
Yu Zhao

Pubdate :2023-04-04 Visitor:

Yu ZHAO, Ph.D.


School of Environment

Nanjing University


Email: yuzhao@hgbetting.com

Website: //www.airqualitynju.com/En


08/2003-07/2008 Master and Ph.D in environmental science and engineering

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,

(09/2004-03/2005 Visiting scholar in Oslo University, Norway)

09/1999-07/2003 Bachelor in environmental engineering

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,

Professional Experience

01/2012-present Professor in School of Environment, Nanjing University, China

09/2008-12/2011 Postdoctoral researcher in School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA

06/2006-09/2006 Research assistant in International Institute of Applied System and Analysis, Austria

Research Interests

Quantification and evaluation of air pollutant emissions with multiple measures;

Analysis of regional and city air quality and its improvement strategy;

Assessment of ecological and environmental health effects from energy and climate policies and air pollutant emission controls

Academic Service

Member of City Air Integrated Management and Low Carbon Action Partnership Committee;

Editor of Aerosol and Air Quality Research;

Editor of Scientific Reports


Introduction to Environmental Pollution Control (For undergraduate students)

Control and Management of emission sources (For master students)

Selected Publications

1. Zhang Y, Zhao Y*, Gao M, Bo X, Nielsen C. Air quality and health benefits from ultra-low emission control policy indicated by continuous emission monitoring: A case study in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 6411-6430, 2021.

2. Yang J, Zhao Y*, Cao J, Nielsen C. Co-benefits of carbon and pollution control policies on air quality and health till 2030 in China, Environment International, 152, 106482, 2021.

3. Zhao Y*, Yuan M, Huang X, Chen F, Zhang J. Quantification and evaluation of atmospheric ammonia emissions with different methods: a case study for the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 4275–4294, 2020.

4. Yang Y, Zhao Y*, Quantification and evaluation of atmospheric pollutant emissions from open biomass burning with multiple methods: A case study for Yangtze River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19, 327-348, 2019.

5. Zhao X, Zhao Y*, Chen D, Li C, Zhang J. Top-down estimate of black carbon emissions for city cluster using ground observations: A case study in southern Jiangsu, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19, 2095-2113, 2019.

6. Zhou Y, Zhao Y*, Mao P, Zhang Q, Zhang J, Qiu L, Yang Y. Development of a high-resolution emission inventory and its evaluation and application through air quality modeling for Jiangsu Province, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 211-233, 2017.

7. Zhao Y*, Mao P, Zhou Y, Yang Y, Zhang J, Wang S, Dong Y, Xie F, Yu Y, Li W. Improved provincial emission inventory and speciation profiles of anthropogenic non-methane volatile organic compounds: a case study for Jiangsu, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 7733-7756, 2017.

8. Xia Y, Zhao Y*, Nielsen CP. Benefits of China’s efforts in gaseous pollutant control indicated by the bottom-up emissions and satellite observations 2000–2014. Atmospheric Environment, 136, 43-53, 2016.

9. Zhao Y*, Qiu L, Xu R, Xie F, Zhang Q, Yu Y, Nielsen CP, Qin H, Wang H, Wu X, Li W, Zhang J. Advantages of city-scale emission inventory for urban air quality research and policy: the case of Nanjing, a typical industrial city in the Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 12623-12644, 2015.

10. Zhao Y*, Zhang J, Nielsen CP. The effects of recent control policies on trends in emissions of anthropogenic atmospheric pollutants and CO China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 487-508, 2013.

11. Zhao Y*, Nielsen CP, McElroy MB. China’s CO2 emissions estimated from the bottom up: Recent trends, spatial distributions, and quantification of uncertainties. Atmospheric Environment, 59, 214-223, 2012.

12. Zhao Y*, Nielsen CP, Lei Y., McElroy MB, Hao JM. Quantifying the uncertainties of a bottom-up emission inventory of anthropogenic atmospheric pollutants in China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 2295-2308, 2011.

13. Zhao Y*, Wang SX, Nielsen CP, Li XH, Hao JM. Establishment of a database of emission factors for atmospheric pollutants from Chinese coal-fired power plants. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 1515-1523, 2010.

14. Zhao Y, Duan L, Xing J, Larssen T, Nielsen CP, Hao JM. Soil acidification in China: Is controlling SO2 emissions enough. Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 8021-8026, 2009.

15. Zhao Y, Wang SX, Duan L, Lei Y, Cao PF, Hao JM. Primary air pollutant emissions of coal-fired power plants in China: Current status and future prediction. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 8442-8452, 2008.


2016 The Second-class Award of Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Prize (Development and application of city-scale high-resolution air pollutant emission inventory, first contributor);

2010 The National Outstanding Ph.D Dissertation Award


We recruit postdoc researchers and Ph.D, master, and undergraduate students who are interested in environmental atmospheric sciences and regional air quality research.

Copyright © School of the Environment,Nanjing University