
Bing Zhang

Pubdate :2023-04-04 Visitor:

Bing ZHANG, Ph.D.


School of Environment

Nanjing University


Email: [email protected]




Ph.D. 09.2003-12.2008Environmental Planning and Management Program School of Environment, Nanjing University.

Joint Ph.D., 09.2007-09.2008, School of Planning & Public Policy, Nanjing University & Rutgers University,

Visiting student, 09.2006-02.2007, Center for Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong

Bachelor, 09.1999-07.2003, Environmental Planning and Management Program School of Environment, Nanjing University


Professional Experience

         Deputy Dean, 2020-, School of Environment, Nanjing University

         Visiting Scholar, 2016.3-2017.3, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management University of California, Santa Barbara

         Professor, 2013.12- , Department of Environmental Planning and Management & School of Government, Nanjing University

         Deputy Director, 2013.12- , Center for Environmental Management & Policy of NJU-JSEPD.

         Associate Professor, 2010.12- 2013.12, Department of Environmental Planning and Management, Nanjing University

         Lecturer, 2008.12-2010.12, Department of Environmental Planning and Management, Nanjing University


Research Interests

l  Environmental Management and Policy Analysis

l  Environmental Economics


Academic Service

l  Journal of Environmental Management, Editor

l  Environmental ManagementCo-Editor

l  Environmental and Resource Economics, Co-Editor



l  Environmental Economics

l  Environmental Economics and Policy Analysis



           The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2018-2022.

           Changjiang Distinguished Young Professor2017.

           Environmental Risk Management, The National Science Fund for Innovative Research Groups, 2020-2024

           Social experiment of environmental governance under the situation of artificial intelligence, MEP and Jiangsu EPD. 2019-2024.

           The Costs of Blue Sky: The Distributional Effects of Environmental Regulation on Labor Demand in ChinaEnvironment for Development, 2021-2023.

           Jiangsu Green Development Evaluation, UNEP, 2017-2019.

           The carbon peak of Jiangsu Province, National Development and Reform Commission CDM project, 2014-2016.

           National Special Support Program for High-level Personnel Recruitment, Young Scholar, 2017.

           The costs of APEC blue: Pollution control and social-economic impacts. the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars of China, 2015-2019.

           Multiple-pollutants control in power sector in China (Grant No. 71322303), the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars of China, 2014-2016.


Selected Publications

[1] Guojun He, Shaoda Wang, Bing Zhang. Watering down environmental regulation in China, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020,135(4):2135-2185.

[2] Guojun He*, Yang Xie*, Bing Zhang*, Expressways, GDP, and the Environment: The case of China. Journal of Development Economics, 2020,145 :102458.

[3] Meng Tu, Bing Zhang*, Jianhua Xu, Fangwen Lu. Mass media, information and demand for environmental quality: Evidence from the “Under the Dome”, Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 143 :102402.

[4] Mark Buntaine*, Bing Zhang*, Patrick Hunnicutt. Citizen Monitoring of Waterways Decreases Pollution in China by Supporting Government Action and Oversight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS), 2021.

[5] Sarah Anderson, Mark T. Buntaine, Mengdi Liu and Bing Zhang. Non-Governmental Monitoring of Local Governments Increases Compliance with Central Mandates: A National-Scale Field Experiment in China, American Journal of Political Science, 2019, 63(3) : 626-643.

[6] Junxiu SUN, Feng Wang, Haitao Yin, Bing Zhang, Money Talks: The Environmental Impact of China's Green Credit Policy, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2019 38 (3): 653-680.

[7] Pan HE, Bing ZHANG*. Environmental tax, polluting firms' strategies and effectiveness: Evidence from China. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2018, 37(3) : 493-520.






l  Evan Ringquist Best Paper Award, APSA.





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