolei Qu, Heyun Fu*, Dongqiang Zhu. 2018. Dissolved black carbon as an efficient sensitizer in the photochemical transformation of 17β-estradiol in aqueous solution. Environmental Science & Technology 52:10391–10399.
Jifei Hou, Hong Li, Yuqiong Tang, Jingya Sun, Heyun Fu*, Xiaolei Qu, Zhaoyi Xu, Daqiang Yin, Shourong Zheng*. 2018. Supported N-doped carbon quantum dots as the highly effective peroxydisulfate catalysts for bisphenol F degradation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 238:225–235.
Xin Ning, Fangxue Wei, Heyun Fu*, Xiaolei Qu, Zhaoyi Xu, Shourong Zheng. 2018. Enhanced catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol over titania nanotube supported gold nanoparticles by weak ultraviolet light irradiation: Role of gold surface charge. Applied Surface Science 445:535–541.
Heyun Fu, Chenhui Wei, Xiaolei Qu, Hui Li, Dongqiang Zhu*. 2018. Strong binding of apolar hydrophobic organic contaminants by dissolved black carbon released from biochar: A mechanism of pseudomicelle partition and environmental implications. Environmental Pollution 232:402–410.
Heyun Fu, Huiting Liu, Jingdong Mao, Wenying Chu, Qilin Li, Pedro J. J. Alvarez, Xiaolei Qu*, Dongqiang Zhu. 2016. Photochemistry of dissolved black carbon released from biochar: Reactive oxygen species generation and phototransformation. Environmental Science & Technology 50:1218–1226.
Heyun Fu, Yong Guo, Wei Chen, Cheng Gu, Dongqiang Zhu*. 2014. Reductive dechlorination of hexachloroethane by sulfide in aqueous solutions mediated by graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes. Carbon 72:74–81.
Heyun Fu, Xiaolei Qu, Wei Chen, Dongqiang Zhu*. 2014. Transformation and destabilization of graphene oxide in reducing aqueous solutions containing sulfide. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33:2647–2653.
Heyun Fu, Dongqiang Zhu*. 2013. Graphene oxide-facilitated reduction of nitrobenzene in sulfide-containing aqueous solutions. Environmental Science & Technology 47:4204–4210.
Heyun Fu, Dongqiang Zhu*. 2012. In situ hydrothermal grown silicalite-1 coating for solid-phase microextration. Analytical Chemistry 84:2366–2372.
Heyun Fu, Liuyan Yang, Yuqiu Wan, Zhaoyi Xu, Dongqiang Zhu*. 2011. Adsorption of pharmaceuticals to microporous activated carbon treated with potassium hydroxide, carbon dioxide, and steam. Journal of Environmental Quality 40:1886–1894.
Heyun Fu, Fangxue Wei, Yuhao He, Zhaoyi Xu, Shourong Zheng. Fabrication of a nickel-based MOF derived carbon coating and its application, ZL201810216406.1
Heyun Fu, Fangxue Wei, Yuhao He, Zhaoyi Xu, Shourong Zheng. Fabrication and application of a porous carbon coating derived from zinc-based MOF, ZL201810216394.2
Heyun Fu, Beining Chen, Zhicheng Zhou, Yufan Li. A visual sensing system for Cr(VI) detection in aqueous solution,ZL201911227278.1
Heyun Fu (7/11), Interfacial Chemical Processes of Contaminants in Aquatic Environments and the Underlying Mechanisms, the First Prize in Natural Sciences by the Ministry of Education, 2014
Students major in environmental science and engineering, chemistry, or materials science.