
Lei Huang

Pubdate :2023-04-04 Visitor:

Lei Huang

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Add: Room B226, School of Environment, Nanjing University

Tel: 025-89680535

Email: huanglei@hgbetting.com

Education Experience

2007/09-2010/06,PhD, Environmental Science,School of Environment, Nanjing University, China
2002/09-2005/06, MSc, Environmental Engineering,School of Environment, Nanjing University, China
1998/09-2002/06, BSc, Department of Earth Science, Nanjing University, China

Working Experience

2018/12-now: Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, School of Environment, Nanjing University, China

2014/8-now: Visiting Scholar, LDEO Environmental Health Exposure Assessment Center, Columbia University, America
2012/12-2018/12: Associate Professor, School of Environment, Nanjing University, China
2007/09-2012/12: Lecturer, School of Environment, Nanjing University, China
2005/07-2007/09: Teaching Assistant, School of Environment, Nanjing University, China

Research Areas

She is the winner of National Excellent Youth Fund in China and Six talent peaks Project in Jiangsu Province. She is specialized in environmental ecology and health risk assessment and regulation research, environmental monitoring and risk early warning and emergency system construction, etc. Combined with the interdisciplinary research methods of geosciences, epidemiology and psychology, the long-term observation and tracking research, and big data analysis on the current hot environmental issues are carried out. She has successively presided over 5 National Natural Science Foundation projects, and undertaken more than 20 provincial and ministerial level projects, such as Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key R&D Program of China, the National Water Pollution Control and Control Scientific and Technological Special Project, and the Environmental Protection Public Welfare Project. She has published more than 100 academic papers with total citations for more than 3000 times, among which more than 60 SCI papers as the first author/corresponding author, including Nature Energy, PNAS, EHP, ES&T and other top international publications. In particular, a single paper has the highest citation of more than 800 times (as one of the 100 Most Influential International Academic Papers in China), and 4 papers are selected as ESI Highly Cited Papers. Meanwhile She has authorized 14 software copyrights and 1 patent. The above achievements won 3 first prizes for provincial and ministerial level and 1 Youth Science and Technology Award.

Part-time Academic Job

She serves as the editor of several academic journals, including "The Innovation", "Eco-Environment & Health", "Environmental Research", "Journal of Environmental Hygiene", "Environmental Ecology", etc.


"Environmental Risk Assessment and Management", "Environmental Risk and Emergency Management", "Introduction to Environment and Health", etc.

Research Projects

Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71921003, Environmental Risk Management, 2020/01-2024/12, Core Member;

National Natural Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars of China, 41822709, Research on Risk Assessment and Management of Pollutants, 2019/01-2021/12, Host;

The General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 41571475, Research on Assessment and Regulation of Individual Exposure Health Risks and Public Risk Acceptance Level of Atmospheric Fine Particles. 2016/01-2019/12, Host;

The General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 41271014, Research on Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination on Regional population Health and Risk Assessment and Regulation. 2013/01-2016/12, Host;

The National Key Research and Development Program of China: Special Project on Causes and Treatment Technology for Site Soil Pollution——Research on the Risk Management and Control Mechanism and the Technology System of Economic Policy of Contaminated Sites. Project: Research on Sustainable risk management and control model of Contaminated Sites, 2020YFC1807502,2020/11-2023/10,PI;

The National Key Research and Development Program of China: Special Project on Causes and Treatment Technology for Site Soil Pollution. Project: Pollution supervision and early warning Technology in Chemical Industrial Parks. Sub-project: The Soil-Water-Gas Integrated Three-dimensional Monitoring Network in Chemical Industrial Parks. 2019YFC1804001,2019/12-2023/11, Sub-project Principal;

National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program), 2013AA06A309, Comprehensive Demonstration of Risk Identification and Control of Chemicals in Typical Chemical Industry Zone. 2013/01-2015/12, Sub-project Principal;

Fund for International Cooperation and Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 412101012, Research on Regional Differences and Influencing Factors of Maximum Acceptable Environmental Risk Level, 2012/07-2012/12, Host;

National Natural Science Foundation of China, 40901266, Estimation of the Maximum Acceptable Environmental Risk Level and Research on Regional Differences, 2010/01-2012/12, Host;

The General Program of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China: An Intervention Study on Regulation of Health Risk of Cd Exposed Populations Based on Bioavailability. BK20201186,2020/7 -2023/6, Host;

The General Program of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China: Research on Effects and Risks of Heavy Metal Pollution on Population Health in Developed Areas. BK2012733, 2012/7-2015/6, Host;

Research on Basin Environment Risk Early Warning System. Environmental Monitoring Research Fund of Jiangsu Province, 0916, 2009-2010, Host;

Research on Real-time Supervision and Early Warning System of Radiation Risk. Environmental Protection Research Project of Jiangsu Province, 2009-2010, Host;

Research on the Strategy of Environmental Health and Control of Hazardous Pollutants in Jiangsu Province. Environmental Protection Department of Jiangsu Province, 2010, PI;

Research on the Construction of Environmental Supervision System Based on Risk Prevention, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, 2010, PI.

Representative 10 Papers

Lei Huang, Ying Zhou, Yuting Han, Jun Bi*. Effect of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on the Risk Perception of Residents near a Nuclear Power Plant in China. PNAS, 2013, 110(49):19742-19747.

Lei Huang*, Yang Liu*. Balanced news for long-term growth. Nature Energy, 5 (2020) 500-501.

Zongwei Ma, Xuefei Hu, Andrew M. Sayer, Robert Levy, Qiang Zhang, Yingang Xue, Shilu Tong, Jun Bi, Lei Huang*, Yang Liu*. Satellite-Based Spatiotemporal Trends in PM2.5 Concentrations: China, 2004–2013. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016, 124(2):184-192.

Kai Chen, Lei Huang*, Beizhan Yan, Hongbo Li, Hong Sun*, and Jun Bi. Effect of Lead Pollution Control on Environmental and Childhood Blood Lead Level in Nantong, China: An Interventional Study. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48 (21), 12930–12936.

Lei Huang*, Jie Li, Ruoying He, Chao Rao, Tsering J. van der Kuijp, Jun Bi,*A Quantitative Analysis of Health Risk Perception, Exposure Levels, and Willingness to Pay/Accept of PM2.5 during the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018,52,13824-13833.

Hong-Bo Li Kai Chen Albert L Juhasz Lei Huang *, Lena Q Ma *. Childhood Lead Exposure in an Industrial Town in China: Coupling Stable Isotope Ratios with Bioaccessible Lead . Environmental Science & Technology. 2015, 49(8):5080-5087.

Lei Huang, Linli Liu, Ting Zhang, Di Zhao, Hongbo Li, Hong Sun, Patrick L. Kinney, Masha Pitiranggon, Steven Chillrud, Lena Qiying Ma, Ana Navas-Acien, Jun Bi*, Beizhan Yan**. An Interventional Study of Rice for Reducing Cadmium Exposure in a     Chinese Industrial Town. Environment International. 2019, 122(1), 301-309.

Lei Huang*, Ruoying He, Qianqi Yang, Jin Chen, Ying Zhou, James K. Hammittc, Xi Lu,Jun Bi*, Yang LiuThe changing risk perception towards nuclear power in China after the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan. Energy Policy. 2018,120:294301.

Lei Huang, Haonan Cheng, Shengtao Ma, Ruoying He, Jicheng Gong, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. The exposures and health effects of benzene, toluene and naphthalene for Chinese chefs in multiple cooking styles of kitchens. Environment International, 2021, DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2021.106721.

ZhiyuanLi, ZongweiMa, TseringJan van der Kuijp, ZengweiYuan, Lei Huang*. A review of soil heavy metal pollution from mines in China: Pollution and health risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 486(469):843-853.

Authorized Software Copyrights

Information Visualization Platform V1.0 in Chemical Industry Parks Based on Sesium. Software Copyright, Registration Number: 2021SR0940984

Dynamic Crawler Software V1.0 for Environmental Pollution Accidents. Software Copyright, Registration Number: 2021SR0043645

Toxicity Risks Database Software V1.0. Software Copyright, Registration Number: 2020SR0023308

Chemical Risk Control and Management Platform System Software V1.0. Software Copyright, Registration Number: 2015SR156666

Chemical Risk Classified Management System Software V1.0 in Chemical Industry Parks. Software Copyright, Registration Number: 2014SR130813

Environmental Accident Case Database Management System V1.0. Registration Number: 2012SR088148, Software Registration No.0456184 0456184

Identification and Assessment System Software V1.0 for Environmental Risk Sources in Chemical Industrial Parks. Registration Number: 2012SR095906, Software Registration No.0456184 0463942

Water Quality Dispersion Simulating System Software V1.0 for Environmental Accidents. Registration Number: 2012SR095908, Software Registration No.0463944

Atmospheric Dispersion Simulating System Software V1.0 for Environmental Accidents. Registration Number: 2012SR095911, Software Registration No.0463947

Management System Software V1.0 for Environmental Risk Sources in Chemical Industrial Parks. Registration Number: 2012SR096181, Software Registration No.0464217

3D Emergency Deduction System Software V1.0 for Environmental Accidents. Registration Number: 2012SR096391, Software Registration No.0464427

Training Simulation System Software V1.0 for Environmental Accidents. Registration Number: 2012SR096397, Software Registration No.0464433

Environmental Risk Source Declaration Management System Software V1.0. Software Copyright, Registration Number: 2010SR024441, Software Registration No.0212714

Environmental Risk Source Assessment and Grading System Software V1.0. Software Copyright, Registration Number: 2010SR049876, Software Registration No.028149

Technology Awards

1. Research on the Heterogeneity Representation and Dynamic Mechanism of Environmental Risk. 2020 Outstanding Achievement Award for Colleges and Universities Scientific Researches (Natural Science Award), First Prize, Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Education, 2021/3

2. Research on the Technology of Environmental Risk Management and Control of the Whole Process. 2016 Outstanding Achievement Award for Colleges and Universities Scientific Researches (Science and Technology Award), First Prize, Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Education, 2016/12

3. The 9th Youth Science and Technology Award of Chinese Society for Environmental Science, 2014/10

4. Research and Application of the Technology of Environmental Risk Prevention and Control of Chemical Industrial Park. Science and Technology Progress Award, Frist Prize, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, 2012/10

Enrollment Situation

We recruit 1-2 doctoral students, 1 academic master's degree student, and 2-3 engineering master's degree students every year, and recruit post-doctoral students for a long time.

Copyright © School of the Environment,Nanjing University