
Miaomiao Liu

Pubdate :2023-04-04 Visitor:

Miaomiao (Michelle) Liu, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

School of Environment

Nanjing University

Email: [email protected]


Sep 2015 – Mar 2017, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, Visiting Student

Sep 2012 – Sep 2017, Nanjing University, School of the Environment, PhD

Sep 2008 – Jun 2012, Nanjing University, School of the Environment, Bachelor

Professional Experience

Feb 2021 -, Nanjing University, School of the Environment, Associate Professor

Oct 2020 – Feb 2021, Nanjing University, School of the Environment, Associate Researcher

Oct 2017 – Sep 2020, Nanjing University, School of the Environment, Assistant Researcher

Research Interests

Environmental health risk modeling based on big data and deep learning

Analyzing the macro driving mechanism of environmental health risk

Environmental risk perception, emotion and behavior regulation

Academic Service

Youth editorial board of Ecology & Environmental Health

Guest editor of Frontiers in Sustainable Cities

Reviewers of SCI/SSCI journals, including Global Environmental Change, Environmental Pollution, Journal of Cleaner Production, Waste Management, Building and Environment


Autumn semester 2021, Environmental health and epidemiological methods, graduate course

Selected Publications


Dianyu Zhu; Qi Zhou; Miaomiao Liu*; Jun Bi; Non-optimum temperature-related mortality burden in China: Addressing the dual influences of climate change and urban heat islands, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 782: 146760.

Qi Zhou; Nuo Chen; Xin Pan; Xue Xu; Beibei Liu; Miaomiao Liu*; Jun Bi; Patrick L. Kinney; Characterizing air pollution risk perceptions among high-educated young generation in China: How does risk experience influence risk perception, Environmental Science & Policy, 2021, 123: 99-105.

Ruoqi Li#; Yuli Shan#; Jun Bi*; Miaomiao Liu*; Zongwei Ma; Jinnan Wang; Klaus Hubacek*; Balance between poverty alleviation and air pollutant reduction in China, Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16: 094019.

Wangjinyu Shi; Jun Bi; Riyang Liu; Miaomiao Liu*; Zongwei Ma*; Decrease in the chronic health effects from PM2.5 during the 13th Five-Year Plan in China: Impacts of air pollution control policies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 317.

Miaomiao Liu; Jun Bi*; Jianxun Yang; Shen Qu; Jinnan Wang; Social media never shake the role of trust building in relieving public risk perception, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 282, 124442.


Jianxun Yang; Shen Qu; Miaomiao Liu*; Xingyu Liu; Qi Gao; Wei He; John S. Ji;  Jun Bi; Gray cityscape caused by particulate matter pollution hampers human stress recovery, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 279, 123215.

叶伟鹏, 刘苗苗*, 毕军. 中国臭氧短期暴露与群死亡之间关系的Meta 分析研究. 环境科学学报, 2020, 40(07): 2644-2651.

刘苗苗, 朱天元, 李若琦, 董战峰, 毕军*.我国推进环境污染责任保险的系统性 风险及对策 , 中国环境管理, 2020, 12(2): 44-49. 


Wei Zhang; Miaomiao Liu*; Klaus Hubacek; Kuishuang Feng; Wenjun Wu*; Yu Liu; Hongqiang Jiang; Jun Bi; Jinnan Wang; Virtual flows of aquatic heavy metal emissions and associated risk in China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 249: 109400.

刘苗苗, 赵鑫涯, 毕军, 马宗伟*. 基于DPSR模型的区域河流健康综合评价指标体系研究. 环境科学学报, 2019, 39(10): 3542-3550.

刘苗苗, 李若琦, 张海波, 包存宽*, 毕军*. 我国生态环境风险分担与利益分配机制:问题与对策. 环境保护, 2019, 47(08): 52-55.

刘苗苗, 刘磊博, 毕军*. 我国环境健康风险管理问题与挑战. 环境与可持续发展, 2019, 44(05): 18-21.


Qi Zhou; Jianxun Yang; Miaomiao Liu*; Yang Liu; Stefanie Sarnat; Jun Bi; Toxicological risk by inhalation exposure of air pollution emitted from china's municipal solid waste incineration, Environmental Science & Technology,2018, 52(20): 11490-11499.

Jianxun Yang; Qi Zhou; Xingyu Liu; Miaomiao Liu*; Shen Qu*; Jun Bi; Biased perception misguided by affect: How does emotional experience lead to incorrect judgments about environmental quality?, Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 2018, 53: 104-113.

Daniel Bi; Yanyan Qiu; Haoran Cheng; Qi Zhou; Xingyu Liu; Jing Chen; Xinyi Cui; Miaomiao Liu*; Zheng Zhu; Seasonal characteristics of indoor and outdoor fine particles and their metallic compositions in Nanjing, China, Building and Environment, 2018, 137: 118-126.

Wenjun Wu; Jinnan Wang ; Yang Yu; Hongqiang Jiang; Nianlei Liu; Jun * Bi; Miaomiao Liu ; * Optimizing critical source control of five priority-regulatory trace elements from industrial wastewater in China: Implications for health management, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 235: 761-770. 

周琪, 许津铭, 毕军, 刘苗苗*.我国环境费效分析方法的特点与应用潜力研究, 中国环境管理, 2018, 10(1): 20-24.

杨建勋, 刘逸凡, 刘苗苗*, 毕军.互联网+"时代城市绿色低碳交通的挑战与对策, 环境保护, 2018, 11: 43-46.


Miaomiao Liu; Yining Huang; Zongwei Ma; Zhou Jin; Xingyu Liu; Haikun Wang; Yang Liu; Jinnan Wang; Matti Jantunen; Jun Bi*; Patrick L. Kinney*; Spatial and temporal trends in the mortality burden of air pollution in China: 2004-2012, Environment International, 2017, 98: 75-81.

Miaomiao Liu; Jun Bi; Zongwei Ma*; Visibility-based PM2.5 concentrations in China: 1957-1964 and 1973-2014, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(22): 13161-13169.

Miaomiao Liu; Xingyu Liu; Yining Huang; Zongwei Ma*; Jun Bi*; Epidemic transition of environmental health risk during China's urbanization, Science Bulletin, 2017, 62(2): 92-98.

Miaomiao Liu; Yining Huang; Zhou Jin; Zongwei Ma; Xingyu Liu; Bing Zhang; Yang Liu; Yang Yu; Jinnan Wang; Jun Bi*; Patrick L. Kinney*; The nexus between urbanization and PM2.5 related mortality in China, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 227: 15-23.

Miaomiao Liu; Yining Huang; Zhou Jin; Xingyu Liu; Jun Bi*; Matti J. Jantunen*; Estimating health co-benefits of greenhouse gas reduction strategies with a simplified energy balance based model: The Suzhou City case, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142: 3332-3342.


An inversion method of different particle size components of PM2.5 based on satellite remote sensing, 2020-12-22, China, ZL201911240283.6


Environmental improvement capability insurance (EIL) system, Gold Medal, International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, 2021, ranking 2/7

The characterization and driving mechanism of environmental risk heterogeneity, the first prize in natural science, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, 2020, ranking 3/4

Air pollution-related health risk assessment and management, Academic award in management science, China Management Science Society, 2018, ranking 3/8


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