Lei ZHANG, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Vice Chair of Department of Environmental Engineering
School of the Environment
Nanjing University
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0003-2796-6043
◢ Education
09/2007–07/2012 Ph.D. Degree in Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
09/2003–07/2007 B.E. Degree in Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University
◢ Professional Experience
09/2017– Associate Professor, School of the Environment, Nanjing University
09/2015–06/2017 Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Washington (Bothell), USA
11/2014–01/2015 Visiting Scholar, School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Washington (Bothell), USA
07/2012–07/2015 Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
03/2010–06/2010 Visiting Scholar, Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
06/2008–07/2008 Visiting Scholar, Institute for Atmospheric Pollution Research, National Research Council, Italy
02/2007–03/2007 Visiting Scholar, Energy Technology Centre Branch, Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET), Canada
◢ Research Interests
Formation, transformation and elimination of regional air pollution
Elaborative monitoring technologies for air pollutants
Accurate source tracing technologies for regional air pollution
Comprehensive regulating technologies for regional air quality
Source sink relationship of crucial air pollutants
Advanced statistical methods and environmental big data
◢ Academic Service
Assistant Executive Editor of Eco-Environ. Health
Vice Chair of Development Committee and Youth Editor of Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.
Invited Reviewer for Top Journals in Environmental Earth Sciences including Nat. Commun., Environ. Sci. Technol., Atmos. Chem. Phys., J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., Atmos. Environ., Sci. Total Environ., Environ. Pollut., J. Hazard. Mater., J. Clean. Prod., J. Environ. Manage., etc.
Chair of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop on Air Pollution, Climate Change and Human Health, Nanjing, China, July 16–18, 2019.
◢ Teaching
Environmental Statistics (undergraduate course)
Engineering Ethics (graduate course)
◢ Publications
1. Zhang L*, Zhang G C, Zhou P S, Zhao Y. A review of dry deposition schemes for speciated atmospheric mercury. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 2023, 110(1): 16.
2. Dai L, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Chen D, Wu R R. Particle number size distributions and formation and growth rates of different new particle formation types of a megacity in China. J. Environ. Sci., 2023, 131: 11–25.
3. Gu C, Zhang L, Xu Z D, Xia S J, Wang Y T, Li L, Wang Z R, Zhao Q Y, Wang H Y, Zhao Y. High-resolution regional emission inventory contributes to the evaluation of policy effectiveness: a case study in Jiangsu Province, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2023, 23(7): 4247–4269.
4. Chen D, Zhao W X, Zhang L*, Zhao Q Y, Zhang J, Chen F, Li H P, Guan M, Zhao Y. Characterization and source apportionment for light absorption amplification of black carbon at an urban site in eastern China. Sci. Total Environ., 2023, 865: 161180.
5. Cao S Z, Zhang L*, Zhang Y, Wang S X, Wu Q R. Impacts of removal compensation effect on the mercury emission inventories for nonferrous metal (zinc, lead, and copper) smelting in China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2022, 56: 2163–2171.
6. Dai L, Zhang L, Chen D, Zhao Y. Assessment of carbonaceous aerosols in suburban Nanjing under air pollution control measures: Insights from long-term measurements. Environ. Res., 2022, 212: 113302.
7. Zhao Y, Xi M X, Zhang Q, Dong Z X, Ma M R, Zhou K Y, Xu W, Xing J, Zheng B, Wen Z, Liu X J, Nielsen C P, Liu Y, Pan Y P, Zhang L. Decline in bulk deposition of air pollutants in China lags behind reductions in emissions. Nat. Geosci., 2022, 15: 190–195.
8. Zhang L*, Zhu X Z, Wang Z R, Zhang J, Liu X, Zhao Y. Improved speciation profiles and estimation methodology for VOCs emissions: A case study in two chemical plants in eastern China. Environ. Pollut., 2021, 291: 118192.
9. Zhang L*, Zhou P S, Zhong H, Zhao Y, Dai L, Wang Q G, Xi M X, Lu Y, Wang Y T. Quantifying the impacts of anthropogenic and natural perturbations on gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) at a suburban site in eastern China using generalized additive models. Atmos. Environ., 2021, 247: 118181.
10. Yang Y, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Zhang J, Huang X, Zhao X F, Zhang Y, Xi M X, Lu Y. Improvement of the satellite-derived NOx emissions on air quality modeling and its effect on ozone and secondary inorganic aerosol formation in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2021, 21(2): 1191–1209.
11. Gustin M S, Dunham-Cheatham S M, Zhang L, Lyman S, Choma N, Castro M. Use of membranes and detailed HYSPLIT analyses to understand atmospheric particulate, gaseous oxidized, and reactive mercury chemistry. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2021, 55(2): 893–901.
12. Wang Y T, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Zhang J, Liu Y. Modified regional biogenic VOC emissions with actual ozone stress and integrated land cover information: A case study in Yangtze River Delta, China. Sci. Total Environ., 2020, 727: 138703.
13. Zhang L*, Zhou P S, Cao S Z, Zhao Y. Atmospheric mercury deposition over the land surfaces and the associated uncertainties in observations and simulations: a critical review. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2019, 19(24): 15587–15608.
14. Gustin M S, Dunham-Cheatham S, Zhang L. Comparison of 4 methods for measurement of reactive, gaseous oxidized, and particulate bound mercury. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2019, 53(24): 14489–14495.
15. Yang Y, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Lu Y. Evaluating the methods and influencing factors of satellite-derived estimates of NOX emissions at regional scale: A case study for Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmos. Environ., 2019, 219: 117051.
16. Obrist D, Kirk J L, Zhang L, Sunderland E M, Jiskra M, Selin N E. A review of global environmental mercury processes in response to human and natural perturbations: Changes of emissions, climate, and land use. Ambio, 2018, 47(2): 116–140. (ESI highly cited paper)
17. Zhang L*, Jaffe D A, Gao X, McClure C D. A quantification method for peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) using gas chromatography (GC) with a non-radioactive pulsed discharge detector (PDD). Atmos. Environ., 2018, 179: 23–30.
18. Duan Z Y, Li S P, Zhang L, Jiao Y, Huang W B, Wang S X. Oxidation mechanism and industrial application of mercury emission from coal-fired flue gas with halogen. Chemical Engineering, 2018, 46(9): 6–11. (in Chinese)
19. Zhang L*, Jaffe D A. Trends and sources of ozone and sub-micron aerosols at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory (MBO) during 2004–2015. Atmos. Environ., 2017, 165: 143–154.
20. Jaffe D A, Zhang L. Meteorological anomalies lead to elevated O3 in the western US in June 2015. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2017, 44(4): 1990–1997. (GRL cover paper)
21. Zhang L, Wang L, Wang S X, Dou H Y, Li J F, Li S, Hao J M. Characteristics and sources of speciated atmospheric mercury at a coastal site in the East China Sea region. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 2017, 17(12): 2913–2923.
22. Hui M L, Zhang L*, Wang S X, Cai S Y, Zhao B. Evaluation of co-benefits on atmospheric mercury emission control for coal combustion in China and future projection. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2017, 37(1): 11–22. (in Chinese)
23. Zhang L, Wang S X, Wu Q R, Wang F Y, Lin C J, Zhang L M, Hui M L, Yang M, Su H T, Hao J M. Mercury transformation and speciation in flue gases from anthropogenic emission sources: a critical review. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2016, 16(4): 2417–2433.
24. Ancora M P, Zhang L, Wang S X, Schreifels J J, Hao J M. Meeting Minamata: cost-effective compliance options for atmospheric mercury control in Chinese coal-fired power plants. Energ. Policy, 2016, 88: 485–494.
25. Wu Q R, Wang S X, Zhang L, Hui M L, Wang F Y, Hao J M. Flow analysis of the mercury associated with nonferrous ore concentrates: implications on mercury emissions and recovery in China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2016, 50(4): 1796–1803.
26. Wang F Y, Wang S X, Zhang L, Yang H, Wu Q R, Hao J M. Characteristics of mercury cycling in the cement production process. J. Hazard. Mater., 2016, 302: 27–35.
27. Wang F Y, Wang S X, Zhang L, Yang H, Gao W, Wu Q R, Hao J M. Mercury mass flow in iron and steel production process and its implications for mercury emission control. J. Environ. Sci., 2016, 43: 293–301.
28. Yang M, Wang S X, Zhang L, Wu Q R, Wang F Y, Hui M L, Yang H, Hao J M. Mercury emission and speciation from industrial gold production using roasting process. J. Geochem. Explor., 2016, 170: 72–77.
29. Zhang L, Wang S X, Hui M L, Hao J M. Strategic recommendations for the coal combustion sector in China on the implementation of Minamata Convention on Mercury. Environmental Protection, 2016, 44(22): 38–42. (in Chinese)
30. Zhang L, Wang S X, Wang L, Wu Y, Duan L, Wu Q R, Wang F Y, Yang M, Yang H, Hao J M, Liu X. Updated emission inventories for speciated atmospheric mercury from anthropogenic sources in China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2015, 49(5): 3185–3194. (ESI highly cited paper)
31. Ancora M P, Zhang L, Wang S X, Schreifels J, Hao J M. Economic analysis of atmospheric mercury emission control for coal-fired power plants in China. J. Environ. Sci., 2015, 33: 125–134.
32. Hui M L, Zhang L, Wang Z G, Wang S X. The mercury mass flow and emissions of coal-fired power plants in China. China Environmental Science, 2015, 35(8): 2241–2250. (in Chinese; Top 10 Articles of 2015 published on China Environmental Science)
33. Wang S X, Zhang L, Wang L, Wu Q R, Wang F Y, Hao J M. A review of atmospheric mercury emissions, pollution and control in China. Front. Env. Sci. Eng., 2014, 8(5): 631–649.
34. Wang F Y, Wang S X, Zhang L, Yang H, Wu Q R, Hao J M. Mercury enrichment and its effects on atmospheric emissions in cement plants of China. Atmos. Environ., 2014, 92: 421–428.
35. Wang L, Wang S X, Zhang L, Wang Y X, Zhang Y X, Nielsen C, McElroy M B, Hao J M. Source apportionment of atmospheric mercury pollution in China using the GEOS-Chem model. Environ. Pollut., 2014, 190: 166–175.
36. Zhang L, Wang S X, Wang L, Hao J M. Atmospheric mercury concentration and chemical speciation at a rural site in Beijing, China: implication of mercury emission sources. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2013, 13(20): 10505–10516.
37. Zhang L, Daukoru M, Torkamani S, Wang S X, Hao J M, Biswas P. Measurements of mercury speciation and fine particle size distribution on combustion of China coal seams. Fuel, 2013, 104: 732–738.
38. Liu X L, Wang S X, Zhang L, Wu Y, Duan L, Hao J M. Speciation of mercury in FGD gypsum and mercury emission during the wallboard production in China. Fuel, 2013, 111: 621–627.
39. Zhang L, Wang S X, Meng Y, Hao J M. Influence of mercury and chlorine content of coal on mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants in China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2012, 46(11): 6385–6392.
40. Zhang L, Wang S X, Wu Q R, Meng Y, Yang H, Wang F Y, Hao J M. Were mercury emission factors for Chinese non-ferrous metal smelters overestimated? Evidence from onsite measurements in six smelters. Environ. Pollut., 2012, 171: 109–117.
41. Wu Q R, Wang S X, Zhang L, Song J X, Yang H, Meng Y. Update of mercury emissions from China’s primary zinc, lead and copper smelters, 2000–2010. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2012, 12(22): 11153–11163.
42. Wang S X, Zhang L, Zhao B, Meng Y, Hao J M. Mitigation potential of mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants in China. Energ. Fuel., 2012, 26(8): 4635–4642.
43. Wang S X, Zhang L, Li G H, Wu Y, Hao J M, Pirrone N, Sprovieri F, Ancora M P. Mercury emission and speciation of coal-fired power plants in China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2010, 10(3): 1183–1192.
44. Wang S X, Zhang L, Wu Y, Ancora M P, Zhao Y, Hao J M. Synergistic mercury removal by conventional pollutant control strategies for coal-fired power plants in China. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 2010, 60(6): 722–730.
◢ Academic Monograph
Wang S X, Zhang L, Wu Q R, Wang F Y. Emission Characteristics and Environmental Impacts of Atmospheric Mercury in China and Control Approaches. Science Press, Beijing, 2016.
◢ Awards
Doctor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Jiangsu Province
The 1st Prize in Teaching Competition of Nanjing University
Outstanding Supervisor of Professional Master’s Thesis of Nanjing University
“My Favorite Teacher” in School of the Environment, Nanjing University
Outstanding Graduate Ph.D. Student of Beijing
Outstanding Graduate Student of Beijing
Outstanding Postdoctor of Tsinghua University
The 1st Prize of Excellent Ph.D. Thesis of Tsinghua University
Outstanding Graduate Student of Tsinghua University
◢ Opportunities
Master students in environmental science and engineering or relative majors
Postdoctoral research associates