Zengwei Yuan, Ph.D.
School of the Environment, Nanjing University
Email: yuanzw @hgbetting.com
Website: https://mce.hgbetting.com
2002.03-2005.01: | School of Environment, Nanjing University,Ph.D. |
1999.09-2002.03: | Department of Environmental Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology,M.E. |
1995.09-1999.07: | Department of Mineral Processing Engineering, Central South University,B.E. |
Professional Experience
2005.01~2006.12: | Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University |
2005.03~2005.07: | Postdoctoral associate, Center for Industrial Ecology, Yale University |
2006.12~2011.12: | Associate professor, School of the Environment, Nanjing University |
2011.01~2011.12: | Visiting scholar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University |
2011.12~ | Professor, School of the Environment, Nanjing University |
2013.10~2013.11: | Visiting Scholar, Department of Geography and Archeology, National University of Ireland |
2017.11~2017.11: | Visiting Professor, Department of Geography, Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2018.02- | President, Lishui Institute of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing University |
Research Interests
Environmental systems analysis, waste management,phosphorus cycles, life cycle assessment, cleaner production
Academic Service
Solid Waste Recycling Committee of China Nonferrous Metals Society,vice-chairman(2020-)
Academic Committee of National Engineering Research Center for Solid Waste Recycling,member(2020-)
Environmental Geography Committee of Chinese Geographical Society,vice-chairman(2019-)
Resource Flows Management Committee of China Natural Resources Society,vice-chairman(2018-)
Urban Ecology Committee of Chinese Ecological Society,vice-chairman(2017-)
Industry Ecology branch of Chinese society of Environmental Sciences,vice-chairman(2015-)
Environmental Geoscience branch of Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences,deputy secretary(2016-)
Board Member, International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), 2019-
Watershed & River Basin Management committee, International Water Association (IWA), 2018-
International Board, International Symposium of Environmental Geochemistry, 2016-
Editorial board, Chinese Journal of Environmental Management, 2018-
Editorial board,Journal of Lake Sciences(2019-2023)
Editorial board,Resource Science(2020-2025)
Executive Editor-in-Chief, Resources, Environment and Sustainability(2020-)
Editorial board, Watershed Ecology and the Environment(2019-)
Editorial board, Circular Economy and Sustainability(2020-)
Undergraduate:Environmental System Analysis(Sophomore)
Undergraduate:Environmental Internship(Sophomore)
Undergraduate:Environmental Internship(Junior)
Postgraduate:Methods of Environmental Systems Analysis(Postgraduate)
Selected Publications
Songyan Jiang, Ling Zhang, Hui Hua, Xuewei Liu, Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*. Assessment of end-of-life electric vehicle batteries in China: Future scenarios and economic benefits. Waste Management, 2021, accepted
Yumei Wang, Ya Tang, Mengyao Li, Zengwei Yuan*. Aeration rate improves the compost quality of food waste and promotes the decomposition of toxic materials in leachate by changing the bacterial community. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 340, 1-10. //doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2021.125716
Kai Yan#, Jianchu Xu#, Wei Gao, Mingjiu Li, Zengwei Yuan*, Fusuo Zhang, James Elser. Human perturbation on phosphorus cycles in one of China’s most eutrophicated. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 2021, 4(100026). //doi.org/10.1016/j.resenv.2021.100026
Yumei Wang, Zengwei Yuan*. Enhancing food security and environmental sustainability: A critical review of food loss and waste management. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 2021, 4, //doi.org/10.1016/j.resenv.2021.100023
Xin Liu, Zican Cai, Zengwei Yuan*. Environmental burdens of small-scale intensive pig production in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 770: 144720. //doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144720
Xin Liu, Foyou Yan, Hui Hua, Zengwei Yuan*. Identifying hotspots based on high-resolution emission inventory of volatile organic compounds: A case study in China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 288, 112419. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112419
Ling Zhang, Wenchun Ran, Songyan Jiang, Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*. Understanding consumers’ behavior intention of recycling mobile phone through formal channels in China: The effect of privacy concern. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 2021, 5, 100027. //doi.org/10.1016/j.resenv.2021.100027
Xin Liu, Tao Yang , Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*. Evolution characteristics of material metabolism in China's paper industry. Environmental Science, 2021,42 (8): 487-496
Yanjin Pang, Zengwei Yuan*. Calculation of rainfall runoff pollution load in plain river network area -- Taking the West Bank of Wangyu River in Taihu Lake Basin as an example. Lake Science, 2021, 33 (2): 439-448.
Hu Sheng, Xin Liu, Xinyu Lu, Yuxing Liao, Zengwei Yuan*. Simulation method and platform implementation of complex phosphorus cycle process -- Taking the cycle of livestock and poultry breeding system as an example. Resource Science, 2021, 43 (3): 465-476.
You Zhang, Mingjin Cheng, Xuewei Liu*. Study on greenhouse gas emission in the life cycle of coal railway transportation in China. Resource Science, 2021, 43 (3): 601-611.
Ling Zhang, Wenchun Ran, Zengwei Yuan*. Evolution and trend of copper cycle pattern in human circle. Resource Science, 2021, 43 (3): 513-523.
Zengwei Yuan*, Mingjin Cheng. Research objects, theories and methods of material cycle science. Resource Science, 2021, 43 (3): 435-445.
Yinglin Wu*, Ling Xie, Zengwei Yuan*, Songyan Jiang, Wenhua Liu, Hu Sheng. Investigating public biodiversity conservation awareness based on the propagation of wildlife-related incidents on the Sina Weibo social media platform. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15(9): 094082. //iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab9ed1 .
Tianming Chen, Shiwen Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*. Adoption of solid organic waste composting products: A critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 272, 122712. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122712
Xuewei Liu, Zengwei Yuan*, Xin Liu, You Zhang, Hui Hua, Songyan Jiang. Closing phosphorus cycles in China: Perspectives of waste recycling potential, 1900-2015. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 5131-5139, //dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b05120
Kai Yan#, Zengwei Yuan#, Stefanie Goldberg, Wei Gao, Anne Ostermann, Jianchu Xu*, Fusuo Zhang, James Elser. Phosphorous mitigation remains critical in water protection: A review and meta-analysis from one of China’s most eutrophicated lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 689: 1336-1347.
Hui Hua, Songyan Jiang, Hu Sheng, You Zhang, Xuewei Liu, Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Tianming Chen. A high spatial-temporal resolution emission inventory of multi-type air pollutants for Wuxi city. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 229:278-288.
Zengwei Yuan*, Jiaying Ji, Hu Sheng, Songyan Jiang, Tianming Chen, Xuewei Liu, Xin Liu, Yujie Zhuang, Ling Zhang. Animal based diets and environment: Perspective from phosphorus flow quantifications of livestock and poultry raising in China. Journal of Environmental Management 2019, 244: 199-207.
Zengwei Yuan*, Tao Luo, Xuewei Liu, Hui Hua, Yujie Zhuang, Xuehua Zhang, Ling Zhang, You Zhang, Weiwei Xu, Jinghua Ren. Tracing anthropogenic Cadmium emissions: From sources to pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 676: 87-96.
Ling Zhang, Jiaming Qu, Hu Sheng, Jiameng Yang, Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*. Urban mining potentials of university: In-use and hibernating stocks of Personal electronics and students’ disposal behaviors. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2019, 143: 210-217.
You Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Manuele Margni, Cécile Bulle, Hui Hua, Songyan Jiang, Xuewei Liu. Intensive carbon dioxide emissions of coal chemical industry in China. Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 540-550.
Songyan Jiang, Hui Hua, Hu Sheng, Helen P. Jarvie, Xin Liu, You Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Ling Zhang, Xuewei Liu. Phosphorus footprint in China over the 1961-2050 period: Historical perspective and future prospect. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650: 687-695.
Huijun Wu, Shun Wang, Liangmin Gao, Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Tingyu Fan, Kaiping Wei, Li Huang. Nutrient-derived environmental impacts in Chinese agriculture during 1978-2015. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 217: 762-774.
Zengwei Yuan*, Xiao Pan, Tianming Chen, Xuewei Liu, You Zhang, Songyan Jiang, Hu Sheng, Ling Zhang. Evaluating environmental impacts of pig slurry treatment technologies with a life-cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 188: 840-850.
Songyan Jiang, Hui Hua, Helen P. Jarvie, Xuewei Liu, You Zhang, Hu Sheng, Xin Liu, Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*. Enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus flows in a mixed land use basin: Drivers and consequences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 181: 416-425.
Zengwei Yuan*, Songyan Jiang, Hu Sheng, Xin Liu, Hui Hua, Xuewei Liu, You Zhang. Human perturbation of the global phosphorus cycle: Changes and consequences. Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, 52(5): 2438-2450.
Aiping Pang, Songyan Jiang, Zengwei Yuan*. An approach to identify the spatiotemporal patterns of nitrogen flows in food production and consumption system within watersheds. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 624: 1004-1012.
Xuewei Liu, Zengwei Yuan*, Yuan Xu, Songyan Jiang. Greening cement in China: A cost-effective roadmap. Applied Energy, 2017, 189: 233-244.
Ling Zhang, Tianming Chen, Jiameng Yang, Zhijian Cai, Hu Sheng, Zengwei Yuan*, Huijun Wu. Characterizing copper flows in international trade of China, 1975-2015. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 601-602: 1238-1246.
Ting Wang, Zengwei Yuan *. Research on environmental performance evaluation of Jiangsu Province Based on "pressure state response" model. China Environmental Management, 2017, 3.
Huijun Wu, Liangmin Gao, Zengwei Yuan*, Shun Wang. Life cycle assessment of phosphorus use efficient in crop production system of three crops in Chaohu watershed, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 139: 1298-1307.
Rufeng Xiao, You Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*. Environmental impacts of reclamation and recycling processes of refrigerators using life cycle assessment (LCA) methods. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 131: 52-59.
Xin Liu, Hu Sheng, Songyan Jiang, Zengwei Yuan*, Chaosheng Zhang, James J Elser. Intensification of phosphorus cycling in China since the 1600s. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the United States, 2016, 113(10): 2609-2614.
Huijun Wu, Yongliang Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Liangmin Gao. A review of phosphorus management through the food system: Identifying the roadmap to ecological agriculture. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 114: 45-54.
Zengwei Yuan*, You Zhang, Xin Liu. Life cycle assessment of horizontal-axis washing machines in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2016, 21(1): 15-28.
Huijun Wu, Yongliang Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Liangmin Gao. Phosphorus flow management of cropping system in Huainan, China, 1990-2012. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112(part 1): 39-48.
Xin Liu, Zengwei Yuan*. Life cycle environmental performance of by-product coke production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112(part 2): 1292-1301.
Jinglei Gao, Zengwei Yuan*, Xuewei Liu, Xiaoming Xia, Xianjin Huang, Zhanfeng Dong*. Improving air pollution control policy in China - A perspective based on cost–benefit analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 543: 307-314.
Songyan Jiang, Zengwei Yuan*. Phosphorus flow patterns in the Chaohu watershed from 1978-2012. Environmental Science and Technology. 2015, 49(24): 13973-13982.
Ling Zhang, Jiameng Yang, Zhijian Cai, Zengwei Yuan*. Understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of copper in-use stocks in China. Environmental Science and Technology. 2015, 49(11): 6430-6437.
Ling Zhang, Zhijian Cai, Jiameng Yang, Zengwei Yuan*, Yan Chen. The future of copper in China-A perspective based on analysis of copper flows and stocks. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 536: 142-149.
You Zhang, Xin Liu, Rufeng Xiao, Zengwei Yuan*. Life cycle assessment of cotton T-shirts in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2015, 20(7): 994-1004.
Rufeng Xiao, You Zhang, Xin Liu, Zengwei Yuan*. A life cycle assessment of household refrigerators in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 95: 301-310.
Yinyin Fu, Xin Liu, Zengwei Yuan*. Life cycle assessment of multi–crystalline photovoltaic (PV) systems in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 86: 180-190.
Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*, Liangmin Gao, Ling Zhang, Yongliang Zhang. Life-cycle phosphorus management of the crop production-consumption system in China, 1980-2012. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 502, 706-721.
Ling Zhang, Zhijian Cai, Jiameng Yang, Yan Chen, Zengwei Yuan*. Quantification and spatial characterization of in-use copper stocks in Shanghai. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2014, 93: 134-143.
Zengwei yuan, Huijun Wu*, Xiaofen He, Xin Liu. A bottom-up model for quantifying anthropogenic phosphorus cycles in watersheds. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 84: 502-508.
Qinqin Chen, Qian Jia, Zengwei yuan*, Lei Huang*. Environmental risk source management system for the petro-chemical industry. Process safety and environmental protection, 2014, 92(3): 251-260.
Ling Zhang, Jiameng Yang, Zhijian Cai, Zengwei Yuan*. Analysis of copper flows in China from 1975 to 2010. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 478: 80-89.
Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*, Yongliang Zhang, Liangmin Gao, Shaomin Liu. Life-cycle phosphorus use-efficiency of the farming system in Anhui Province, Central China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2014, 83: 1-14.
Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*, Yongliang Zhang, Liangmin Gao, Shaomin Liu, Yan Geng. Data uncertainties in anthropogenic phosphorus flow analysis of lake watershed. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 69: 74-82.
Le Tong, Xin Liu, Xuewei Liu, Zengwei Yuan*, Qiong Zhang. Life cycle assessment of water reuse systems in an industrial park. Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, 129(15): 471-478.
Jun Bi, Qinqin Chen, Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*. Quantifying phosphorus flow pathways through socioeconomic systems at county level in China. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2013, 17(3): 452-460.
Zengwei Yuan, Yanan Zhu, Junkui Shi, Xin Liu, Lei Huang*. Life cycle assessment of continuous pad dyeing technology for cotton fabrics. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2013, 18(3): 659-672.
Lei Huang, Jie Ban, Bailing Duan, Jun Bi, Zengwei Yuan*. Public demand for remediating a local ecosystem: comparing WTP and WTA at Hongze Lake, China. Lake and Reservoir Management, 2013, 29(1): 23-32.
Lei Huang, Jie Ban, Kai Sun, Yuting Han, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi. The influence of public perception on risk acceptance of the chemical industry and the assistance for risk communication. Safety Science, 2013, 51(1): 232-240.
Lei Huang, Zhijuan Shao, Weiliang Bao, Bailing Duan, Jun Bi, Zengwei Yuan*. The influencing factors of the WTP for the risk reduction of chemical industry accidents in China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2012, 6(6): 860-868.
Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi, Lei Huang. Estimating future generation of obsolete household appliances in China. Waste Management & Research, 2012, 30(11): 1160-1168.
Zengwei Yuan, Yanan Zhu, Yuan Wang, Ling Zhang*. Conserving energy by optimizing the heat exchanger Networks of glyphosate production with pinch technology. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2012, 14(4): 749-757.
Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi. Estimation of copper in-use stocks in Nanjing, China. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2012, 16(2): 191-202.
Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*, Ling Zhang, Jun Bi*. Eutrophication mitigation strategies: Perspectives from the quantification of phosphorus flows in socioeconomic system of Feixi, Central China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012, 23(1): 122-137.
Huijun Wu, Zengwei Yuan*, Ling Zhang, Jun Bi*. Life cycle energy consumption and CO2 emission of an office building in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2012, 17(2): 105-118.
Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi*. Predicting future quantities of obsolete household appliances in Nanjing by a stock-based model. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2011, 55(11): 1087-1094.
Zengwei Yuan, Xin Liu, Huijun Wu, Ling Zhang, Jun Bi*. Anthropogenic phosphorus flow analysis of Lujiang County, Anhui Province, Central China. Ecological Modeling, 2011, 222(8): 1534-1543.
Zengwei Yuan, Li Sun, Jun Bi*, Huijun Wu, Ling Zhang. Phosphorus flow analysis of the socioeconomic ecosystem of Shucheng County, China. Ecological Applications. 2011, 21(7): 2822-2832.
Zengwei Yuan, Junkui Shi, Huijun Wu, Ling Zhang, Jun Bi*. Understanding the anthropogenic phosphorus pathway with substance flow analysis at the city level. Journal of Environmental Management, 2011, 92(8): 2021-2028.
Sisi Li, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi, Huijun Wu. Anthropogenic phosphorus flow analysis of Hefei City, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2010, 408(23): 5715-5722.
Zengwei Yuan, Shuiyu Sun, Jun Bi*. Approaching zero-discharge with cleaner production: Case study of a sulfide mine flotation plant in China. International Journal of Environmental Research, 2010, 4(4): 759-764.
Weili Jiang, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi, Li Sun. Conserving water by optimizing production schedules in the dyeing industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2010, 18(16): 1696-1702.
Zengwei Yuan, Weili Jiang, Jun Bi*. Cost-effectiveness of two operational models at industrial wastewater treatment plants in China: A case study in Shengze Town, Suzhou City. Journal of Environmental Management, 2010, 91(10): 2038-2044.
Zengwei Yuan, Ling Zhang, Jun Bi*. Which is more cost-effective? A comparison of two wastewater treatment models in China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial park, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2010, 18 (13): 1270-1275.
Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi*, Bing Zhang, Beibei Liu. Eco-industrial parks: National pilot practices in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2010, 18(5): 504-509.
Zengwei Yuan, Lei Shi*. Improving enterprise competitive advantage with industrial symbiosis: Case study of a smelt in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2009, 17(14): 1295-1302.
Zengwei Yuan, Weili Jiang, Beibei Liu, Jun Bi. Where will China go? A viewpoint based on an analysis of the challenges of resource supply and pollution. Environmental Progress, 2008, 27(4): 503-514.
Zengwei Yuan, Jun Bi, Yuichi Moriguichi. Circular economy: A new development strategy in China. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2006, 10(1-2): 4-8.
There are 9 doctoral students and 12 master students in the research group at present.
Please feel free to contact if you are interested in waste management, phosphorus cycles, environmental systems analysis, life cycle assessment, and material cycling process modelling